Things i really can't understand, please solve my doubts!


Don Juan
Dec 2, 2006
Reaction score
I know noone likes to read long stories and pointless facts, so i'll try to make it as short as possible. No flaming since i'm still improving my game :D K thx let's go!.

*The Facts*
I started going to a pre-university school (a place that prepares you for university) about six weeks ago.

So then about the second week this really cute girl with a nice body tells me "hey can i tell you something but you won't get mad ok?" i said fine, so she tells me "you look like a teddy bear" [THIS is DOUBT 1], fortunately i managed to stay cool and i called her my teddy bear too to which she responded that someday we would get married and stuff.

Valetines day comes and there i am sitting close to her, our teacher says:
There's homework for thursday! (valentines was wednesday), i say "but what about valetines day!" and my teddy bear says "where are you going to take me teddy bear :) smiling" and i ****ing freak out i mean i didn't saw that comming from ANYWHERE so my AFC part comes out and says "damn, i have plans with someone else (i didn't :p), but i guess we can do it next year i promise :D!" and she says to her friend "hey he blew me off =/" or something like that. [THIS is DOUBT 2]

Valentines day comes and i decided to buy her some teddy bear gums (kinda like bubblegums) just for the hell of it, nothing serious, my balls almost fail me because i couldn't find the courage to give them to her till the end of the day, i came up to her and told her:

Me: hey teddy bear i haven't said "happy valentines day" to you yet :D!

Her: Ohh you are right! happy valentines day!

(I kiss her on the cheek saying the same)

Me: Hey look i have a present for you... it's the most original present you'll get for valentines day

(i take the gums out and she gets excited and hugs me and kisses me in the cheek)

Her: Thanks!

Her friends starting saying "UuUuuU" and bothering us so i told her "well i g2g :D goodbye talk to ya later"

I left, a friend then told me that when he came inside she was jumping and being happy as if she had won the lottery![THIS is DOUBT 3]

I'll leave it up to this point, please help me solve my doubts i'll post them as questions:

1)When she told me i looked like a teddy bear (i'm kinda overweight but not THAT much and my face is really cute i'm not bad looking) was she putting me in the LJBF zone before i even met her? was she trying to initiate contact with me?

2)A couple of friends told me that she said that so quickly and at the right time because she had the idea on her mind and that her joke was 50% truth, had i played my card rights i could have had a date with her, is that true?? do you think she really wanted to go out with me? why did she reacted so fast? is that a sign of interest?

3)This one is simple is it normal to be SO happy for a gift?

All in all what puzzles me the most is that she talks like she really cares about me and sometimes at class she looks at me or tells me to go to her place to explain some things about math to her and stuff.

can she really care about me after 5 weeks of knowing me?? and we have talked like 5 times at most, i think she is just playing but i still can't understand why she choose to play with ME. thanks for the answers :)


Don Juan
Jun 14, 2006
Reaction score
from my point of view;


teddy thing - if she'd think you were a fat teddy bear she wouldnt mention it to you, keep yourself cool, don't worry about it to much.

ljbf thing - every girl - woman gives tests remember, they always test head-on to see if you ARE a ljbf or you couldnt give a fk less what she things about you, think the answer is clear

2) she gives a sign of interest, you take it and remember it in the back of your head, don't act out on it

3) she would NOT be so happy for teddybear-gums from the fat loser teddybear... (do the math) confident man, dont take everything like its fake

all in all,
she wouldnt be playing if she wouldnt like playing with you, keep on playing and for one fact, NEVER say something like "uhh i like talking with you and stuff, but i want to know are we still kidding or do you seriously want to merry and stuff" (duh), if the situation is like you told she will wonder the same thing and be strong and she will ask something like this to you..

ps, she choose to play with you because your a bit overweight and look like a teddy bear and that turned her on? didnt think so :p so again.. do the math..


Don Juan
Dec 2, 2006
Reaction score
i suck at math :p but thanks! i'm gonna keep joking and all i think that's the best i can make out of this situation! btw the course is ending this saturday and i want to see her again what the **** should i do?

No pads no helmets just balls?:D


Don Juan
Jun 14, 2006
Reaction score
DJsomeday said:
No pads no helmets just balls?:D
just before you go home tomorrow, when talking to her before you leave 'o yea, this is my phone, these are buttons, use them to type your msn.. (i hate phonecalls, do what you want)

or just ask her for whatever you want, but for 100% guarantee rate (in my experience) tell her to put it in AND save it, while she's typing go get your things or something, be away for like 2-3 minutes, come back and go like "piece of cake right? ;)" "talk to you later / you'll hear your phone ringing soon enough"
Mar 18, 2006
Reaction score
She is bold enough to approach you but you are not bold enough to make a move??? Women are the aggressors nowadays and you young boys are lacking in spirit!! The candy idea was good - props!

This is what you say to her? "Hey teddy bear, we don't have to hibernate until the next valentines day - let's got to - wherever - on Friday!"


Master Don Juan
Apr 17, 2006
Reaction score
seriously, quit ****ing around and seduce her already


Don Juan
Dec 2, 2006
Reaction score
daaamn it! looks like she was only playing with me! a friend of mine told me how she was talking to some friends and saying how i was crazy about her! yuuck! i don't know if i should believe him or not, but my balls are tingling and that means they think there is something wrong here, just one last answer guys, i don't think i should ask her out, chances are she'll just say no and think i fell for it... that would suck!!! what should i do? NEXT her or have a last stand and go for all or nothing!!!:D thanks for the answers!

PS: Another advantage of not asking her out right now is that i may see her in college and have another shot. thanks!
Mar 18, 2006
Reaction score
When a girl initiates the conversation and if you are interested in her then you need to escalate right away and let her know that you are not a chump and the only reason that you are talking to her is because of a romantic interest otherwise she is messing with your head and wasting your time!! Well, maybe you do look like a teddy bear - if you do then forget about what I said!! :rolleyes: