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  1. L

    Oneitis for one day.

    yea had this on vacation once, you're on a camping, chillin with a girl, at night what you said fantasys and shít, then you see her the next day and you go like wtf? had this last week with my first girlfriend, oneitis two years --> see her, chill with her for a day, think to myself TWO...
  2. L

    Things i really can't understand, please solve my doubts!

    just before you go home tomorrow, when talking to her before you leave 'o yea, this is my phone, these are buttons, use them to type your msn.. (i hate phonecalls, do what you want) or just ask her for whatever you want, but for 100% guarantee rate (in my experience) tell her to put it in AND...
  3. L

    Things i really can't understand, please solve my doubts!

    from my point of view; 1) teddy thing - if she'd think you were a fat teddy bear she wouldnt mention it to you, keep yourself cool, don't worry about it to much. ljbf thing - every girl - woman gives tests remember, they always test head-on to see if you ARE a ljbf or you couldnt give a...
  4. L

    Is there any good music nowadays?

    house music is the ************** best music
  5. L

    Reply for "Will you buy me a drink?"

    Girl: Would U Buy Me A Drink? You: *look at her* start laughing (because it is funny, laugh if you think its funny else you look like a nerd) and then turn your head back in front of you and give her a hard No in the tone of "not gonna happen"
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    Call or Not Call..

  7. L

    Messenger Help

    yea, strange, but you know anything certain abou tinternet hitting ?
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    Messenger Help

    Did anybody here follow any ebooks, dvds or anything like that on online flowing, because i made a girl in love with me a week ago while only talking to her on msn, but i have no idea how it happened any specifics on this or anyone who has ANY info on this
  9. L

    Neg Hits... Do they work?

    i only use negs when she says something stupid, doh but its nothing negative, its just teasing, she says something stupid, i confirm it you dont need to neg, if youre happy with who you are and you dont see her as a god, youll do it automatically quote as a wise man once said; the goal of the...
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    Sosuave for women

  11. L

    Neg Hits... Do they work?

    neg hits always works, but the special trick to not get it mixed up with an insult is.... insinuate, say something that sounds very offensive, she'll turn it into an insult and say "oh my god you just said i was fat didnt you" and if you did it correct you can say "no, i just said you...
  12. L

    I'm a womanizer because I have a psychological disorder and you said DJ's aren't born

    first one sounds like basic AFC and women who are in love
  13. L

    DJ Hobbies and lifestyles

    Im a DJ (Disc Jockey) and my hobbies are Snowboarding, Drawing / Desigining, Producing Music, Working (Spinning some records),
  14. L

    self-improvement is masturbation, self-destruction is the answer...

    fight club is a cool movie and Tyler Durden is one of the greatest mascoline examples ive ever seen SamMalone; he doesnt give a **** what society says or thinks doh He's well-dressed He's VERY self insured He's relaxed, couldnt have a worry less on his mind im not saying this is the DJ life...
  15. L

    Rotterdam Pua's

    It sometimes feels like im the only one who knows anything in fkn rotterdam about how to do it, looking for people who know the basics, have the mindset and wanna have a laugh in some of the clubs / bars,
  16. L

    I was just thinking, this site is pretty retarded

    malaka, there are people in this world who get raised in such a why that changes there natural behaviour in the precense of women example; im sitting in the bus and see 3 computergeeks talking and laughing and joking with eachother, beautiful girl walks in the bus and sits behind them all of...
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    Who thinks Skiptomylou and DonJuanbyNature is a troll(s)?

    surprised that this thread isnt closed, even more surprised that its 3 pages long
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    the most IMPORTANT cold approaching thread/advice you'll ever read

    true, he's really good at that, funny as hell too,
  19. L

    GIRLS should be BANNED from this site

    women should keep posting here, the insecure women well see it as manipulation and bladibladiblaburuburu, but it doesnt matter; i read in some dutch magazine a review about the book "masterflirt", and how guys use the book.. 4 girls went with one real DJ who also teaches at conferences and...