Mr. NON-JUAN Post: How to Appear Like a Non-Sexual Being

Mr. Non-Juan

Don Juan
Dec 21, 2005
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Mr. NON-JUAN : Teaching Men How to Become Bad with Women, One Guy at a Time


Greetings, readers! My name is Mr. Non-Juan! Thank you for reading this post! :D

I only have one goal: helping you become better with women... by showing you how to LOSE them!!

If you are someone who is great with women yet doesn't know how to get that one girl off your back, I'm the guy to help you out! If you're a guy who just can't figure out why what you are doing isn't helping you get the girl you want, I'm the guy who can better explain it to you, then encourage you to continue doing it!

And, if you're a guy who wants to learn how to be a mack with the ladies... well, you might want to go to one of those other love doctors out there, ‘cause THAT AIN'T ME, pal!!

Oh yeah – check out the first chapter of my e-book by going here:!!


Today’s topic:

When women think about the kind of guys they want, what qualities do you think they look for?

Obviously, there are various physical qualities some women look for - big muscles, nice looking chest, fairly decent shape, etc. - but for women, the physical qualities aren't nearly as important as how a man makes a woman FEEL.

In short, women go after guys who they think will be able to make them feel ALIVE when in bed.

And in order for a woman to think this way about a man, they must assume, based on the behavior they see him displaying, that the man is, in fact, a sexual being to some degree.

Now, this is all well and good to know for the guy that wants to get with a woman... but what about aspiring Non-Juans??

As a Non-Juan-in-training, it is important to remember one simple rule of thumb...

Non-Juans are NON-SEXUAL BEINGS!! :down: (After all, if you're doing everything right that you can to see to it that girls are staying away from you, the LAST thing you should EVER be getting is SEX.)

The hardest part about being a Non-Juan is that despite everything you do, occasionally there will be some girl out there who, unbeknownst to you, has developed a crush on you. And THIS IS NOT A GOOD THING. If she has developed any sort of feelings for you at all, it means that in some teeny-tiny corner of her mind....



So, what can you do to make sure that no girls EVER look at you in a lusting-type way? Here are some handy things to keep in mind with you when you're out and about town:

(1) Never ever, ever, EVER talk about sex. Ever.

Not even in the smallest of ways.

If a girl asks you if her backside looks big in her pair of jeans, DO-NOT-ANSWER-THE-QUESTION!!

What's going to happen if you answer that question? She's going to think: "wow, I got him thinking about my @$$ - I wonder if he's thinking about other parts of my body?" This is only going to make her more turned on about the idea of her and you together.


(2) ALWAYS talk to girls about topics as FAR AWAY FROM SEX as possible.

Talk about things that will make you look like either (a) a nerd, or (b) an unexciting doofball.

If you're going the nerd route, talk about things nerds usually talk about - Star Wars, Lord of The Rings, or any of the 3000 nerdy-type board games nerds usually play.

If you want to appear unexciting, talk about trips to the doctor's office, or tending to your ant farm - ANYTHING that will help a girl think to herself: "wow - this loser doesn't do ANY activities that would get MY juices flowing!!"

(3) Do NOT work out at a gym. Ever. :box:

Even if you are doing (1) and (2), a girl may think you're hiding your sexual self if she sees your muscles. I don't know if you've noticed, but muscles tend to excite women, and as a Non-Juan you do NOT want that to happen!!

Try to increase your carb intake so you become a fat slob. If you have a high metabolism and are skinny, don't try to lift any type of dumbbells or do any push-ups - they only help to make you tone and defined. Instead, stick to the ribs-popping-out-of-my-chest look that helps to draw a girl's focus away from YOU, and onto the NEXT man that walks by!

Follow these rules, and TRUST me: the next time a girl walks by you or talks to you, you will go from being that guy she thought could "rock her world" to the guy that's not even on her list of stand-bys!!

That's all for now!! Don't forget - !!

-Mr. Non-Juan

Mr. Unique

Master Don Juan
Dec 16, 2005
Reaction score
okay welcome, I really dont know if you are seriouse or not, the step you are giving especially step 3 can really sabotage your chances with other women as well and as much as guys post about not knowing how to next a girl its really not hard and you dont need to be teached this.

Mr. Non-Juan

Don Juan
Dec 21, 2005
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Greetings, Mr. Unique!

Thank you for the welcome! It's nice to be greeted as the new guy on the board!

In response to your comment: thank you SO much for validating what I said in my newsletter! Showing guys how to sabatoge their chances with women is what I do best! The way I see it, the better they understand how to be BAD with women, the better chance they have... of NOT doing that stuff!!

And yes, nexting a girl IS easy - or is it?

Think back to a girl you really, REALLY had the hots for, and may have even dated. One day, she comes to you and says "I don't want to see you anymore." In other words - you just got NEXTED!

Was it easy for her? Probably not! Why? Because, if you really cared about her, chances are you probably tried to pester her more and more about why you two should get back together, questioning her as to what you did wrong, calling her to try and reason with her, etc.

So you see, the "nexting a girl" part is easy; the hard part comes when she still has feelings for you. My job is to show you how you can make a girl LOSE her feelings for you by doing certain things (examples of which are, ironically, listed in the previous paragraph!)

Thanks again for the message, and if you ever have any questions, feel free to email me. I don't know if we're allowed to post email addresses on this board, so send me a private message here to get my email address.


And for the rest of you guys who read this: if you have any questions, comments, need dating advice or want to subscribe to my weekly newsletter - "The NON-JUAN Newsletter - Teaching Men How to Be Bad With Women, One Week at a Time" - send me a message!!

Also - check out my BOOK, "From PIMP to WIMP: The Non-Juan's Guide... to Losing the Girl of Your Dreams!" You can read the first chapter by clicking on the XANGA link below, and get a copy of it by going to ebay and typing "NON-JUAN" into the search engine!

-Mr. Non-Juan

Don 'Ron

Don Juan
Sep 26, 2005
Reaction score
Dude, you are hilarious! Keep up the good work! I signed up for your newsletter too, your website is great!

Mr. Non-Juan

Don Juan
Dec 21, 2005
Reaction score
The NON-JUAN Post: Porn is Your BEST Friend


The Juan and only

Master Don Juan
Dec 4, 2005
Reaction score
United Kingdom
:crackup: I like it. I'll be able to repel women in no time at all - even the fat ugly ones! :woo:

Seriously though, good post. Its a refreshing new angle on things and I'm sure It'll help guys to see what they're doing wrong.

Mr. Unique

Master Don Juan
Dec 16, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by The Juan and only

Seriously though, good post. Its a refreshing new angle on things and I'm sure It'll help guys to see what they're doing wrong.
I agree at first I thought you were one of those ****ed up faggot trolls like purple pimp who dont have anything else better to do than to mess around a message board, But now that I see it you really mean well. I hope you stay. :up:

Mr. Non-Juan

Don Juan
Dec 21, 2005
Reaction score
Thank you, Mr. Unique!... I think... :confused:

-Mr. Non-Juan