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  1. S

    "The Look"

  2. S

    "The Look"

    if you train yourself to constantly do this. you will very quickly move from a nice guy to a bad ass. trust me I've had girls tell me they got shivers and their hearts beating just from my faciall expression, girls at stoplights car behind me looking at me like i was a king, girls at school...
  3. S

    "The Look"

    put this look on for more then 5 minutes and i gaurntee if you talk to a girl you wont want to treat her like shes the hottest girl ever, you will know its reverse. When you are talking to guys you will beable to see fear and awe in their eyes and will beable to be that person. i mean...
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    "The Look"

    if you train yourself to constantly do this. you will very quickly move from a nice guy to a bad ass. trust me I've had girls tell me they got shivers and their hearts beating just from my faciall expression, girls at stoplights car behind me looking at me like i was a king, girls at school...
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    "The Look"

    its not as much about "the look" as it is how it makes you feel and how it makes the women feel. but i guess this is as close as i could find to how it looks. thats actually pretty acurate on how it looks
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    "The Look"

    so what do you guys think. its a 100% gaurntee work.
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    "The Look"

    1. drop your jaw 3cm 2. put on your "poker mouth" -_- (your lips should be touching while jaw is dropped ) 3. raise eyebrows slightly now if done right you should feel slight pressure in the back of your throat. thats your male hormones kicking in. you should feel like you want to stop but...
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    TRUE :VS: false Confidence ( Paragraph'ed & Quoted )!!!!!!!

    I have been and will allways be confident all the time. but what i have realised is I have been doing that to "make myself feel better because of what i used to be" and using it as a mask thats what your not understanding. once i accept my past experiences and learn from them insted...
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    TRUE :VS: false Confidence ( Paragraph'ed & Quoted )!!!!!!!

    I dont need bootcamps man.. ive got hooter girls and girls at school that really do love me. but girls arnt the solution, fixing the inner doubts in your head when no one is around is the solution
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    TRUE :VS: false Confidence ( Paragraph'ed & Quoted )!!!!!!!

    thats the problem, ive allways been confient all the time. just i think my motive's have been wrong
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    TRUE :VS: false Confidence ( Paragraph'ed & Quoted )!!!!!!!

    because man, i think i have lived my life as an "act" of false confidence and i just noticed my selfishness after reading this article. I was touched and saddened by what i found. I have allways tried to wear the best, look the best, sound the best, walk the best talk ect ect ect. and I...
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    TRUE :VS: false Confidence ( Paragraph'ed & Quoted )!!!!!!!

    I would really like to get feedback on this. I would really like to get feedback on this. I personally just read it and before i tell you what i thought, i percived myself as: "Very Confident" To be honest, everyone i come into contact with i allways get the impression that they think...
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    True :VS: false confidence ( paragraph'ed and quoted ) !!!!

    I would really like to get feedback on this. I would really like to get feedback on this. I personally just read it and before i tell you what i thought, i percived myself as: "Very Confident" To be honest, everyone i come into contact with i allways get the impression that they think...
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    TRUE :VS: false Confidence ( Paragraph'ed and Quoted) !!!!!

    I would really like to get feedback on this. I would really like to get feedback on this. I personally just read it and before i tell you what i thought, i percived myself as: "Very Confident" To be honest, everyone i come into contact with i allways get the impression that they think...
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    True :VS: false confidence ( paragraph'ed and quoted ) !!!!

    True Confidence :VS: "False" Confidence Let’s face it --[/B] most people wish to speak to their partner, spouse, family, friends, colleagues and accounts with an air of confidence. They believe that if they project confidence, they will project credibility and the people in their life will...
  16. S

    TRUE :VS: false Confidence ( Paragraph'ed and Quoted) !!!!!

    True Confidence :VS: "False" Confidence Let’s face it --[/B] most people wish to speak to their partner, spouse, family, friends, colleagues and accounts with an air of confidence. They believe that if they project confidence, they will project credibility and the people in their life will...
  17. S

    TRUE :VS: false Confidence ( Paragraph'ed & Quoted )!!!!!!!

    True Confidence :VS: "False" Confidence Let’s face it --[/B] most people wish to speak to their partner, spouse, family, friends, colleagues and accounts with an air of confidence. They believe that if they project confidence, they will project credibility and the people in their life will...
  18. S

    True Confidence vs. "False" Confidence

    PARAGRAPH'ED True Confidence :VS: "False" Confidence Let’s face it --[/B] most people wish to speak to their partner, spouse, family, friends, colleagues and accounts with an air of confidence. They believe that if they project confidence, they will project credibility and the people in...