wants a break.. but why?


Don Juan
Feb 27, 2005
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Well this is the thing, i met my girlfriend about 5 months ago, she soon fell in love with me, drove to see me all the time, only 15 mins away, but was always worried that she wasnt pretty enogh for me, i would tell her she was pretty every day and tell her that i loved her, anyway a few months ago, she told me she would love me to move in with her, so i said i would, her X was supposed to move in with her, but never did, and she left him, they were ovewr anyway really. Anyway i would one week build her hopes up sayin i would move in, then the next week say it wasnt good idea, so this brings up to now, where in the last month she has told me how she wants to marry me and sends me txts everyday sayin how much she loves me and could never find anyone else like me, she thinks i am her one, anyway we went out for my birthday with my mates, and i ignored her 2 weeks ago, i dont know why, but i did and she was cryin her heart out, anyway my birthday was few days later and she done loads of stuff for me, on valentines day she was bit dodgey and then told me that she was upset about me ignorin her and couldn go through that again! so i new she was thinkin about stuff, anyway she continued to txt me with lovely txt, and even when out wiv her mates last week and wore her ring on her engagement finger, and told ppl that she wanted my son to be hers aswell... we went shoppin for phone for house and she though it was great, the next day i was bit horrible and acted like i wanted to split but then sent xtx sayin i didnt, she picked me up that night and aksed me for a break, i said so u want to split up and she was like !"NO!!!" so i txt her some that night and she rang and we talked little, then i sent flowers the next day to her work and she said she was tempted to go for drink, anway i had my son that night so we didn't, i never heard from her that night, and i rang next day and asked how she was, she said she was all over the place, so i got taxi to hers to see her face to face, we talked, laughed, kissed and danced, she said she still loves me loads, and is still in love wiv me, i asked if this was the last time i would be in her car and she said "i hope not" in the end it came out that she still thinks she isnt pretty enough for me and is convinced i will turn horrible like her X's and leave her for someone else, she also says im not as committed as her and that i would rather be out gettin wiv different girls, when i wouldn't!! i really dont know what to do to convince her this isnt the case and that i would marry her tomoorow... ?


Senior Don Juan
Feb 1, 2005
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how old are you and her?

things are moving WAY too fast, she seems very clingy, too... she seems like she has problems - not that you seem completely stable either... but jeez, wtf?


Don Juan
Feb 27, 2005
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ive just turned 25 mate, and she is 20, she loves my kid which is very hard for me to get over because lots of girls run a mile, and yeah it is goin very quick, and think thats why i started actin like i did, i thought movin in was fast, but then her dad said that if i move in i should marry her, i just laughed it off, but louise took it litterally... i cant understand her being so excited about us gettin phone together the day before the break and then breakin up wiv me the next day?
Nov 6, 2003
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Wisconsin. USA
Ask yourself, "What girl at 20 years of age wants to move-in with every guy she meets and if he doesn't move-in with her she leaves?" Do you think this is a bit slutty and desperate?

She is running away from something and thinks that marrying a dude will solve her problems!! Be careful and do not even think about marriage until you know her well. Find out what she is running away from - she has mental/emotional problems!!


Don Juan
Feb 27, 2005
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Well i went to see her last night, and she was in a right state! just sittin in pj's! i forgot to say that from the first week she said i was to good for her, and that she usually ends up wiv ugly ppl, anyway that leads me to last night... she is convinced that she isnt good enough for me, and that i would eventually leave her, she said it was makin her ill how much in love she was but worried about me wantin someone else, i told her she is the only one, and i honestly feel sick at thought of kissin anyone else! so i told her if she ended it last night for good she wouldnt have any contact from me, so i never txt her last night which ws first since thursday, and got lush sleep! again first since thur! never txt her all day, and she rings me at dinner time, she couldhave txt me or even rang in morning because thats when she would have noticed, that last night when i took bag wiv my stuff in i took her bag wiv her bread and butter for work, i was quite blunt on phone and said bye before we could start conversation, so i dont understand why she has contacted me by phone today?


Master Don Juan
Jan 23, 2004
Reaction score
She wants to know if your relation is moving on to a deeper level, of if its better to break up before she'll get eventually hurt.
But still she didnt resist your company because of course, she wants sex and company.

Originally posted by memphis12
Anyway i would one week build her hopes up sayin i would move in, then the next week say it wasnt good idea

and i ignored her 2 weeks ago, i dont know why, but i did
Btw, you answered your question, what's your doubt? Why are you playing games with her? Either move in, or either tell her for once that its too son, and you'd like to be boyfriends for more time before living together.


Don Juan
Feb 27, 2005
Reaction score
yeah i have told her this, and she thinks im just sayin it and says she has to build up her self esteim without me, because like i said she is gettin ill by being so in love but thinkin that i could finish it at any time. So we properyl broke up last night, so why ring me for such a small thing today?

oh and my mam has just pointed out that my 3 MAIN relationships all ended just after my birthday which was 2 weeks, i would say im attractive, and i have obbsession wiv gettin older, im now 25, but think if i was single at 29-30 then i wouldnt have hope of gettin nice girlfriend, sad i know, wouldnt care either but her X was 29, she doesnt mind the age thing :(


Senior Don Juan
Dec 25, 2004
Reaction score
Cape Town
If a girl asks for a break - ITS OVER. Move on. Trust me.


