The Eagle has landed !!!


Don Juan
Dec 19, 2005
Reaction score
hello guys how are you all doin...firstly let me say hello to everyone.... i am new to the site... so please allow me to give u a little description about myself so u all know where i'm comin from...then i will share with you my experience over the last weekend (it is worth the read so bear with me guys )

firstly, i am 23 years of age...... i recently came out of a 4 year relationship that ended roughly 6 months ago or so. I would definitely consider myself a good looking bloke. When we broke up it was a total culture shock, when i looked in the mirror i suddenly realised that the confident man who i was 4 years previous was now replaced with a shadow of his former self.... so rather than sit there and languish about what i was i decided to do something about it... so i went out to as many clubs as possible and starting working on my 'game' if thats the word.... i recieved mixed results and i never ended up scoring the gir li wanted... just the 7's (i think that is what u guys call it) rather than the 9's.....

my main problem was not talking to girls but taking things to different stages i.e. from talking to kissing, kissing to sex etc. etc.... so i decided, as with all skills that are learned, that i should do some research and i stumbled upon a guy and his work on the internet (dont know if u guys openly name authors and books on the site so if u wana know just ask)...after reading his book my eyes were opened... it all made perfect sense and i decided that after reading the book on thursday last i had to go out last weekend and try out these theories for myself !!!

so i went clubbing on Friday and this is how i fared.......

it was a friend of mines birthday and he was dying to i decided to try the wingman angle (which we often did, i'm maverick, hes ice) except this time i was armed with some new skills. So off we went on our way... i approached a group of girls and started talking to them about a reality tv show.. they all seemed to open up and were very talkative, but my friend was standing there like a lost puppy so i decided that i had to work alone...

i approached 2 girls.... one was rotten (it was HER birthday too) and her friend was a definite 8 or i said my hellos and the hot one told me it was her friends bday, i remarked it was my friends birthday too and we should try hook them up... we laughed in approval...
i then threw in a bit of C & F and remarked "so why are you standing there with your friend? waiting to pick up her strays ?"..she laughed hysterically and punched me on the arm ( i knew i was in!!).. so i said my goodbyes and said i wanted to go back to my friend for a while and i'd "catch her later"...
so later on that night i spotted the 2 girls on the dancefloor.. the ugly one was face deep in some guy and her friend was just dancing around...perfect !! so i approached her nice and slow with my head held high..she grabbed me and started dancing with me so i remarked "your very forward, slow down.. i'm not sure if i like you yet" she hit me on the arm again.. so i went in for the kill and needless to say we were locking tongues late into the nite !!!!:p

stay tuned for what happened on saturday nite........

p.s. if this thread is in the wrong section i apologise, and once again hello to all !!

I'm Joe Dirt

Master Don Juan
Jan 7, 2005
Reaction score
Chicago, IL
Usually when you make out with a girl the day you meet her within minutes or hours you pretty much blow your chances of seeing her again... the whole buyer's remorse problem.

But it sounds like you got your sh1t together for the most part, so keep up the good work on C&F and approaches.


Don Juan
Dec 19, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by I'm Joe Dirt
Usually when you make out with a girl the day you meet her within minutes or hours you pretty much blow your chances of seeing her again... the whole buyer's remorse problem.

But it sounds like you got your sh1t together for the most part, so keep up the good work on C&F and approaches.
yeah mate i totally agree... to be honest i was happy enough with that, as the whole weekend was more of an experiment than anything else to see if this stuff actually works.... i was always quite decent with C&F and it kinda comes naturally (not to blow my own trumpet).. i think where i need work is HOW u actually say these things.... so as to appear calm, confident and ****y at the same time....

anyway guys sorry for the delay.. i will now post my exploits from last saturday nite below !!


