GF doesn't want to have sex anymore ?


Don Juan
Aug 9, 2005
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We've been together for a long time. But after me saying something stupid she lost her desire for sex. She said that I just need to be patient and it will come back.

I think that I need to prove her that I love her and I'm not with her only because of sex.

How do you guys prove that you love your LTR GF? Sing to her? take her to dinner?

Don't get me wrong, i wasnt afc with her at all, but she now NEEDS to be sure of my feelings....



Master Don Juan
Jan 3, 2006
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What did you say to your girlfriend. It seems like thats pretty key to whats happened here. Dont be embarrased. It will help when giving you advice on how to get out of the situation.


Don Juan
Aug 9, 2005
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well it's not that important really. It was something very stupid and after that I told her it was the most senseless thing that ever came out of my mouth. She says that she really loves me more than anyone, but i just need to be a little patient and she'll be back to her old self soon.

That also happend in her previous relationships.

I see it as some kind of test. She wants to be sure that I'm into her as much as she's into me. I won't force sex for a while, will not touch her too much etc, but I guess that she needs some ROMANCE, and proof that I love her.

How can i give her romance?


Senior Don Juan
Dec 16, 2005
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I'm actually intrigued now. I'm curious to find out what you said to her!

Everyone sees romance differently. Have you thought about spending a weekend away with her? Maybe a camping trip, etc...

This will let you both spend time with each other and the sex will naturally come. If she feels close to you, she will naturally want to show it like how every other human does.


Don Juan
Aug 9, 2005
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well we actually spend a lot of time lately. She was sexual beast until this... now we don't even tongue kiss.

And we also spend a lot of time together, but she just doesn't have desire for sex. And she claims this "period" will end, and I should wait.

I guess I shouldnt just wait, but also to help her overcome this.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 12, 2005
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Originally posted by hck332
well we actually spend a lot of time lately. She was sexual beast until this... now we don't even tongue kiss.

And we also spend a lot of time together, but she just doesn't have desire for sex. And she claims this "period" will end, and I should wait.

I guess I shouldnt just wait, but also to help her overcome this.
Same thing happened to me once, i thought it was just some power game.

Turned out she was sleeping around, wish you the best of luck.


Master Don Juan
Jan 3, 2006
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Originally posted by Chillisauce
Same thing happened to me once, i thought it was just some power game.

Turned out she was sleeping around, wish you the best of luck.
LOL. Nice way to fill someone with confidence.

You could play that card thow.

( . )( . )

Dec 31, 2002
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Cobra Kai dojo
Originally posted by Fash

Everyone sees romance differently. Have you thought about spending a weekend away with her? Maybe a camping trip, etc...

This will let you both spend time with each other and the sex will naturally come. If she feels close to you, she will naturally want to show it like how every other human does.
Look at me I'm pissing down this guys back and telling him its rain. :rolleyes: Which episode of Dr Phil was that garbage dragged from?

If everyones done sucking this chumps d!ck I might say a few words.

Lesson 1. If your not fvcking her some other guy is, no ifs and or buts. End of story.

Lesson 2. I'm presuming your a man or at least something close to it yes? Which means no chick EVER dictates to you when and where she will have sex with you. "Patience" is ******** for "hoops" understand? you dont jump through anyones hoops .

Lesson 3. Sex is a part of any normal relationship, when a mans needs are not being met he walks. What he doesnt do is look for ways to reward her.
How do you guys prove that you love your LTR GF? Sing to her? take her to dinner?


Master Don Juan
Jan 3, 2006
Reaction score
Originally posted by ( . )( . )
Look at me I'm pissing down this guys back and telling him its rain. :rolleyes: Which episode of Dr Phil was that garbage dragged from?

If everyones done sucking this chumps d!ck I might say a few words.

Lesson 1. If your not fvcking her some other guy is, no ifs and or buts. End of story.

Lesson 2. I'm presuming your a man or at least something close to it yes? Which means no chick EVER dictates to you when and where she will have sex with you. "Patience" is ******** for "hoops" understand? you dont jump through anyones hoops .

Lesson 3. Sex is a part of any normal relationship, when a mans needs are not being met he walks. What he doesnt do is look for ways to reward her.

Good Point

Mr. Non-Juan

Don Juan
Dec 21, 2005
Reaction score
It amazes me how many guys just don't get the hint that a girl doesn't want them anymore. You "allegedly" say ONE stupid thing, and automatically assume that's the reason she doesn't want sex. It's not - it's the "out" she was looking for to make an excuse for not giving you sex anymore.

I think the following song is appropriate for this situation: Weird Al's song, "You Don't Love Me Anymore" off his "Off the Deep End" LP. And it goes a lil' somethin' like this:


We've been together for so very long
But now things are changing, oh I wonder what's wrong?
Seems you don't want me around
The passion is gone and the flame's died down

I guess I lost a little bit of self-esteem
That time that you made it with the whole hockey team
You used to think I was nice
Now you tell all your friends that I'm the Antichrist

Oh, why did you disconnect the breaks in my car?
That kind of thing is hard to ignore
Got a funny feeling you don't love me anymore

I knew that we were having problems when
You put those piranhas in my bathtub again
You're still the light of my life
Oh darling, I'm beggin', won't you put down that knife?

You know, I even think it's kinda cute the way
You poison my coffee just a little each day
I still remember the way that you laughed
When you pushed me down that elevator shaft

Oh, if you don't mind me asking, what's this poisonous cobra
Doing in my underwear drawer?
Sometime I get to thinking you don't love me any more

You slammed my face down on the barbecue grill
Now my scars are all healing, but my heart never will
You set my house on fire
You pulled out my chest hairs with an old pair of pliers

Oh, you think that I'm ugly and you say that I'm cheap
You shaved off my eyebrows while I was asleep
You drilled a hole in my head
Then you dumped me in a drainage ditch and left me for dead

Oh, you know this really isn't like you at all
You never acted this way before
Honey, something tells me you don't love me any more, oh no no
Got a funny feeling you don't love me anymore

:crackup: Are you getting that feeling too?

