"The Look"


Master Don Juan
May 9, 2005
Reaction score
On The Road to Self-Improvement
Ok, those pics of "the look" SUCKED.

The only good pic of "the look" that I've seen is in the movie Cruel Intentions.
When Sebastian dies and they have a ceremony for him in the school, there is a huge pic of him next to the coffin. THAT IS WHAT THE LOOK LOOKS LIKE.

If anyone can post that pic, please do...


Senior Don Juan
Apr 24, 2005
Reaction score

This is a Bad tip.

The moment you question your integrity you'll know your faking it, and your confidence will disappear very quickly. Honestly it doesnt matter what face you have, this website confuses the sh*t out of newbie's, some people say that you should smile while some people say you gotta look "sad".

All you have to do is feel comfortable in your own skin and accept yourself as you are at that living moment of that second of that piece of time and even the next second and the second after that.

All of this comes natural to you, honestly there no shortcuts to becoming a DJ or just a confident man. You have to really change the way you think about yourself and your life and love the circumstance your in.

Alot of people and even me usually feel "not good enough", Ive heard myself say that so many times because I have an image of myself in my head and when I take a hard look at myself, I feel disapointed that Im not where I want to be. Sometimes we set our standards too high and expect unrealistic things of ourselves and we fail to love who we are at that moment. When you feel good about yourself it becomes easier to improve yourself and it shows and you naturally become a more friendly person


Don Juan
Sep 16, 2005
Reaction score
Washington, DC
Re: bad

Originally posted by kk2004
This is a Bad tip.

All you have to do is feel comfortable in your own skin and accept yourself as you are at that living moment of that second of that piece of time and even the next second and the second after that.




Don Juan
May 2, 2005
Reaction score
Louisiana "The Boot"
All you have to do is feel comfortable in your own skin and accept yourself as you are at that living moment of that second of that piece of time and even the next second and the second after that.

"This Look"

is how you CAN feel comfortable in your skin in the situations that arise.


Don Juan
Nov 7, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by Gonzalo
One "look" which has worked for me in the past is the "wrinkled eyebrows plus a sly smile" look. I got the tip from the sosuave page a couple of years back.

Those who have seen Sean Connery 007 movies will know what I'm talking about. Works like a charm and what's best, it is meant to be used in some context, not just randomly while waiting in the traffic.

i agree with this. I usually have a sort of squinty eyed look like James bond. not a 3 CM open jaw with closed mouth and raised eyebrows... that just looks like you're scared


Senior Don Juan
Sep 21, 2005
Reaction score
Columbus, Ohio
Originally posted by SuPaF1y
if you train yourself to constantly do this. you will very quickly move from a nice guy to a bad ass. trust me

I've had girls tell me they got shivers and their hearts beating just from my faciall expression, girls at stoplights car behind me looking at me like i was a king, girls at school coming into my zone and wanting to be around me.

its more then just "a look" its a mindset and its the key to the door. it doesnt open the door for you but it damn sure gets you to it. all you need to do is act the part and you will become.

remember be who you want to be and you will become. its not acting its living.

Think about it..

If you put a smile on your face all day you will be happier.

If you are sad " :( " on your face all day you will actually be sad.

if you wear "the look" on your face all day you will belive that you are the baddest mother*ucker around and girls will pick up that vibe in seconds.

OK, I was going to believe you and try it but now I'm having doubts. How the hell can girls see your FACIAL expression when they're several cars BEHIND you at the stoplight? I can't imagine anyone see your facial expression in a car period unless they're on your windshield of stopped beside you and you have your windows rolled down. Also, how the heck do you know that pressure in the back of your throat is male hormones? and where did you get all the info on "the look" anyways? Did you say it was something that David D wrote about?

Also, while smiling might help boost your mood, I don't really think the "look" is going to turn you into a badazz!

However, it doesn't look like something that would hurt to try out. I tried and looked in the mirror a couple of times but I think it looks kinda stupid..plus the light reflecting off my glasses made it hard to see my eyes so that might have an effect on it as well.

P.s. you should post a pic of you doing the "look" unless that one on your myspace account is the "Look". If it is, I can't imagine girl's going crazy unless they were dying of hysterical laughter. It certainly doesn't look badazz to me, it looks your pondering the meaning of life or trying to do that "cute, innocent looking at the ceiling look"


Feb 10, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by ketostix
I just can't see where you're coming from with this whole look thing. I naturally have straight poker face with a relaxed jaw (I don't smile much at all), and naturally tend to be the strong silent type. My experience in observing girls is that they like guys that smile, act happy and that are out going. They seem to like a guy with an upbeat personality, good eye contact, and talkative..you got to bring 90% of the convo at first.

I don't see that look you describe conveying anything to women but being depressed/unhappy and unsocial. If girls approach you all I see them saying is, "Smile..", "You're expression never changes.."

I even checked out your Myspace page and we have similar looks overall. Maybe this just works with teen girls in the deep south. I have never seen this look create any attraction. Btw you said to part your jaw 3 cm, that's like 1 1/4 inch, that sounds like a lot...maybe more like 1/2-3/4 inch?
Supafly, why don't you respond to the specific questions I raised. I'm saying your tip and that "look" you suggested will not only not increase attraction it'd lower it.


Master Don Juan
Nov 2, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by The Bad Ass Canadian
It isn't a "look"

It's a natural facial expression directly related to a certain attitude.

I can just see it now... all these geeks are gonna start practicing "the look" and think all their problems are solved ....:rolleyes:

THIS thread should've died long ago with this statement..
because it's 100% correct :crackup:

it's not a face you "make" -it naturally develops through your
personality...the only reason i have a smart alic smirk?
or look really pissed off?
it's usually because i am ..
the fact that it does or it dosen't attract woman really dosne't
concern me.For me personally it does more often then not..
but i pretty sure that it's more then "the look"
that attracts them to me..

i think you may have stumbled onto something that you
KNOW works..but just have a hard time explaining of
why it does..who cares ,if it works then it works right?


Master Don Juan
Feb 11, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by organizedconfusion
THIS thread should've died long ago with this statement..
because it's 100% correct :crackup:

it's not a face you "make" -it naturally develops through your
personality...the only reason i have a smart alic smirk?
or look really pissed off?
it's usually because i am ..
the fact that it does or it dosen't attract woman really dosne't
concern me.For me personally it does more often then not..
but i pretty sure that it's more then "the look"
that attracts them to me..

i think you may have stumbled onto something that you
KNOW works..but just have a hard time explaining of
why it does..who cares ,if it works then it works right?
I wholeheartedly agree. You cant fake facial expressions, the same goes for you cant fake your smiles. You'll come off as trying too hard.

someone earlier stated that your expression is simply an extension of your personality, i agree 100%.
either you have it or you dont.
who knows, maybe the 'fake it till you make it' could work in this scenario, but i wouldnt count on it unless it's a part of your personality.


Feb 10, 2005
Reaction score
Yeah but I'm saying this look if anything is a detriment to your game not a help. I naturally and congruently have this look and attitude, so it's not a question of congruency or faking it. I never see it working for anyone else either, and I have to usually try to not use it, so in the process faking it.

So if anyone's having success with it, it's in spite of this look and not because of it..something else is at play. Does this look cause anyone success? I don't know, I doubt it. I think it would be a detriment to most guys game, so I'm saying it's a BS tip and certainly not what the OP makes it out to be.


Don Juan
May 2, 2005
Reaction score
Louisiana "The Boot"
well, everyone has their own opinions and not everyone was made the exact same in this world, like i said in my post

"I am posting what I've found to work best for me"

so that doesnt mean that out of 1000 people all 1000 will have the exact same results, mabey only half will ect ect.

you never know untill you try,

The Fly