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  1. S

    No Official Date

    don't be so generic, this isn't the movies. if you grab her hand and she pulls it back, say something like "GOOD I DIDNT WANT TO HOLD YOUR HAND ANYWAY!" in a joking manner. Like I said, don't over analyze.
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    No Official Date

    Holding, holding hands, kissing, etc etc. I'd avoid basic conversations that you'd have with your grandmother, and don't quiz her. It's kind of counter productive for me to give you a "cookie cutter" conversation to have, so just try to have a fun conversation that you feel would spark interest...
  3. S

    No Official Date

    It usually takes a few "Actionless" dates before she considers you a friend, most women throw you into that category only after you've failed the "something more" test. I'd guess that right now she sees you as something more if she asked if you wanted to invite other people or spend time just...
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    No Official Date

    It'd be safe to say that once you two are fvcking regularly (assuming she's not fvcking other guys during this time) and spending a good amount of time together, you're dating. It's more of an implied thing that happens naturally rather than "would you like to date?" edit: Don't confuse this...
  5. S

    Heard this statistic today

    I'd like to see this statistic rise, just opens(the legs?) more options for those of us who understand how women are wired.
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    DJ Sadao

    Ok so I just responded with something like "i understand how you're feeling and you shouldn't be afraid to get all emo with me like so. Anyway, i'm excited to see you when you get back, i'm sure you're tearing up Europe like the hurricane you are, whooo!" This lets her know that she can stop...
  7. S

    Women Comparing You to Someone They Know...Good or Bad?

    depends bro, what about you reminded them of this person. I had a case where a girl said to her friend in front of me that my sense of humor and sarcasm reminded them of their male friend, I fvcked her later that night.
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    The Good And The Bad Since Coming To Sosuave

    The pro's outweigh the con's by far, but my major cons are not being able to open up to that special someone and really express my emotions, and the feeling of always being "on" and not being able to just relax for the most part.
  9. S

    Look Busy?

    gym, beach, sports, martial arts, any sort of class. All of those are within your grasp, i'm sure you can find something better than watching daytime tv.
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    DJ Sadao

    Yea, haven't really decided how I'll respond to all of that, but I'll wait a couple days to respond anyway.
  11. S

    Look Busy?

    never say that, i can't even remember the last time i said "nothing, sitting at home"
  12. S

    Look Busy?

    i prefer the dodgy responses such as "oh you know, this and that, wherever the tide takes me."
  13. S

    DJ Sadao

    Need some quick input on this little excerpt. So as you know, hb9model has been in Europe for 2 weeks and doesn't come back for another 2. But she's been sending me messages over facebook since her phone doesn't work from there and this is about 1/4 of the entire message, but this is the only...
  14. S

    Girl at work with a boyfriend.

    I'd be pretty pissed off if I had a girlfriend that was being hit on by some sleeze at her job. BUT, if she is coming to YOU, then have at it because chances are she was going to cheat on her boyfriend with someone else.
  15. S

    DJ Sadao

    Hand is healing and will be ready to hit the gym in a week or so. Also planning another trip to Tijuana in a couple weeks so that should be fun. In other news, yet another hottie at work that is giving IOI's. Told my buddy that she was going to her boyfriends after work but later in the night...
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    DJ Sadao

    Yea I know, I try not to think about that. But you can be damn sure that I won't be sitting around on my ass until she gets back.
  17. S

    DJ Sadao

    Just got to practice man, I certainly did in the beginning.
  18. S

    DJ Sadao

    I'm not replacing her, merely waiting until she gets back. And hb8highschool has very high IL, I can tell right off the bat.
  19. S

    DJ Sadao

    So my buddy and I got jobs at this Italian food place, him cooking and me delivering. Anyhow, there are a few good looking girls that work there and everyone seems to be college age and living around me. Already got two # closes on a couple girls that work there, hb8blonde(20yr at least) and...
  20. S

    DJ Sadao

    Going to keep this short because it sucks just to talk about it. So I moved in to my new place in Isla Vista (party central at UCSB) and it's pretty sweet, students EVERYWHERE. Although tonight is only my third night sleeping here and i've lived here for a week or so now. Wednesday - Me, my...