Don Juan
Feb 27, 2005
Reaction score
Cheers mate, well she rang yesterday and was askin how the single life was goin, i told her i had mates i didn't realise were there, she didnt like this and said i was only seein ma mates so i could see girls... EH!!!???? .. anyway on the phone call she said he mam had said we should get back together and talk about things, and she had told her mam that we could be married in a year, i told her we could talk if she wanted to, but she never got back in touch,
i later went to her house, she had changed from sayin its all over to... i dont know, not now, she knows im out this weekend and aksed where i was goin, i asked her why she wanted to know and she went on to tell me that she didnt want to bump into me (yeah right!) cos if she see's me wiv girls around me then she wig go nuts!
we spoke on phone last night and decided to end it, when we were nearing end of phone call, she let out a few things that are mainly behind the split, eg. me havin pretty girls in my past, random girls ringin me, cos my mates had given them my number, etc. she said she cant think posative yet about us, i agrred, she rang me today goin nuts cos her phone bill was so high! so again, i was confused, as this wasnt my fault! so i sent her txt sayin my feelins were actually changin towards her, and that i thought the split was for the best, im startin to believe my mates when they say im gettin lucky escape now....


Don Juan
Jan 26, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by Don_Joffe
If a girl asks for a break - ITS OVER. Move on. Trust me.
I agree. It also can mean (depending on the type of person) that she wants to get nailed by others without having the guilt of cheating. In which case, any tiny little excuse will be used to take a break just long enough to get her nailed by the guy or guys she has had lined up in her mind for quite some time.

Just my lousy $0.02 on that.


Don Juan
Nov 15, 2004
Reaction score
Where ever I'm at
Originally posted by Don_Joffe
If a girl asks for a break - ITS OVER. Move on. Trust me.
Really? I mean, that happend to me twice and then 3 months later they come crawling back...its probably a rare thing that there's a turn around and then you realize you don't want them anymore afterwards.


Don Juan
Feb 27, 2005
Reaction score
Maybe.... but i have been with a few girls and she doesnt seem the type, we did have the best sex ever, i know any man can say that ,... but when i seen the proof at the end i new she wasnt lying, .... i dunno what to think..


Oct 25, 2001
Reaction score
Unless you want to marry this girl then you need to stop seeing her. She is hell bent on finding a husband...and based on what little bit of history you're giving...it sounds like she's prepared to marry the first guy she can rope in.

Run away...


Don Juan
Feb 27, 2005
Reaction score
yeah i know, but... her sister and mam have told me that she has never been like this with a lad, and that her main X wanted to marry her and she ran a mile! so dont think that is it, i know that i have X's txtn me and girls ringin me, and she hates it like i said that i have had pretty girls in my past! but ... she is the one for me, dunno how im meant to convince her, she said thats she still really in love with me! but all she can think of is negative things because of how much i love attention from other girls etc.


Oct 25, 2001
Reaction score
Did you ever stop to think that her family is responsible for putting the idea that she needs to find herself a husband into her head? That's usually how it works.


Master Don Juan
Dec 2, 2004
Reaction score

Move on... dont think about it.. just move on... this chick will just complicate things if u TRY hold onto her... NEXT the b!tch.



Don Juan
Feb 27, 2005
Reaction score
what do u mean complicate things mate, i really do believe that im to blame here and i have never felt this hurt before and in love so it seems a shame to give up.


Master Don Juan
Dec 2, 2004
Reaction score

Originally posted by memphis12
what do u mean complicate things mate, i really do believe that im to blame here and i have never felt this hurt before and in love so it seems a shame to give up.
Dude... is she loved u back, she wouldnt WANT a break... doesnt matter if its her family influencing her, her best friend, or ANYONE, if she trully loved you back, she would do anything for you, and to be with you.... and the longer you hang onto her, the longer and MORE hurt you will get... the best thing you cxan do now is move on and try and forget about this girl as soon as you can... and trust me, when you find another girl, it will be alot easiyer to get over her (the girl that we are talking about now, the one that WANTS A F*CKING BREAK!:mad: ) anyways... i am telling you to do this because i have dealt with girls like this in the past, they will just be full of **** and hurt you more and more untill one day they will break your heart and you will be forced to move on.. so rather move on NOW rather than go through MORE pain and just delay the enevitable.



Don Juan
Feb 27, 2005
Reaction score
mate i know what your saying, and any other time i would do that, but my sister has had breaks with her lad before and they have gotten back together, and so have other of my friends, the thing that annoys me is that she was sendin me the lushest txts.. as usual last week, sayin she couldnt go on wivout me and that im the one, etc, she was insecure when i met her and all the way through our relationship she has though every girl fancies me, she said goin through this pain now will stop her inevetabaly gettin hurt in the long run even more, she was over the moon last week becasue we went shoppin together and then we got phone for house, she was tellin me last week how she wanted the relationship to move forward, but felt i didnt and that i would rather be out partyin etc... i would honestly give up any other time, doesnt help that i have never been finished before, and that this lass loved me more than any lass! and sent me the lushest txsts, and she was sayin last week lookin into my eyes that she felt like cryin because she loves me that much, but says if she feels like that then its drivin her mad becasue her paranoia thinks that im goin to leave her for someone else....???