Don Juan
Dec 19, 2005
Reaction score
saturday nite

so after doing ok on friday nite i decided to REALLY push the boundaries, so i suggested to a friend that him and i go to one of the most exclusive bars in the city.. where beautiful (but very vain) women spend their nites hanging out, and heres what happened:

standing at the bar i saw a group of roughly 4/5 girls i looked over to check for eye contact... having recieved none (wasnt sure if they didnt see me or werent too bothered) i decided to just take it as an experience and go over anyway, so i gestured to my friend and we wandered over.... i said "hello" to the girls, making sure not to look at any one girl for too long, i then proceeded to say, as calmly as possible " i know most guys who approach you think your probably *****es, but you seem nice so i'm said i'd come over and say hello"... none of the girls knew what to say, and some of 'em just smiled and said hi...UNTIL one of the girls said to me (in a real ***** tone) "how often do you use that line then ?".... my cover was blown, i knew i had to recover fast, so using some of my new arsenal, i slowly gestured her to come over to me, then leaning in her ear i said "listen !! i know you might have everyone else in the room fooled, but you don't fool me... i KNOW for a fact that your the most insecure girl in this bar"...well guys lemme tell u !!! she shut up so fast i was in shock, but struggling to keep a cool face i turned back to her friends and proceeded to chat away !!! after a nice chat i told them i was going for a cigarette and said our goodbyes....

its so funny, but after that conversation, the girl approached me twice and asked why i had said what i did, i simply replied, in a joking tone "dont be so nosey" "baby wants her bottle" and she got a bit mad (i got the impression this was a crucial point..i think i messed up coz i probably came across as too agressive or obnoxious) so she eventually appeared to lose interest..."ah well" i said and moved on....

so after a few unsuccessful ventures me and my friend decided to call it a night... ALAS, this is where the fun began... while looking for a taxi i spotted 2 girls walking along the side of the road.... 7's at best but there was nothing else going so i decided to make my move.. so i strolled up and said hello... pretty soon i had one of the girls attention and we slowed our walking pace down (good sign) and i had her to myself... she started asking me questions like "where do i live" and "what do i do for a living" so i pulled her up on this and questioned why she had nothing interesting to say and why was she so nervous...she just smiled shyly..... she persisted however with asking what i do for a living so i said "you'll never guess" ( i had set my bait).... she had a few guesses and i simply replied no for each and changed the conversation to something else, knowing she was prob all the time thinking what i did for a living? ( she was on the hook)

eventually i caved and said i was ...check this.... a "relationship advisor" heehee..... immediately i was on a pedistal in her eyes and she kept saying it was really cool, i simply shrugged it off as being completely normal !!!( btw..whats you guys opinion on using false jobs etc??) so we reached a corner and she said her house was this way and she'd better go.... knowing i was at another crucial point i said, as confidently as i could (although inside i was scared it wouldnt come off ) i said "i'm cold, i'm coming back to yours and you can make me a cup of tea" she looked surprised but didnt object, inside i was screaming to myself "your in here mate".. well i wont bore youz anymore lads.... needless to say i WAS in there that night and i left the next morning a very happy man....

so how did i find this site?? well after my exploits at the weekend my thirst for knowledge took over and it led me here.... hopefully i will learn even more from everyone ( i already picked a bit up from the DJ Bible !!) and become a master !!!!

p.s.*** unlike some DJ's who may be on this site i would like to point out that i think women are amazing (but confusing) creatures and i have an awful lot of respect for MOST women that i come across***.. thanks for listening to my story DJ's and i shall chat to you all as we progress,




Master Don Juan
May 31, 2005
Reaction score
You have found this forum at a point where you are well beyond what it has to offer, for the most part. Most people with your level of competence leave in favor of more developed places that can carry the discussion of women beyond the basics.

Read the topics in the DJ Bible that have something to offer, but if an article seems boring at first you probably have nothing to lose by skipping it.

If you like this forum, I highly recommend pretending like you are 25 and posting in the Mature Man forum. This part of the forum is more or less worthless, unless you just like watching yourself type. If you bother to give good advice, you'll quickly notice that nobody's listening anyway.


Don Juan
Dec 19, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by BrotherAP
You have found this forum at a point where you are well beyond what it has to offer, for the most part. Most people with your level of competence leave in favor of more developed places that can carry the discussion of women beyond the basics.

Read the topics in the DJ Bible that have something to offer, but if an article seems boring at first you probably have nothing to lose by skipping it.

If you like this forum, I highly recommend pretending like you are 25 and posting in the Mature Man forum. This part of the forum is more or less worthless, unless you just like watching yourself type. If you bother to give good advice, you'll quickly notice that nobody's listening anyway.
thanx for the compliment mate.... its my 1st day so i'm not too sure how good the general forum is , but hopefully i can pick up something.. what i will say i that i am not as good as i could be (nowhere close ) so i am always open to any suggestions that are thrown out there...