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    The secret to being popular

    Is Your Post Implying The Only Way To Build Up Social Status Is Wimp Out On Your Own Morals And Drink Just To Look Cool? Going To Parties Is A Great Social Builder Because Theres Always Talk About Who Was There And What Happened The Next Day. But If Your Point Is To Go And Get Wasted When...
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    Hiar Loss

    Ya ive spoken with hair specialist. Some Say Its Genetic. Some Say Its Stress. And Some Say It Was My Diet. Will this have an effect on my game.... Overall i am in good shape and good looking, just my hair...
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    Hiar Loss

    At The Age Of 9 I Began To Lose My Hair. At The Age Of 12 I Had Very Little Hair On The Top Of My Scalp. The Rest Was Very Thin. Fastforward A Couple Of Years And Using Different Products I Was Able To Grow Some Hair Back. I Have Hair Buts Its Mostly Thin So I Still Look Kinda Bald...
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    What is this bs !!!

    Hahahaha Ok So She Writes Like A Junior High Chick... But How Should Sucha Girl Be Dealt With. How Should This Type Of Girl Be Attracted To A Guy...
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    What is this bs !!!

    There Is This Girl A HB8 That I Want To Get Game With. I Think She Sends A Lot Of Mixed Signals. We Flirt A Lot And Use Kino. I Was Talking 2 Her 1day And This Is What She Wrote "i dont care about guys.. liek right now for me i dont care im jus concerned bout skwl n shet. u knoe? and...
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    Need Your Input...

    Her Friend Also Told Me That She Thinks Im Not Interested In Her No More. But How Should I "bring the mood back". Thank You
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    Need Your Input...

    Her Normal Behavior Before Our Arguement Was: Outgoing Very Caring Fun Hated Drama Wasnt So Much Into Online Chatting Hated When I Tried To Get Her Jealous. But Now Its Like Shes Trying To Get Me Jealous. When Ever We Talk She Always Says Hold On Some One Texted Me. Puts Me On Hold.
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    Same problem, another guy - suggestions???

    Docs Mentions A Good Point. Just Disappear. Ignore Her A Bit. Start To Play With Her Emotions. Dont Call Her At All. If She Calls You, Talk For A Couple Minutes And Then Say You Have To Go Somewhere And Have To Go.
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    Need Your Input...

    My Girlfriend And I Got Into An Arguement. We Didnt Talk for 2 weeks. Appology Time Came, And We Forgave And Forgot. But... She doesnt seem to be the kinda girl she used to be (always put me ahead over everyone else, called me just to say how much she missed me, and so on). She...
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    this biyatch trying or did punk me

    Yes. Think meaningless of her existance. Move on to the next girl Eventually u 2 will bumb heads again and by then shell realize what she missed out on.
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    LTR GF threw a shot at me

    Bourne & Distant Light u guys made very good points. when u established ur LTR using C&F is good but only once in a while. Itll stay freash that way and ull have a better outcome. The push and pull method on the other hand is GOLD. ...still dont over due this either. Have ur life...
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    Its been 4 weeks now, can I suddenly become a challenge?

    Youve already had sex with her. i dont get why u want to be a challenge? ...u want more sex?
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    The Apologi ! ! !

    shes not mad about that. shes mad that i didnt appreciate all the things she did for me on my birthday. she feels like i dont care about her
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    Cut or Bulky...

    Cut or Bulky which one do u guys prefer? through experience with women which one is more attractive to them. I prefer being cut and outlined with manly shoulders.
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    The Apologi ! ! !

    I havent apologized yet. ya true bro, fvck the dramatic movie line apologi. I dont know if it is only me, but whenever a girl gets upset i always feel like expressing my feelings would be the best way. I know that by far is the worst thing, and most AFC thing a guy could do. So...
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    The Apologi ! ! !

    How would you apologize to someone?
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    Starving yourself...

    lol run 4 times a week with 3 day break intervolts
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    Starving yourself...

    I once during my early teen hood took a no carb, one meal a day diet. I lost 70 pounds in 3 months. I also lost most of my vision My hair My natural looking skin And sexual potential I also had a mal nutrition. If you wanna lose weight rapidly eat healthy organic foods. No...
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    The Apologi ! ! !

    Long story short, the girl that ive been working my game on and waiting for the right time in the near future to establish an LTR with and i had gotten in a fight on my birthday. Since Monday(april 10, birthday) we havent talked. Her best friend told me what was wrong. She said that i was...
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    WOW FVCK....Check It Out...MOOD SWINGS

    Lol Bro if it was that easy i wouldve been screwing other girls Think of the movie Just Friends... This girl is the girl i wanted from high school. But back then i was over weight and a total AFC so i effed things up dramaticly. One day being a total AFC i thought if i spill my heart...