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  1. S

    True Confidence vs "False" Confidence

    I would really like to get feedback on this. I personally just read it and before i tell you what i thought, i percived myself as: "Very Confident" To be honest, everyone i come into contact with i allways get the impression that they think very highly of me, and i am used to coming out on...
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    True Confidence vs. "False" Confidence

    I would really like to get feedback on this. I personally just read it and before i tell you what i thought, i percived myself as: "Very Confident" To be honest, everyone i come into contact with i allways get the impression that they think very highly of me, and i am used to coming out on...
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    True Confidence vs. "False" Confidence

    funny guy. I'd reccomend you read it. I thought i was the most confident person I knew and others thought of me the same way. Just came accrossed this article and it really "Changed" the way i thought about life.
  4. S

    True Confidence vs "False" Confidence

    Let’s face it -- most people wish to speak to their partner, spouse, family, friends, colleagues and accounts with an air of confidence. They believe that if they project confidence, they will project credibility and the people in their life will heed their recommendations and advice … both at...
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    True Confidence vs. "False" Confidence

    Let’s face it -- most people wish to speak to their partner, spouse, family, friends, colleagues and accounts with an air of confidence. They believe that if they project confidence, they will project credibility and the people in their life will heed their recommendations and advice … both at...
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    *Charisma (7 Elements)* DJ Bible Addition

    * THE SEVENTH ELEMENT: ALLURE allure (n) : the power to entice or attract through personal charm Ah, the last of the elements. It is the essence of charisma. But without the other elements, it would never be reached. When we've mentioned "aura" as a part of charisma, allure is that aura. It...
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    *Charisma (7 Elements)* DJ Bible Addition

    * THE SIXTH ELEMENT: DIPLOMACY diplomacy (n) : Tact and skill in dealing with people; subtly skillful handling of a situation involving others Diplomacy represents a mastery of social skills. In the art of charisma, having it will make you, and not having it will break you. It is the ability...
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    *Charisma (7 Elements)* DJ Bible Addition

    * THE FIFTH ELEMENT: ENIGMA enigma (n) : An action, mode of action, or thing, which cannot be satisfactorily explained In a world growing increasingly dull and familiar, what seems enigmatic instantly draws attention. Especially when it comes to today's dating / relationship arena. Many women...
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    *Charisma (7 Elements)* DJ Bible Addition

    * THE FOURTH ELEMENT: FINESSE finesse (n) : Refinement and delicacy of performance, execution, or artisanship By now you've realized that many of these elements are very similar terms and carry similar definitions as each other. The first three elements, bearing, presence, and manner add...
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    *Charisma (7 Elements)* DJ Bible Addition

    * THE THIRD ELEMENT: MANNER manner (n) : a way of acting or behaving If your presence and regal bearing have given women the impression that you're an important person and that you're considered an important person by others, manner, as we use it here, refers to how you act and behave in...
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    *Charisma (7 Elements)* DJ Bible Addition

    * THE SECOND ELEMENT: REGAL BEARING bearing (n) : The manner in which one carries or conducts oneself The most inclusive of the elements, bearing applies to both physical posture and general conduct: "He has the poise and bearing of a champion." Bearing: Standing Tall The way you...
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    *Charisma (7 Elements)* DJ Bible Addition

    * THE FIRST ELEMENT: PRESENCE * The first element of charisma is "presence." Presence, as used here, refers to the quality of commanding respectful attention. To further define presence, think of it more specifically as how you carry yourself. Picture a Lotus in a parking lot of Fords. The...
  13. S

    Overthinking and Overanalyzing SOLVED

    Whatsup pimps. IIght i've been checking this site for over a year now. this is my first and only post. this is the only thing i find wrong with myself and now i found somthing that ive solved. before you read it remember these 3 things. THINK:: Confidence 24~7 Fun 24~7 your the **** 24~7...
  14. S

    Overthinking and Overanalyzing SOLVED

    Whatsup pimps. IIght i've been checking this site for over a year now. this is my first and only post. this is the only thing i find wrong with myself and now i found somthing that ive solved. before you read it remember these 3 things. THINK:: Confidence 24~7 Fun 24~7 your the **** 24~7...