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  1. M

    being a jerk DOES NOT always worked

    That depends, of course, on what you define as being "sweet." Even so-called "jerks" can be sweet - they might "say" one thing to make themself "sound" like a jerk, but still commit actions that make a girl feel "sweeted" upon, LoL! Like, he could be saying stuff that's ****y and funny, but be...
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    I Did Everything Right, But Didn't Get a 2nd Date

    ...LoL!! Let's backtrack, shall we? You told a girl to meet you in an alley (where she could possibly be mugged by a stranger), give her a vague time (so she has to fend for herself for an hour outside ALONE in the cold), scare the crap out of her and made her cry (she was probably fearing that...
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    The NON-JUAN Post: Creating an Online Profile, Non-Juan Style (PART 1)

    Part 2 - "Profiles" - is up now! -Mr. Non-Juan
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    The NON-JUAN Post: Creating an Online Profile, Non-Juan Style (PART 2)

    The NON-JUAN Newsletter: Teaching Men How to Become Bad With Women, One Week at a Time ---------------------------------------------------------------- Check out my websites: - Read the first chapter of my book, learn more about Mr. Non-Juan, read Newsletter...
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    I now have competition--(This one's long, gotta read)

    Aw, isn't that sweet? She can't go out with you on Saturday because she has to do something involving her ex-boyfriend, and THEN you couldn't get any action because her CRUSH came over to see her! This relationship has SO MUCH POTENTIAL!! Well, if you want to keep going down the road...
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    NON-JUAN Mailbag Thursdays: Answers to Your Questions, Non-Juan Style!!

    The NON-JUAN Mailbag: Answers to Your Questions, Non-Juan Style! ----------------------------------------- It's NON-JUAN MAILBAG THURSDAY!! Since I opened up my website, I've had people writing me with dating questions of all kinds! So, every Thursday I open up my Non-Juan mailbag and...
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    The NON-JUAN Post: Creating an Online Profile, Non-Juan Style (PART 1)

    Greetings again, Double! Allow me to quote you: ...:crackup: HA HA HA HA!! Wow, you crack me up again! First of all, an eBook IS a real book, otherwise it wouldn't have the word "book" in it. It's got pages like a "real" book, chapters like a "real" book, and information like a...
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    The NON-JUAN Post: Creating an Online Profile, Non-Juan Style (PART 1)

    Greetings, Double! How much does my e-Book cost? Let me ask YOU a question: are you ready to take out a second mortgage? :crackup: HA HA! Just kidding! Ever heard of Doc Love? His dating dictionary cost $99 - that, to me, is ridiculous!! I want guys to get my information AND be able...
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    The NON-JUAN Post: Creating an Online Profile, Non-Juan Style (PART 1)

    Greetings! Thanks for the comments so far, guys! I'd like to answer superman2k6's question: The first thing I'd recommend to the aspiring DJ, obviously, is that he read my book, "From PIMP to WIMP: The Non-Juan's Guide... to Losing the Girl of Your Dreams". The book is essentiallly a...
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    The NON-JUAN Post: Creating an Online Profile, Non-Juan Style (PART 1)

    You think HIS letter sounded pathetic - that was the EDITED version; it was actually much longer, but I had to condense it down so the 10,000-word limit would be met on this post! -Mr. Non-Juan
  11. M

    The NON-JUAN Post: Creating an Online Profile, Non-Juan Style (PART 1)

    The NON-JUAN Post: Teaching Men to Become Good With Women... by Showing How to LOSE Them! Today's Topic: CREATING AN ONLINE PROFILE, NON-JUAN STYLE (Part 1) One thing I noticed in trying to bring other people to my Myspace site is, when it comes to dating... there are LOTS of guys who...
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    The NON-JUAN Mailbag: Answering Relationship Questions, Non-Juan Style! ---------------- Greetings, people!! My name is Mr. Non-Juan! You may not believe this, but from time to time people send me messages asking me relationship questions. SO, from time to time I like to answer these...
  13. M

    Mr. NON-JUAN Post: Begging - WHAT IT CAN DO FOR YOU!!

    You could be right, Mr. Unique - Shiz Nizzle and I may have met in a previous life, or we could be from the future, and got disconnected from each other when we travelled back in time to what you call the "present." Either way, my memory is shady, so my current knowledge of him is unknown...
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    The NON-JUAN Post: Porn is Your BEST Friend!!

    Good stuff, 539 - but remember: even a small stash can be misued right if you sit there and rewind it over and over and over and over and... -Mr. Non-Juan
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    Mr. NON-JUAN Post: How to Appear Like a Non-Sexual Being

    Thank you, Mr. Unique!... I think... :confused: -Mr. Non-Juan
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    Mr. NON-JUAN - Teaching Men to Become Better With Women… by Showing How to LOSE Them! ------------------- Greetings, readers! My name is Mr. Non-Juan! Thank you for reading this post! I only have one goal: helping you become better with women... by showing you how to LOSE them!! If...
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    Mr. NON-JUAN Post: Begging - WHAT IT CAN DO FOR YOU!!

    For Shizzle, Shiz Nizzle! Or we can do like Captin Planet's team and unite our rings together!!
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    The NON-JUAN Post: Porn is Your BEST Friend!!

    Mr. NON-JUAN - Teaching Men to Be Better With Women... By Showing How to LOSE Them --- Greetings, readers! My name is Mr. Non-Juan! Thank you for reading this post! I only have one goal: helping you become better with women... by showing you how to LOSE them!! If you are someone who...
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    Mr. NON-JUAN Post: How to Appear Like a Non-Sexual Being

    The NON-JUAN Post: Porn is Your BEST Friend Bump!!
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    Mr. NON-JUAN Post: Begging - WHAT IT CAN DO FOR YOU!!

    Greetings! It appears as though there are haters afoot! Allow me to address the federation! Mr. Unique: Thank you again for your earlier welcome! However, I can assure you, I am no troll! Trolls live under bridges!! I stay at home on my computer all day - therefore, I am actually a...