The NON-JUAN Post: Creating an Online Profile, Non-Juan Style (PART 1)

Mr. Non-Juan

Don Juan
Dec 21, 2005
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The NON-JUAN Post: Teaching Men to Become Good With Women... by Showing How to LOSE Them!

Today's Topic:

One thing I noticed in trying to bring other people to my Myspace site is, when it comes to dating... there are LOTS of guys who have this Non-Juan thing mastered!

How do I know this? Simple: their blogs and profiles give them away!!

Just by having certain items written in your blogs and typed onto your profile, you can have girls who might have been interested in finding out more about you change their minds with just a few key phrases!

Today's Post will focus on making a Non-Juan blog...


When girls go online to look for men, they don't just look for pictures or what his "about me" section says.

Women like to get a feel for what kind of man they're looking at. Since she hasn't met you, the best way for her to get a feel for you is by reading your blog.

People write their daily life experiences on a blog, especially about interactions with the opposite sex. As a Non-Juan, all of your experiences should be about as positive as the temperature in Antarctica! You can advertise these experiences to other women simply by typing them into your blogs!

"But Mr. Non-Juan," you ask, "won't that just give other women sympathy for my plight? Won't these women feel so sorry for me that they'll want to date me to ease my pain?"

...HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA Ha ha, ah... *ahem* Oh, you were serious?!?

Remember: women want a guy that every girl wants. If you show her through your blog that you're a guy NO ONE wants, she'll be more than happy to pass you up as well!

Here is an example of what I'm talking about:

What you are about to read, is a portion of a blog somebody actually typed and put on their page (name not used). its a letter he typed to a girl he was trying to get with. It's long (because us Non-Juan's can never get a point across to a girl in less than 4 sentences), so I'll be stopping at various intervals to explain why portions of this blog help advertise his Non-Juan style!

*** "Well, hello there! I realize writing a letter is very 8th-gradesque, but I didnt want to bother you while you were studying for finals (like I always seem to do whenever we chit-chat). Since I don't know your name and you're going to be an optometrist, you have been officially dubbed heretofore as Dr. Starbucks and will be referred to as such throughout the remainder of this letter***

In just this first paragraph, this guy did the following:

+ Showed he doesn't pay attention well to signals. Did he really think she was studying EVERY TIME he contacted her? Hmm...

+ Showed how cowardly he is to talk to her in person (because yes, writing a letter IS 8th-gradeesque, and a Non-Juan trait, too!)

+ Showed that he can't even remember her name! Always act like you can't remember a girl's name - she'll probably forget you even exist now, too!

Let's continue...

*** After tonight, I probably won't be studying until after Halloween and with you going home for the week, upcoming holidays, and me not knowing if you will or will not show up here until your next finals week, I figured this was the next sensible step to take.. I would regret not giving this to you more than the embarrassment and/or shame that may result from this letter you only live once right? ***

Let's see what else he's done...

+ He gave her a WAY OUT!! YES!! By bringing up potential reasons as to why they may not get together (going home this week, holidays, etc.) he practically HANDED OUT to her excuses she can use if she doesn't want to see him!

+ He's ASKING FOR HER APPROVAL!! He's basically said "I'm embarrassed that I can't talk to you about this in person, so I hope by reading this I'll be good enough for you to hang out with." Ooh yeah, put the pressure on a girl like that, and she'll be SURE to hang out... at another place where she knows you're NOT going to be!

To continue...

***I work at a bank.. and no, I did not graduate on time from an accredited 4-year university w/2 degrees and a minor so I could be employed opening up checking accounts, pulling peoples credit reports, or checking on rates to open up mortgages for people . . . I did it so I could learn to look busy as I get paid to practice the art of becoming a master web-surfer and spend countless hours on friendster and So, if youre thinking that I can hook you up some-way, some-how with any of the aforementioned services, you are sadly mistaken ***

Let me point out the Non-Juan parts from this section:

+ He's trying real hard to impress her. Check the resume: 4 years at a university, graduated on time, 2 degrees PLUS a minor, now works at a bank - he's trying to appear as a stable, hard-working man. In her eyes, though, he'll be seen as predictable and BORING, a great combination to demonstrate when trying to drive the women away!

+ He's telling her everything he possibly can about himself. By taking ALL the mystery out of yourself, you'll be able to crush the most fun part for a woman about a relationship - finding out about her man!

+ He's using phrases and words that sound weird to seem funny. BUT, since they don't know each other well, he'll just come across as weird - and why would she want to respond to a weirdo??

Moving on...

*** Im sure youre wondering what the impetus could have been for this letter.. Well, the answer is that I don't understand how you can walk into Starbucks with jeans, a big old I-Phelta-Thi sweatshirt, with your hair up in a messy ponytail, glasses, and no makeup, but still be able to captivate and prevent me from turning away as if you were some great, undiscovered piece of art from Monet.. you're the natural that comes before beauty... I sit waiting in anticipation for the next time your childish smile comes to surface on your face again. Its as if... you still see God's green earth the same way you did as a cute 6-year-old running around on the playground...and I find that, more so than anything, irresistible***

Wow, this blog gets better and better!

+ The part where he describes how she looks when she walks into Starbucks is CLASSIC NON-JUAN MATERIAL!! Trust me - she won't be thinking "oh wow, this guy is SO sweet; he notices every little detail about me, including what I wear!"

Nope - instead, she'll be thinking "oh wow, this guy is OBSESSED with me! How is it that he knows what I wore 3 DAYS AGO - even I don't remember THAT!! He must be a stalker!!"

+ Notice the words he uses in describing her: "captivate," "you're the natural that comes before the beauty," "undiscovered piece of art" - these words are pure Non-Juan! They're non-masculine, AND sound wussy enough to where she'll think you don't have a manly bone in your body!

+ He's comparing her to a child, with child-like innocence and features. Quick, somebody call R. Kelly!! We've got a Non-Juan pedophile in the house!!

But wait! There's more...

***I'm really not looking for anything at the moment, but I do love making new friends, especially ones that make me smile without trying to and that provide incentive for me to study at Starbucks.. If anything naturally progresses from a friendship between the two of us, Ill deal with it then. But basically, Id love to just hang out and have fun!***

This is perhaps the most CRUCIAL part of this blog. Here's why: He's telling her a LIE! Go back and re-read the previous parts of the blog. After all this, he CLAIMS to be not looking for anything other than a "friend." But this is a good thing!! "Why?" you ask? Simple:

+ She'll never believe anything he says from now on! If he's going to lie about something like what he really wants to do with her (be her boyfriend, have relations, etc.), why should she believe anything else he has to say?

+ IF - and it's a long shot - she decides to be friends with him, she'll be able to "let's just be friends" him anytime because HE brought it up first!! If he ever asks "so, do you want to be my girlfriend?" all she'll have to say is "I thought you were just cool with being friends!"

+ He's not even "friends" with her yet, and he's already bringing up the possibility of being more than that in the future. Non-Juans are famous for putting the cart before the horse - no wonder it'll be so easy for you to trip over yourself by doing this!

We're almost at the end!

*** If you choose not to respond to this letter, thats cool; I wont even mention it if we ever speak again and the next time you see me, we can just smile and die of laughter as a result of my feeble attempt to woo you. Feel free to call/email whenever you want I promise, I wont think youre a stalker, but that doesnt mean that Im not!***

Oh, I'll bet you are a stalker, my Non-Juan apprentice! Here are some other key parts:

+ He left the task of contacting each other on HER. The best way for you to never hear from a girl again is to give her YOUR number and tell her "call me whenever you feel like it!" Girls rarely like to make the first call - even to guys they like - so with any luck you'll never hear from her again!!

+ He's making himself look pathetic by calling his attempt "feeble". Again, the fact that he's telling her how pathetic he is will help make her perception of him be exactly that. Good for you!

And the best part about this whole blog? He placed it online at his site for OTHER GIRLS TO SEE!!

Now, not only will he not be able to get with the girl he wrote about (and, according to his blog, he didn't), he'll also be able to persuade off a whole fleet of girls that may have dated him had he not advertised his Non-Juan tendencies on his blog!!

Next week, ONLINE PROFILE Part 2: Creating a Non-Juan Profile...

That's all for now!

-Mr. Non-Juan


Don Juan
May 2, 2005
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Louisiana "The Boot"
i know you think your funny bro but all this non juan stuff is stupid.. if i wanted to **** up trying to get girls it wouldnt be hard. i'd fart in her face or somthing... i dont need a guide how to f*ck up.

Mr. Unique

Master Don Juan
Dec 16, 2005
Reaction score
Who cares how horrible the tip is, He is one charimatic MOFO!!! And we respect him for that. Look at Dr. beard, beard is obviously a troll and all the mods know that, but he'll never get banned cause he brings humor to this site.(Gladiator quote) You win the crowd and you win your freedom.:D

The Juan and only

Master Don Juan
Dec 4, 2005
Reaction score
United Kingdom
wow, that guy was a masterful non-juan. I'm humbled by his ability to repel women:woo:.

....but seriously, even I've never been that pathetic...he would do well to find this site.

Mr. Non-Juan

Don Juan
Dec 21, 2005
Reaction score
You think HIS letter sounded pathetic - that was the EDITED version; it was actually much longer, but I had to condense it down so the 10,000-word limit would be met on this post!

-Mr. Non-Juan


Master Don Juan
Jan 5, 2005
Reaction score
Somewherez in USofA
Good breakdown of what NOT to do. It reaks of a guy that was breast fed until he was 18. Not good at all.

That was pretty lame, thanx for sharing Non-Juan.


Don Juan
Dec 24, 2005
Reaction score
Hey non-juan, I think it's cool you have your own style of teaching, but if an aspiring DJ were to ask you "Why should I believe you? How do YOU know that your own stuff works?" then what would be your answer?

I'm not hatin or anything, but if someone were to look at this you from a distance, they'd think 'this guy has way too much time on his hands, writing these 10,000 word posts' so I wanna know if you can honestly say that you're an accomplished DJ


Don Juan
Dec 27, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by SuPaF1y
i know you think your funny bro but all this non juan stuff is stupid.. if i wanted to **** up trying to get girls it wouldnt be hard. i'd fart in her face or somthing... i dont need a guide how to f*ck up.
This is more along the lines of seeing how to screw up, so you don't. To be honest man, I don't think anyone thats been on this for more than a week could be this much of a p*ss.

Aside from that... I liked it! Shows exactly what NOT to do!

James Bondage

Don Juan
Dec 20, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by superman2k6
Hey non-juan, I think it's cool you have your own style of teaching, but if an aspiring DJ were to ask you "Why should I believe you? How do YOU know that your own stuff works?" then what would be your answer?

I'm not hatin or anything, but if someone were to look at this you from a distance, they'd think 'this guy has way too much time on his hands, writing these 10,000 word posts' so I wanna know if you can honestly say that you're an accomplished DJ
Superman I.. don't think you really understood the point of this post, did you?! He is saying he is an accomplished NJ!!!

Anyway these posts are friggin' hilarious. Keep 'em coming!!



Don Juan
Dec 24, 2005
Reaction score
^no i understood his posts

his gimmick is that he's an accomplished DJ who will teach his ways by telling you what to do wrong, or rather, what NOT to do


Senior Don Juan
Sep 21, 2005
Reaction score
Sofia, Bulgaria
his gimmick is that he's an accomplished DJ who will teach his ways by telling you what to do wrong, or rather, what NOT to do
Actually, I was already sick of all this "I'm the man, listen to me" ****. In my opinion the dude has nothing to prove - the words speak for themselves.

By the way, I'm surprised no one notices that he uses on you the same move we use on chicks - instead of qualifying, he is disqualifying himself. And it's working. :)

James Bondage

Don Juan
Dec 20, 2005
Reaction score
his gimmick is that he's an accomplished DJ who will teach his ways by telling you what to do wrong, or rather, what NOT to do
Yeah... I don't think he is claiming to be a DJ tho.. just someone who has f*cked up a lot with women (like we all have at some point) and is sharing his valuable lessons with us!

Ah, how I much prefer to learn from other people's mistakes.

Mr. Non-Juan

Don Juan
Dec 21, 2005
Reaction score

Thanks for the comments so far, guys! I'd like to answer superman2k6's question:

... if an aspiring DJ were to ask you "Why should I believe you? How do YOU know that your own stuff works?" then what would be your answer?
The first thing I'd recommend to the aspiring DJ, obviously, is that he read my book, "From PIMP to WIMP: The Non-Juan's Guide... to Losing the Girl of Your Dreams". The book is essentiallly a 135-page guide that explains to guys how they can LOSE a woman, and why all the stuff they are doing to try to GET girls... acutally makes them want to head for the hills!

The book is not just a step-by-step guide, though. I actually use many, many, MANY incidents from my own life throughout the book as examples to prove that these techniques work in repelling women! And believe me, I've been through it all - just a short list of what I've been through is at my website,

The best one was when I was dating a girl who was showing me all types of "green light" signals (calling me randomly, leaning up against me, kinoing me, etc.), yet wouldn't go out with me... and later I found out why: she was seeing another GIRL behind my back!

So when I type these little tips up here on the board, PLEASE don't assume I'm posting stuff that I myself haven't already done in the past!

