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  1. S

    Dealing with Haters

    I think a few of you are confused on this. the silent types are silent for there own reason and that is to themselves. ok.. pretend that you are the 'silent/strong type' whatever definition you think that is you are it. but under it, on your foundation you dont 'care' about others...
  2. S

    negative traits reframed

    i guess my next big question and obstacle to overcome is somthing that some people call 'out of it', others call 'feeling down', 'not thinking straight' ect ect... these moments tend to happen when there is little activity in my day, or i am thinking ahead about somthing that hasnt happened yet...
  3. S

    Dealing with Haters

    2. The Wannabe-Silent/Strong Guy. He's an extrovert guy who thinks that he'll look more cool if people think he's a silent/strong thug. Unfortunately, he's usually an alpha male, so he can give you much trouble, if you don't have the right attitude. lol... i am the silent/strong guy that...
  4. S

    negative traits reframed

    Attraction(girls): ok in a nutshell when you turn 'on' attraction you walk slower, talk deeper, make slow gestures ect ect. you are a walking seduction. It IS the total opposite of 'guys' having fun goofing around and hanging out. Energy(guys): i was trying to figure out how to come...
  5. S

    negative traits reframed

    "Arrogant S.O.B.s run the world. A person can never have too much self-assurance. The best in every field are likely to strike most people as irrationally arrogant, ****y and confident, but that's how they got to the top." "Keep away from people who try to de-rail you and your ambitions. The...
  6. S

    Question on being Extroverted

    "Arrogant S.O.B.s run the world. A person can never have too much self-assurance. The best in every field are likely to strike most people as irrationally arrogant, ****y and confident, but that's how they got to the top." "Keep away from people who try to de-rail you and your ambitions. The...
  7. S

    do u thinnk this girl is hot

    i wont even look at it. "shes allright i'd give her a 5" ^ what.the.****?? sence when did a "5" become allright??? i'd say a high 7+++ is "ALLRIGHT" anything less is garbage, not worth looking at let alone talking to. "if they have pride in themselves they will work on...
  8. S

    negative traits reframed

    comments would be cool :-)
  9. S

    negative traits reframed

    o yea and as for guys, that problem i was having. i think i figured it out. in a nutshell, guys like: GUYS: ENERGY - they love it. as long as you have the feeling of energy. ( which i was not giving off in my attraction mode ex: slow movements, deep voice, slow voice, ect ect.. )...
  10. S

    negative traits reframed

    confusion, bro. i am fuc*in amazed at your knowledge. i've got lifes mentors and then i just found out ive got a "mind" mentor which would be you. YOU are helping me figure out so much stuff that i was stuck on tremendously that i am beyond happy right now. i'd just love to see you keep posting...
  11. S

    negative traits reframed

    yea, good shi* man. i'd love to see more of your posts
  12. S

    a few questions on mindset

    I was wondering on being in the moment, do you think that its better to NOT think about anything at all? ex: "your the greatest, your the coolest hottest" ect ect.. and just stay in the present, not thinking about the past or future. or be half in your head with those thoughts of...
  13. S

    extreme masculinity vs. socialble happiness

    yea, dont think about anything. stay in the present. and stop focusing on trying to make yourself better(future) and recognizing your flaws ( past ) just concentrate on the now and make it the best now it could ever be by trusting your intuition naturally.
  14. S

    extreme masculinity vs. socialble happiness

    what do the rest of you think on this subject??? - happy and fun and get less girls or - look mean and tough get lots of girls but get people pissed off at you.
  15. S

    extreme masculinity vs. socialble happiness

    this is a really interesting topic, ive been working on this lately myself. i found that i personally do the masculine thing with a SLIGHT almost not noticable smile on my face. that way i can instantly change into talkative and happy when needed or stay in the "attractive" mindframe without...
  16. S

    The NON-JUAN Post: Creating an Online Profile, Non-Juan Style (PART 1)

    i know you think your funny bro but all this non juan stuff is stupid.. if i wanted to **** up trying to get girls it wouldnt be hard. i'd fart in her face or somthing... i dont need a guide how to f*ck up.
  17. S

    Through The Eyes Of A Natural -pt#2

    oc explain :-P
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    Through The Eyes Of A Natural -pt#2

    hmm example please, you lost me
  19. S

    Through The Eyes Of A Natural -pt#2

    allright bro, ill give it a shot. i think im def on the right track.. and will accomplish what im goin for 110% very very soon.
  20. S

    Through The Eyes Of A Natural -pt#2

    ive been studying this stuff for over a year, and ive found 4 things that should be your core thoughts/actions that are summerised pretty good. ( 4 things that work for me ) 1. A t t r a c t i o n 24~7 Basically find out attraction inside out and keep it turned on to everyone of the...