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  1. M

    wants a break.. but why?

    yeah i know, but... her sister and mam have told me that she has never been like this with a lad, and that her main X wanted to marry her and she ran a mile! so dont think that is it, i know that i have X's txtn me and girls ringin me, and she hates it like i said that i have had pretty girls in...
  2. M

    wants a break.. but why?

    Maybe.... but i have been with a few girls and she doesnt seem the type, we did have the best sex ever, i know any man can say that ,... but when i seen the proof at the end i new she wasnt lying, .... i dunno what to think..
  3. M

    wants a break.. but why?

    Cheers mate, well she rang yesterday and was askin how the single life was goin, i told her i had mates i didn't realise were there, she didnt like this and said i was only seein ma mates so i could see girls... EH!!!???? .. anyway on the phone call she said he mam had said we should get back...
  4. M

    wants a break.. but why?

    yeah i have told her this, and she thinks im just sayin it and says she has to build up her self esteim without me, because like i said she is gettin ill by being so in love but thinkin that i could finish it at any time. So we properyl broke up last night, so why ring me for such a small thing...
  5. M

    wants a break.. but why?

    Well i went to see her last night, and she was in a right state! just sittin in pj's! i forgot to say that from the first week she said i was to good for her, and that she usually ends up wiv ugly ppl, anyway that leads me to last night... she is convinced that she isnt good enough for me, and...
  6. M

    wants a break.. but why?

    ive just turned 25 mate, and she is 20, she loves my kid which is very hard for me to get over because lots of girls run a mile, and yeah it is goin very quick, and think thats why i started actin like i did, i thought movin in was fast, but then her dad said that if i move in i should marry...
  7. M

    wants a break.. but why?

    Well this is the thing, i met my girlfriend about 5 months ago, she soon fell in love with me, drove to see me all the time, only 15 mins away, but was always worried that she wasnt pretty enogh for me, i would tell her she was pretty every day and tell her that i loved her, anyway a few months...