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  1. S

    STOP - Thinking so much

    ive been studying this stuff for over a year, and ive found 4 things that should be your core thoughts/actions that are summerised pretty good. ( 4 things that work for me ) 1. A t t r a c t i o n 24~7 Basically find out attraction inside out and keep it turned on to everyone of the...
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    act as if

    im gona act like im mike tyson so everyone is scared of my ass
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    STOP - Thinking so much

    thanks bro
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    Through The Eyes Of A Natural -pt#2

    but you sell your soul to the devil in the process- ^ thats the flucking truth if ive ever heard one. once you figure out what makes women tick you becoming a NUMB nonfeeling heartless d1ck.. and thats the truth. and you can feel hatred in you towards other people
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    STOP - Thinking so much

    yea :-) while i was trying to stop thinking i thought of this! :p
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    STOP - Thinking so much

    The human mind is a funny thing. It is the mind, inside you which controls whether you succeed or not in almost everything in life. If you can master your mind, you will come off as a cool, confident, powerful man. The mind has 2 parts: The first part is like the computer of your brain. If...
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    Through The Eyes Of A Natural -pt#2

    lol u ****ymothaf*ka. im not my best self, im my COOLEST,HOTTEST,SEXYEST self. and no 1 can funk with that. period.
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    Through The Eyes Of A Natural -pt#2

    how about this one. "just be yourself" and dont think about anything just go with the flow and go from there.
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    Through The Eyes Of A Natural -pt#2

    btw.. do you think that you can "loose yourself" if you try to do somthing to hard for a long time and forget who you are or somthing??
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    Through The Eyes Of A Natural -pt#2

    long story short i think your trying to say "just be yourself" and accept it.
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    The Keys to attraction Part One.

    haha actually i was just f*cking with you all :-) i made all this stuff up! YOU JUST GOT PUNK'D!!!!!!!!!
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    The Keys to attraction Part One.

    like i said, we all have our own opinions, and some are more stubborn then others. And the stubborns will find out they are wrong sooner or later and will realize their giant mistake.
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    The Keys to attraction Part One.

    ok. um.. yea. im going to have to disagree with you there. Based on my field tests with HB9's and higher. i have ACTUALLY learned that moving faster makes you a bigger CATCH then slower targets in the womens eye. But you have your own opinions and even though yours is wrong i still respect...
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    The Keys to attraction Part One.

    Continued The Third Key To Unlocking The Attraction Door Clothing Picking clothes that stand out when your in a small room with 50+ people helps a lot. a lot more then you would know. Think LOUD with colors. YOU want to have various colors without coming acrossed as a "gay" or "homo"...
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    The Keys to attraction Part One.

    Prologue Over the history of man, there have been various seducers. They have come in many shapes and sizes, but one thing is the same, They all, get girls. I am proud to say that i am one of these seducers and i am here to tell my story to all. The First Key To Unlocking The Attraction...
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    myspace profile

    everyone else is doing it so F*CK it. here is mine.
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    Through The Eyes Of A Natural -pt#2

    ok natural, lets see part #3 with that natural indiffrence you were talking about
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    Through The Eyes Of A Natural -pt#2

    "being indifferent while creating attaction at the same time. you actually have to 'see it' first in order to get a feeling of it physically. it seems like you are trying to figure it out 'backwards' through the actions first at the core,second. when you go directly to it's source it's...
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    Through The Eyes Of A Natural -pt#2

    well lets see... when im in the attraction state, i basically CONNECT with all the girls on the attraction level but, it goes unseen to most people. I am also very quiet and tomyself in this state in a way. so when guys see me in this state, i get mistaken for shy timed ect ect ect like u were...