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  1. M

    self confidence

    i agree with the maturaty thing, i always play mind games with them as well, i always make them feel like i will leave but then i dont or that i want to go out wiv mates, but deep down i dont, im not being silly here, but im such a nice person, and was so not bothered wiv me and my main ex...
  2. M

    wants a break.. but why?

    well she txt today and told me that she wasnt pregnant... so i rang her to see how she was, she flipped and said i ws being selfish and was only ringin to make myself feel better.. so i hung up, she rang me hour later sayin sorry, she is stressed about this job for tomorrow.. we talked and at...
  3. M

    self confidence

    Well i have a post on here about my ex, but after readin through various posts on here i am startin to realise things about myeself. here are the things. 1. i am obbsessed with my looks, i would say very attractive, and have to look nice all the time, but i never be-little my friends or...
  4. M

    wants a break.. but why?

    because her ex txts her al lthe time and sends her flowers and letters and she has told him she's wiv me cos i sent the txt, ... she's just txt to say she wasnt pregnant and that i dont tneed to worry... so i rang her up to be nice and see if she was ok, and she went mental and said i was bein...
  5. M

    wants a break.. but why?

    oh and her mam owns the house, and is payin the morgage for her... so she doesnt have to worry about that.. and if we moved in together she would have the same money because her mam would then charge us rent, and she knows that i have son to pay for and support... whats gettin to me also is if...
  6. M

    wants a break.. but why?

    ok, i know what you's are saying, and if she was after someone to just have for money and security, she would have stayed with her X who was on more than double my wage (she also gets more money than me) and he could drive and wanted to marry her, thats what i dont understand... she wouldnt have...
  7. M

    wants a break.. but why?

    well we both went out on saturday, she phoned me on sunday morning and asked if i had done anything with any lass's. i told her that she had finished with me and that it was none of her business, we talked and we both decided i should go over, as soon as i went in she was wantin to cuddle me and...
  8. M

    Why would a girl do this?

    I have a couple of posts on this forum about my girlfriend/EX, and this thread has gotten me thinkin, she went from wantin to move in wiv me and marrying me and havin kids, to just basically not wanting to see me, but when she does see me she cant leave me alone, like kissin me, cuddlin me...
  9. M

    is she to serious

    well we both went out on saturday, she phoned me on sunday morning and asked if i had done anything with any lass's. i told her that she had finished with me and that it was none of her business, we talked and we both decided i should go over, as soon as i went in she was wantin to cuddle me and...
  10. M

    is she to serious

    yeah i guess, its just so hard to let her go, we were talkin about movin in and all sorts, and then this.. nothing... we used to see each other evey night and although i thought originally that putting these threads on here would be silly, u ppl really know what your talkin about. I would...
  11. M

    is she to serious

    i used to tell her that sometimes, for being such a nice person, all she ever did was talk about her, she would only really laugh at something if it related to her, and was only ineterested in things if it was about her.... really quite weird, i used to tell her this all the time, i txt her one...
  12. M

    is she to serious

    yeah i was, but i still am just starting to realise things, since we met thats all she talks about........ work! when i went to her house to see her mam and dad, she started talkin about WORK! and her sister was like "NOT AGAIN!!!" thats all she talks about, wouldnt care if it was interesting...
  13. M

    is she to serious

    well i have another post, chec the link at the top of the page and that tells u about our relationship, we were so in lovem, both of us said we were like teenagers again, always wantin to touch and cuddle etc, but she keeps up defences, and never really talked about intimate stuff... dunno why...
  14. M

    is she to serious

    no, lol, dont mean *****, my mates used to say it was because she was so excited to see me, she just talked none stop, not ***** about work, just tell me everything about it, like conversations she had, ppl she talked to, what she did, what she had eaten at work, the lot! ..........?
  15. M

    is she to serious

    I have another topic on here, anyways, i was just wondering... we were together for about 5 months, and in all this time, all she really talked about was work, she would ring me from work to talk about work, she would pick me up...
  16. M

    wants a break.. but why?

    Well its lookin like im goin to finish it now, my sister thinks that she has been on her period tie week and that is why she is not wantin to see me, and now she's sayin she wants to see me after this weekend .... when she will be back off, then sayin she is pregnant or something, and then...
  17. M

    wants a break.. but why?

    Cheers again guys, the thing is i have EX who i have kid with, and i was wiv her for nearly 6 years, but never felt like this for someone! anyways she rang me yesterday, and she has rang me twice today, she told me today she loved me loads and that she missed me loads as well, she is still not...
  18. M

    wants a break.. but why?

    it did help mate, cheers, she shows me that she loves me by pickin me up every night from work, as in she travels 30 miles back from work, goes and gets dressed, waits hour till i finish then picks me up, she wants to cuddle, kiss and touch me all the time, the other day, she drove down at 2 in...
  19. M

    wants a break.. but why?

    mate i know what your saying, and any other time i would do that, but my sister has had breaks with her lad before and they have gotten back together, and so have other of my friends, the thing that annoys me is that she was sendin me the lushest txts.. as usual last week, sayin she couldnt go...
  20. M

    wants a break.. but why?

    what do u mean complicate things mate, i really do believe that im to blame here and i have never felt this hurt before and in love so it seems a shame to give up.