Secondly, I know this stuff works because I see it go on everyday. I still see guys who ponder why being a nice guy isn't getting them laid, why calling a girl all the time isn't making her want to call him back, and why spending all his money on a chick isn't keeping her around.

The way I see it, everybody always gives in-depth advice on how to get WITH a girl, but nobody ever gives a deep enough insight into why the things a guy is currently doing to get with girls isn't really the thing they should be doing.

I would tell the apsiring DJ that the best way to move foward is to see what was NOT working first, get an understanding of WHY it wasn't working, then do the opposite. And that's what I do - I tell all my newsletter subscribers what to do if they DON'T want a girl to stick around... so that they'll hopefully do the opposite!

Lastly, I would tell the aspiring DJ that I NEVER SAID I WAS AN ACCOMPLISHED DJ! I would tell him that, after 3 years of learning how to become better with women, I have a better understanding of why I screwed up so much in the past. However, since I have MORE EXPERIENCE in the realm of screwing up with women than I do with success, I figure the best way for me to advise guys is to let them know how they, too, can mess up!

It's the equivalent of a former drug user talking to kids about drugs. In telling them to stay off drugs, they always start by telling them the steps they took to fall into drugs in the first place. Why? SO THAT HOPEFULLY, THE KIDS WON'T FOLLOW THAT PATH!!

So there you go! I hope this answers your question, superman2k6! And don't forget to check out my website by clicking on the links below!

-Mr. Non-Juan

Mr. Non-Juan

Don Juan
Dec 21, 2005
Reaction score
Greetings, Double!

How much does my e-Book cost? Let me ask YOU a question: are you ready to take out a second mortgage?

:crackup: HA HA! Just kidding!

Ever heard of Doc Love? His dating dictionary cost $99 - that, to me, is ridiculous!! I want guys to get my information AND be able to afford it as well! For that reason, I've made sure my 135-Page e-Book is affordable to the average consumer!

Plus, I also throw in a special 45-{age e-BONUS BOOK at no extra cost that gives guys even MORE info!

But I could talk about it here all day and fill up a page, so stop by my website - - for all the information you need! (You can also get the book here, and read the first chapter from it for FREE!)

-Mr. Non-Juan


Master Don Juan
Jan 5, 2005
Reaction score
Somewherez in USofA
I read the preview chapter and found it to be very good and spot on. You sound (via your experiences) like an AFC nerd type. The more intellectual type that most girls never give a chance. I think alot of girls want to be smarter than their boyfriends for whatever reason. If you mention a word that they have to look up later, you're history!

Some of my analytical findings suggest that girls often like the male version of themselves. In other words, trashy tattoo girls often like the trashy tattoo guys etc. Cheerleaders like the athletes doing the sport they cheer for.

Women seem to follow 'themes' more. The hillybilly girl likes her hillbilly man would be an example. He has that 'hillybilly' country music theme to him. She loves Horses and he has a farm.

A guy couldn't give a shyt about *themes* but girls seem to put alot of stock into this. It fits their mold and what they envision as a future together with common interests. This is more superficial than down-to-Earth and many of them find out that they really don't have much in common afterall, and on several levels.

Women also seem to place more value on single features (like a smile, great nose, strong hands etc.). One feature can dominate a whole man's makeup to her to where she'll want him more than any other guy. A guy couldn't give a shyte about single attributes, he's looking at her overall curves. Her smile could be crap so long as she has a nice azz, he'll give it a go.

The important thing is to NOT TURN THE GIRL OFF. I think this e-book would be good for pointing these things out. The girl already likes you from within the first 5 minutes (or even sooner) and before you even said anything as to whether she classifies you as dating (sex and romance) material or not. It's more about keeping interest than turning it up like some kind of volume knob.

A girl that barks at a gentelmen will kiss the shoes of an azzhole. This says alot about a girl and her character.

I think your next e-book should include self-improvement material as this creates self-respect which is essential for steering clear of the wrong type of women (with many guy friends) for instance.


Master Don Juan
Nov 9, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by tmpgstx
I read the preview chapter and found it to be very good and spot on. You sound (via your experiences) like an AFC nerd type. The more intellectual type that most girls never give a chance. I think alot of girls want to be smarter than their boyfriends for whatever reason. If you mention a word that they have to look up later, you're history!
You are very wrong. Man has to be intelligent. Woman has to be beautiful. HBs look for man with social status and intelligence. Of course no t for AFCs tho..