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  1. S

    misrep and using fake pic on dating site

    The real question is this trick worth pulling off? If its just for ****s and giggles, sure go ahead. But will this net you any *****? Very very unlikely. All this is false advertising. Women do it all the time with their pushup bras, corsets, makeup and other stuff they put on to make...
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    Dating Neighbors

    Hey guys, People with experience only please weigh in here. What are the pros and cons of dating a neighbor? I moved into an apartment complex and I want to talk to a chick who lives in a nearby apartment. I know I am probably over analyzing but I don't want to make a mistake here... give...
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    Getting Fed Up with People

    dude, no offense, but you have anger issues. It seems like you are overcompensating for your "passivity" with aggressiveness. I agree with ease, you are showing signs of social paranoia and you want people to validate your feelings are legitimate and not just in your own head. If you are at...
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    Seriously... Why do we eat more than one time a day?

    I think it what it is backbreaker, is that people,especially overweight people, in general underestimate how much they eat, especially the constant snacks (as is the case with me). Have you heard of Eat Stop Eat? It is a nutrition program that relies on intermittent fasting. All the...
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    How to stay out of jail, when things get physical

    After reading the comments on youtube, it looks like: "The girl poured beer on the dude's head and tore up his vikings sign because she was rooting for the lions. " It's funny she got so worked up over the Lions. Typically they lost. They wouldn't be able to score a touchdown even if...
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    Men Became Weak and Women Took Over

    hey ketostix how you doing? I though you were banned? Hey if you don't want to make this into a racial discussion, then its very simple, don't bring up the subject of minorities. You know why? This is a forum to discuss don juan stuff, not political, religious or racial BS. BTW, I would...
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    How to stay out of jail, when things get physical

    what was this about? PS Lions suck
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    Am i shallow?

    how do you know its an extra nipple and not a mole? If its a part of his body, there's not much you can do about it.. without a scalpel
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    Hot girls with nasty habits?

    Hey guys in your dj adventures have you come across a girl who was hot, maybe even smoking hot, but then something about her or something she did just turned you off completely or came across as disgusting? Example from my experience... there was a hot chick I was eyeing at the gym the...
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    Judge/Rate Me.

    You give the vibe of a gigolo. That way you wear that shirt behind your back makes you look like a male stripper (either that or flamboyant). Your body is not that great tho. Respect for the athletic stuff.. do you do any sports currently? You're 20 you should use this time to get ahead in...
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    Megan Fox: 'women have the power because they have the vag!nas'...

    Is it just me or is the attention on this girl blown way out of proportion? She found out that she can manipulate guys with the allure of her private parts... wow big revelation! To me she is just an average hollywood skank, she comes a dime a dozen in that world. Once her 15 minutes is...
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    the avg man is quite pathetic

    dude that is some minor haterism you got going on in the background. Snide remarks and ugly faces, who gives a sh*t. I would let it roll off my back, personally. Or throw it back humorously at them, like telling them you could meet them afterwards and give them advice (in response to the...
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    Dealing with blatant disrespect from a douchebag at work

    great advice, I agree with this guy, no pissing contests, let this guy's games roll off your back, stay in your mindframe at all times.
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    How hot is this chick?

    3 months is not really a relationship dude, its a fling at best.
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    ugliest hookers

    is it just me or do half those women look like trannies?
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    ugliest hookers

    boy you gotta be a little more careful on writing stuff that comes to your mind, you have no clue what I think or feel.
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    ugliest hookers

    "whose" way of thinking are you talking about? nobody is stopping you from being racist, just like nobody is stopping you from doing drugs, smoking, jumping in front of a train, or stuff like that. But I gurantee you anything you do, you have to account for it one way or another. blah...
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    insecure boyfriends, violence over females, possesiveness

    damn dude you are a year older than me talking to me like I'm your nephew... no worries, appreciate your input, my question for you is when do you recognize this forming in your own relations with a female and how do you prevent that from happening? I'm afraid of becoming like one of these...
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    ugliest hookers

    why is there so much race-oriented threads on this forum?? it seems this back and forth always is going on...
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    insecure boyfriends, violence over females, possesiveness

    I can understand guys being protective, and I can understand them being reserved or a little withdrawn. Everyone's human and has feelings, I would be a dipsh*t if I just step on another guy's toes deliberately (and get bad karma anyways). What I mean is guys who have something to prove, who...