Same problem, another guy - suggestions???


New Member
Apr 29, 2006
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There is this one girl that works at the same place where I do. We know eachother for 2 years. 2 months ago she broke up with her boyfriend. She was devasted when she found out that he was cheating on her with her best friend.

So I became her new "best friend"; we got really close and at a certain moment I guess that she really was into me. Anyway in the meantime there was a party where we both went. At that party we hooked up. The problem arised after the party, when we met at work. She pretended that nothing had happened. I was devastated because I really fallen into her. Anyway I didn't want to give up on her so i've insisted; i started to follow her everywhere being like a little puppy, to listen to all her problems, calling her, trying to fullfill all her wishes. Obviously she noticed that I became a puppet in her hands and she started to lose interest in me. Still she continued giving me confused signals, that's why I suggested her to be together but she gave me an evasive answer.

I'm not the kind of man that chases a woman or who gets involved very often. After 2 weeks of suffering I decided that she's not worthy of me so I gave up on her although I still had feeling for her. The problem was that I worked with her so "the breakup" was more dificult.

Now here comes the real problem. I went out of town for 2 weeks and all this time I didn't call or see her. I realised that i've lost my shot with her in the moment that I turned into a "woman" by becaming her best friend.

Anyway now that I'm back she flirts with me again, all her friends are making comments when we talk or when we are side to side, she blushes and ****s like that. I'm really confused because I'm getting the same confused signals.

Now my instinct tells me that I have another chance with her. I still want her but the difference this time is that I wanna do things the right way. I don't wanna became a loser again. This time I wanna get the girl. She is always protected by her female friends and every time that I want to talk with her some of her friends comes to rescue her.

How should I approach her?

I'm open to any suggestions.
Last edited:


Jul 27, 2005
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Kingston, Can-a-duh
So I became her new "best friend"
I was devastated because I really fallen into her.
I suggested her to be together but she gave me an evasive answer.

I don't wanna became a loser again.
You answer your own question so well :D, have a cookie. Don't repeat past mistakes.

every time that I want to talk with her some of her friends comes to rescue her.
Because she's just trying to keep you around. She doesn't have true feelings. It'd be best to back right off, 'disappear' if you can. She's just playing hot/cold, and when you aren't around, she's telling her friends about how much she doesn't like you, yet you'd make a good friend.


Don Juan
Apr 3, 2006
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Docs Mentions A Good Point.

Just Disappear.

Ignore Her A Bit.

Start To Play With Her Emotions.

Dont Call Her At All.

If She Calls You, Talk For A Couple Minutes And Then Say You Have To Go Somewhere And Have To Go.


New Member
Apr 29, 2006
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Ok I got the ideea with disappearing but what should I do when I meet her at work? How should I act in her presence?


Master Don Juan
Apr 13, 2003
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Play it cool grasshopper. Your posts ooze anxiety about this - we understand. Just try and chill out when you see her. Say hello and smile and pretty much be aloof' around her. She'll come to you.

You know the best analogy I can think of is treat her like a cat - if you have ever had them as pets they respond to people that pretty much leave them alone - let them come you.