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  1. M

    The NON-JUAN Post - The 10 Non-Juan Commandments: A MUST-READ!

    The NON-JUAN Newsletter: Teaching Men to Be Good With Women... by Showing How to LOSE Them! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Greetings, readers! My name is Mr. Non-Juan! Thank you for reading this post! Check out my websites...
  2. M

    WANTED: A Non-Juan Moment in Your Life (Not AFC - There's a Difference!)

    GREETINGS, Non-Juan fans!! As you all know, I have a book out - "From PIMP to WIMP: The Non-Juan's Guide to LOSING The Girl of Your Dreams" - where I point out the various ways a guy can make a girl who once showed interest lose attraction FAST! The book contains several personal stories...
  3. M

    WANTED: A NON-JUAN Moment in Your Life (not AFC - There's a Difference!)

    GREETINGS, Non-Juan fans!! As you all know, I have a book out - "From PIMP to WIMP: The Non-Juan's Guide to LOSING The Girl of Your Dreams" - where I point out the various ways a guy can make a girl who once showed interest lose attraction FAST! The book contains several personal stories...
  4. M

    And Now, a NON-JUAN True Story...

    Greetings, Non-Juan Fans! I hope you all have been enjoying my Non-Juan posts! I'd like to send a special THANK YOU to those of you who've purchased my book! I promise you, the money you've spent on the book is nothing compared to the money you'll be SAVING if you were still going out on...
  5. M

    And Now, A NON-JUAN True Story...

    Greetings, Non-Juan Fans! I hope you all have been enjoying my Non-Juan posts! I'd like to send a special THANK YOU to those of you who've purchased my book! I promise you, the money you've spent on the book is nothing compared to the money you'll be SAVING if you were still going out on...
  6. M

    NON-JUAN Mailbag Thursday (02-02-03): Answers to Your Questions, Non-Juan Style!

    NON-JUAN Mailbag Thursday (02-02-2006): Answers to Your Questions, Non-Juan Style! The NON-JUAN Mailbag: Answers to Your Relationship Questions, Non-Juan Style! ----------------------------------------- Greetings, Non-Juan fans! Since I opened up my website, I have had people writing...
  7. M

    The NON-JUAN Posts: All The Links to Mr. Non-Juan's January 2006 Posts!

    Greetings, Non-Juan fans! Wow, January has come and gone - what a month! I typed a lot of posts during this month, and I know many of you have been searching through the archives trying to find my earlier ones! So, as a service to you, I'm posting this... well, post... with the urls of...
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    The NON-JUAN Post: Annoying the $#!+ Out of Her

    The NON-JUAN Post: Teaching Men to Be Good With Women... by Showing How to LOSE Them! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Greetings, readers! My name is Mr. Non-Juan! Thank you for reading this post! Check out my websites...
  9. M

    NON-JUAN Mailbag (01-26-2006) + VALENTINE'S DAY SPECIAL 50% Off "Non-Juan's Guide!"

    The NON-JUAN Mailbag: Answers to Your Relationship Questions, Non-Juan Style! ----------------------------------------- Greetings, Non-Juan fans! Thank you for reading this week's "Non-Juan Mailbag!" ATTENTION!! ATTENTION!! ATTENTION!! "Mr. Non-Juan's VALENTINE'S DAY SPECIAL" is going...
  10. M

    The NON-JUAN Post: Dealing With Her Rude Behavior

    Ah yes, I forgot to add that in: EXAMPLE 4: You're out with a girl, and she starts flirting with another guy - and when I say "flirting," I mean she's touching on him like she was doing a search for gold somewhere on his body! WHAT YOU SHOULD DO: Let her flirt with the guy, duh! If she's...
  11. M

    The NON-JUAN Post: Dealing With Her Rude Behavior

    The NON-JUAN Post: Teaching Men to Be Better With Women... by Showing How to LOSE Them! ------------------------------------------- Greetings, readers! My name is Mr. Non-Juan! Thank you for reading this post! ATTENTION!! ATTENTION!! ATTENTION!! "Mr. Non-Juan's VALENTINE'S DAY...
  12. M

    Mr. NON-JUAN's Valentine's Day Special - Read the First 3 CHAPTERS of my Book HERE!

    Greetings, Non-Juan readers! GOOD NEWS!! I am having a book sale this week called the "Mr. Non-Juan Valentine's Day Special!!" "Hey, wait a minute! It's not anywhere near Valentine's Day yet - it's not even February!!" Well, duh! There's only 3 weeks left 'til Valentine's day, and if...
  13. M

    NON-JUAN Mailbag Thursdays + SPECIAL eBook OFFER!!

    The NON-JUAN Mailbag: Answers to Your Relationship Questions, Non-Juan Style! ----------------------------------------- Greetings, Non-Juan fans! Welcome to Non-Juan Mailbag Thursdays, where I open up some of the emails I received thoughout the week and comment on/answer them in Non-Juan...
  14. M

    GF doesn't want to have sex anymore ?

    It amazes me how many guys just don't get the hint that a girl doesn't want them anymore. You "allegedly" say ONE stupid thing, and automatically assume that's the reason she doesn't want sex. It's not - it's the "out" she was looking for to make an excuse for not giving you sex anymore. I...
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    The NON-JUAN Response to aix237's Post: What Do You Do When A Girl Doesn't Know...

    Wow - I see that I have once again caused a stir on the boards here! I can see that aix237 is both angry at me and confused. So, allow me to respond to the finer parts of your response to my response to your original post: In other words, you spent a year and a half living with a girl...
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    The NON-JUAN Response to axi237's Post: "What to do if She Don't Know What She Wants"

    Greetings! It's me, Mr. Non-Juan! I like to respond to people's post, but I like my comments to be analyzed and read by the masses instead of passed over like Easter weekend (Get it? Pass-ed over? ha hah !!) SO, I'm writing this post inresponse to a post set up by aix237 called "What do you...
  17. M

    The NON-JUAN Response to aix237's Post: What Do You Do When A Girl Doesn't Know...

    Greetings! It's me, Mr. Non-Juan! I like to respond to people's post, but I like my comments to be analyzed and read by the masses instead of passed over like Easter weekend (Get it? Pass-ed over? ha hah !!) SO, I'm writing this post inresponse to a post set up by aix237 called "What do you...
  18. M

    The NON-JUAN Post: What To DO When She Talks About Her Ex-Boyfriend

    The NON-JUAN Post: Teaching Men To Be Better With Women... By Showing How To LOSE Them! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Greetings, readers! My name is Mr. Non-Juan! Thank you for reading this post! Check out my other sites...
  19. M

    I'm losing it.

    Ah, the path to Non-Juanism begins for another distressed soul... What you need is a realization of why your current activities will lead her to dumping you! Here's what I recommend: go over to my website - BY CLICKING HERE - and read the "The Nice Guy - A Perfect Image for a Non-Juan?"...