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    How to become the "ALPHA MALE"

    loving the flames...
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    How to become the "ALPHA MALE"

    hey bud, **** you and your mother
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    How to become the "ALPHA MALE"

    Stay 100% Relaxed imagine that you're bringing air down to your stomach. Feel your belly rise and fall as you breathe. Relax all your muscles and slow down all of your movements Relax your eyes and eyelids. Keep your neck straight with your back so that your head is held high...
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    Let's embarrass ourselves. You're WORST opener EVER...

    me: and thats the second time i got crabs
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    Let's embarrass ourselves. You're WORST opener EVER...

    me: hey whatsup? her: not to much who are you me: Rob who are you? her: jamie and your breath stinks
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    G-G-G-G-G-GUNIT!!!!Get Rich Or Die Trying
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    I personally think that G-Unit is the best rap group out their right now. I have analyzed their charicteristics and moves ever sence it was only 50 Cent. I think that they have rose to the top through major obsticles and hope they can rule the rap "world" for years to come
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    how to seduce in silent?

    just go with the flow man.. dont think about it. When the time is right you will make the right decision. if you pre-decision you will get all ****ed up in the head. just roll with your natural punches your body is telling you to do
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    "The Look"

    well, everyone has their own opinions and not everyone was made the exact same in this world, like i said in my post "I am posting what I've found to work best for me" so that doesnt mean that out of 1000 people all 1000 will have the exact same results, mabey only half will ect ect...
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    "The Look"

    "This Look" is how you CAN feel comfortable in your skin in the situations that arise.
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    "the best tip"

    easy quick note i want to make, 1. Find a "SUPER" rolemodel example: the person you would LOVE to be. 2. Visualize yourself as that person and do what he would do in the situations you are in. 3. Think as that person 4. Do what that person does ect ect ect and there you...
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    "The Look"

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    "The Look"

    going to college, ill respond in a bit
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    "The Look"

    ok... here we go 1. drop your jaw 3cm 2. put on your "poker mouth" -_- (your lips should be touching while jaw is dropped ) 3. raise eyebrows slightly now if done right you should feel slight pressure in the back of your throat. thats your male hormones kicking in. you should feel like...
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    ""THE look"" women like

    if hes going for the psychotic look. he perfected it
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    "The Look"

    allright, ive been getting a lot of pms about explaining whats going on behind the look and ill post all of it in a few seconds, basically everything i know about it and what goes on behind it. going to go have a cig first
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    "The Look"

    im not trying to say by any means that this state is the greatest state alive. all im saying is this forum is a "Don Juan" fourm for guys who are trying to go after/get girls and for that reason i would recommend this mindset/look anyday over anything whatsoever. i could go deeper into what the...
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    "my voice"

    all im sayin is: how people "look at you" is 8% words ( basically nothing ) and 92% Body language and Vocal Tone so you could look like a badass and have a deep voice and say "im the gayest man alive suck my coc*" and probably still have composure.. lol
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    "my voice"

    lol i love these bashing replys :-) but yea u gotta point
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    "my voice"

    lol thanks for sharing that. my selfesteem just deflated like a whoopie coushion :down: