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  1. D

    How to respond to some things...

    simply smile and act like its no big deal.... like it happens all the time !!!
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    What the hell to do!

    :crackup: yeah exactly.. surely you have buildings where u live that you can bring her somewhere indoors ??????
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    3 weeks to learn everything! oh damn

    think your in the wrong section her mate !!
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    Who "enjoys" approaching women?

    theres always that small element of nervousness when approaching someone but its no big deal IMO.... its more excitement than dread coz u know she will probably be all yours soon enough....
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    The 3 Second Rule - How do you make yourself stick to it ?

    i dont always go for the approach after 3 seconds but i know that if i dont have the balls to do it in 3 seconds if i wanted to, then my confidence levels arent where it needs to be....
  6. D

    What was your breaking point from nice guy to dj?

    as i said in my intro in the discussion area: was in a LTR for 4 years and needed to rebuild my old confidence so i got back in 'training' so to speak !!
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    How women attract men (sneaky)

    exactly mate.. this has been the way it is since the beginning of time.. just look at wildlife shows.. the male chases the female.....
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    swingcat email

    swingcat gives good advice man... he talks about framing your surroundings so u feel completely at ease with where u are...... its useful for beginner DJ's who are intimidated by their surroundings
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    Grass is always greener on the other side?

    my interpretation of it is that if your in a relationship u see loads of hot girls and u wanna be single, but if ur single u miss havin a girlfriend... hence, no matter what side your on the grass always looks greener on the other side..... did u ever stand in a field and look over into the...
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    i agree.. they may fade but it wont take as long to get where u used to be !!
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    Quick Way to Learn Fighting

    i cant believe this guy is asking for advice on how to fight and some people are actually giving it to him !!!!:eek: if he asked how to defend himself thats fair enough ! but obviously theres a motive here ! i've studied kickboxing and Kenpo and as other martial artists have already said on...
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    Wanted: Your Most AFC Move

    a dragging up old scars are we ?? fair enough, my worst in recent memory would have to be when i met a girl at a club... bout a year ago.. we kissed a few times on seperate nights and the 3rd time i asked her out on a "date" (corny i know) and when she said "hmmmm. i dunno ?" i got all...
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    Reply for "Will you buy me a drink?"

    my god some of these are classics..... i like to say "why ? do u need something to calm your nerves ??"
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    I'm "too pretty"

    i disagree mate.. its all about their status.....women feel they have to prove themselves coz of who they are... not coz of their inner game...come on, tobey maguire with inner game...:D
  15. D

    Situation with a girl at school

    my advice would be for you to sit tight.. your doin ok..she obviously likes you.. dont call her though for about a week or so.... if she hasnt called you by then ( i think she will) if she hasnt, THEN give her one more call and act indifferent on the phone... tell her you hope she had a good...
  16. D this a test? In a LTR..hmm

    ok.. i just read evreyones replies and until i saw from one of the lads that shes CHEATED ON YOU i was going to say somethin constructive but THERE'S NO POINT... mate, you need to get out of this one.. shes not worth it.. trust me mate the sooner u start to get over her the better !!!
  17. D

    The Eagle has landed !!!

    thanx for the compliment mate.... its my 1st day so i'm not too sure how good the general forum is , but hopefully i can pick up something.. what i will say i that i am not as good as i could be (nowhere close ) so i am always open to any suggestions that are thrown out there...
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    The Eagle has landed !!!

    saturday nite so after doing ok on friday nite i decided to REALLY push the boundaries, so i suggested to a friend that him and i go to one of the most exclusive bars in the city.. where beautiful (but very vain) women spend their nites hanging out, and heres what happened: standing at the...
  19. D

    The Eagle has landed !!!

    yeah mate i totally agree... to be honest i was happy enough with that, as the whole weekend was more of an experiment than anything else to see if this stuff actually works.... i was always quite decent with C&F and it kinda comes naturally (not to blow my own trumpet).. i think where i need...