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  1. M


    been through drugs stage mate, everythin but heroin! and this week i found my self back on E's... so the come downs make me more depressed! and im never overdrawn!!! but am now! alot! just need to sort myself out i guess! hate the facte that my other ex is blankin all my txts out .. because she...
  2. M


    Well... im back to drinkin!!! every day nearly, didn't get back till 5 am this morning, im 25 and have a son with my main ex. So i really should have a grip on life by now. I spilt wiv my ex about 4 weeks ago, she was prettiest lass ive been with and lovely figure and good crack, but in the end...
  3. M

    why want something you cant have?

    think your rite there like. Whenever i splt with a girl, like last week for example. I go through my phone txtn every lass on it and see who responds, usually them all and i just have bit banter with them and i feel alot better.. But think someone was rite when they said it was a power thing and...
  4. M

    why want something you cant have?

    so its not the fact that i love her, i just cant get my head around again how she has been obbsessin over me and then when i actually give in she says no.. and then blanks me completely! i havent got one girl that i know or have been out with that would ever blank me....
  5. M

    why want something you cant have?

    thats all they are i think!!! the only time i didnt play mind games and the girl didnt play mind games with me was my first love who i was with 5 years and i have kid to her, but thats over! the last lass i was with done the *oops sorry, that txt was for my mate* but the txt was all about how...
  6. M

    why want something you cant have?

    My ex louise who left me about 3 months ago after been the most obbsessive person i have met when we were together!!! but wouldnt answer my calls or txts when we split, she claimed it was because she was stoppin her from being hurt as i was to nice lookin for her and always had girls txtn me...
  7. M

    got the girl.. but now she's gone

    Yeah your probably rite mate. I just realised it was 12-14 hours to texas, not to mention if her plane had been delayed, and then having to actually get to her dads from airport. Would have been about 4am our time, and 10pm texas time, my mate said when he went he slept for day and half, she has...
  8. M

    got the girl.. but now she's gone

    well am not like that, im never clingy. this sounds immature, but i am really good wiv gettin lass's to keep interested, i just never let them know how much i like them, keep them on there toes. i can always get a pretty lass, buit maybe not this pretty and one with such a nice personality, but...
  9. M

    got the girl.. but now she's gone

    ok mate will do, she doesnt ever talk about her ex, he phoned her the other day as she was leavin for texas and he was leavin for different part of england and wouldnt see her for year, and she didn't want to even meet him! her mate said the reason she left him, was cos he annoyed her al the...
  10. M

    got the girl.. but now she's gone

    ok.... cheers, but about this rebound thing... she is really pretty, and accordin to her flat mate really picky, and she has had chances for dates and stuff but has chosen not to. After first date she had even told her flat mate that she didnt want to see me again because she new she was goin to...
  11. M

    got the girl.. but now she's gone

    This may sound corny, but met this girl and we clicked straight away, she is probably prettiest lass ive been with and we just get on so well, she hasn't been with any other lad since her break with her ex, (she left him) we have really fallin for each other, but after 3 weeks of us seein lots...
  12. M

    Being a Natural

    I would also agree with thiis "lean back" thing, when i go out, i never go out to pull or to get some lass back for sex, just go out to have good time, and always end up pullin, girls can sence desperation, even if your very attractive, but in your head all your thinkin is "i want sex tonight"...
  13. M

    IF u want a LTR Dont ****!

    I agree totally! I have had really pretty girls actually sleep in my bed and done nothing, sounds stupid but the first 2 girlfriends i had, i made the first wait 2 months, and the next (love of my life) wait 6 months! lol, and we ended up being together nearly 6 years, i always make them wait...
  14. M

    wants a break.. but why?

    ok mate, will do lol... dunno if has something to do with my ego, because i have never been finished by a girl, always me finishin them, she even told her mate that she thinks i just want back so that i can finish her, so al just let it go and move on.
  15. M

    wants a break.. but why?

    Well really dont think she's seein someone else mate, but i could be wrong like, as she rings me in the mornin, like yesterday mornin after night out at about 9am, so if someone was there think that would be bit early, but do think the "loneiness" thing could be rite, but.... was never like this...
  16. M

    wants a break.. but why?

    Yes i totally agree with what u are all sayin, and even ma mate who i hadnt spoke to since ma birthday said, i was better off without her as she was tellin him all night that she wanted me to propose on valentines day... so maybe that has somethin to do with it. Anyway, just never felt this...
  17. M

    wants a break.. but why?

    LOL! im 25, and i have had a 5 1/2 year relationship 3 years ago and had a son with her, i have had various other reltionships since then, and i felt i was in love after 3 months wiv this girl because i had never had this feelin with any other girl, but the more i think of it the more i know it...
  18. M

    wants a break.. but why?

    what a load of rubbish mate, its not that i like the attention, its cos like i have said, u guys seem to make sence, i have had girlfriends before, and even one i had kid to and was wiv for nearly 6 years i was never this upset, this helps me actually, i dont care about the attention, i just...
  19. M

    self confidence

    your right again mate, my mates especially the older ones said i never ever think before i speak, i always tell the truth but this isnt always a good thing... and my ex said me not thinkin before i speak is one of reasons it made her feel insecure, i would tell her stuff i shouldnt have about...
  20. M

    self confidence

    yeah i know mate, and this sounds really stupid, but was hopin u could maybe help me on some of my problems, because i need t be able to control a relationship...