in my opinion, trying to talk to other girls right now is the equilvlant to putting a bandaid on a busted blood vessel. it might stop some of the bleeding, but it won't address he problem at hand.
you just spent 2.5 years of your life with this woman and instead and all you can think about is your need to have female companionship. you don't make it better by going out and finding female companionship, you find out why you fend for female companionship so much to the point where you are emotionally valite in the first place.
she's 20. I am wiling to bet she did **** the other guy, but that's neither here nor there.. that's what 20 year olds do (boys and girls). you have your whole life ahead of you. figure out what is it going to be spent for.
I like when rollo says to spin more plates but I don't recommend spinning plates into you fix yourself first.
About 2 years ago now, i ended my last REAL relationship. We were quazi engaged.. I asked her but later regreated it. I was 22.
when I ended the relationship, we still talked, we still talk every once in a while. she's cool to talk to. but I know I made the right decision. nothing is there. we are not computable whatsoever. she's just hot.
But when I broke up with her, did I miss her?...a little, but I didn't have much time to miss her because of my other hobbies and passions that I have in life. that don't include women.