-Mr. Non-Juan


Don Juan
Jan 5, 2006
Reaction score
Huntington Beach CA.
Originally posted by ( . )( . )
Look at me I'm pissing down this guys back and telling him its rain. :rolleyes: Which episode of Dr Phil was that garbage dragged from?

If everyones done sucking this chumps d!ck I might say a few words.

Lesson 1. If your not fvcking her some other guy is, no ifs and or buts. End of story.

Lesson 2. I'm presuming your a man or at least something close to it yes? Which means no chick EVER dictates to you when and where she will have sex with you. "Patience" is ******** for "hoops" understand? you dont jump through anyones hoops .

Lesson 3. Sex is a part of any normal relationship, when a mans needs are not being met he walks. What he doesnt do is look for ways to reward her.
True words my brotha!!! Dude, you have lost control. Go find some other girls quick before its too late.


Master Don Juan
Nov 9, 2005
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If shes not ****in You for more than 2 days, and usually did it means shes ****in somebody else.
She can be sick or very exhausted sometimes, bu not all the time. Plus in LTR sometimes she has to suck the **** even when she has no health.


Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2004
Reaction score
Did this board go down the schitter or what? I'm appalled by some of advice I read here recently.
Don't come down too hard on them, they're all newbies (except for tittyboy)

Time to address all the things you're doing wrong.

We've been together for a long time. But after me saying something stupid she lost her desire for sex. She said that I just need to be patient and it will come back.
That's a load of 5hit. Women normally don't get horny by sitting and waiting for it to strike them. They get turned on by certain things. Even if she's pissed off at you, you can still get her turned on. When she's mad, go outside with your chainsaw and cut down a tree. She'll watch the manliness come out in you as you work and sweat your ass off. When you come back into the house, her pu55y will be dripping.

Don't get it? It's being a MAN that turns a woman on.

I think that I need to prove her that I love her and I'm not with her only because of sex.
Woah, I can see where this is leading...

I won't force sex for a while, will not touch her too much etc, but I guess that she needs some ROMANCE, and proof that I love her.
Romance in it's purest form does nothing for a woman. Romance is a seasoning that you add to a relationship to make it better. Right now, you're ready to hand her a plate of oregano and hoping she'll enjoy it.

Sex is the drive of the relationship. Desire for sex drives two people to be together. Without the drive of sex, the relationship won't go anywhere and drift apart.

Sex plays a much bigger role in a relationship than romance does.

Now, if you've read the stuff on this forum, you'll know that kino works wonders. It makes a woman aware of you, and can make her turned on by you. I guarantee if she's not fvcking someone else, she using a vibrator and a romance novel. The vibrator doesn't have to wait for her.

Initiate kino with her, but make it a bit sexual. Start stroking the back of her neck. Then start smelling it. Then kissing it. Then lightly biting it. Communicate with your body that you are a sexual creature. She'll understand and respond. You then lead her into the bedroom.

If you do this (and she doesn't resist), she'll be back to her "old self" in no-time :)

If she does resist, your relationship is going down the 5hitter.


Master Don Juan
Jun 11, 2005
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what the hell did u say to her ???

im just intrigued , what the stupid words u said that can make a woman not want to have sex with her bf.....

if u want to solve the problem , then we need to hear what u said to her ...
it could just be that u said something really stupid , or it could be thats shes getting it from someone else....
but still we have to hear what u said to her before we can make that assumption....

just write what u said to her.... no one cares if its embarrasing , we dont know who you are ... so no one will find out its you .....


Don Juan
Aug 9, 2005
Reaction score

That day I asked her if she's with me only for sex. And than she started to cry and say how she loves me.

Now she says that there's some thing in her head which makes her not wanting sex.

I did try kino - smelling her hair, stroking it, touching her back, kissing and all, but nothing. I even tried being agressive (but not too much).

Few days ago (maybe after 10 or more days of no sex) I told her that I'm VERY horny I just can't stand it. She said "Wow, if i was that horny I'd die trying to turn you on and have sex. She said that I should try to turn her ion, explore erogenous zones. I did it, and almost no result. Then I put her pants down and ****ed her in the ass (but very gently and slowly - That was the first time we had anal).

I didnt orgasm that time, it was more like an experiment than real sex.

Do you still think it's that she is f-uckin someone else? I doubt it...

ONE MORE IMPORTANT THING - she's now in very stressful period, has problems on work and with some relatives. She's also kinda sick (sore throat, she also complained that her tits hurt her a lot). But I guess sex would only cure her, not make things worse.

She also said that maybe we had too much sex for some time and that might have killed her desire. She would feel good if we just started tu f-uck, but she wants to feel the need before (those were her words).

Ok, now you have all the information :D

I hope now you don't think that she's getting sex somewhere else.


Master Don Juan
Oct 3, 2005
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The city that sleeps. Sometimes.
don't be a needy AFC.

if you want to have sex with her, be a man, seduce her, take her, etc. It really sounds like you are not being sexual enough with her. And by sexual, i mean in a way that women imagine guys they perceive to be good lovers.

if it doesnt work, something is going on, and maybe you should tell her you're moving on.


Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2004
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That day I asked her if she's with me only for sex. And than she started to cry and say how she loves me.
Women read into things. This was translated in her head to "You are a slvt".

She now thinks that you view her as a slvt. She's put up a barrier in her mind that is preventing her from having a sexual attraction toward you. Not sure how you can break that down, but romantic gestures aren't going to help.