insecure boyfriends, violence over females, possesiveness


Don Juan
Jun 30, 2009
Reaction score
Bay Area, California
hey guys,

I want to pose a question to the community over here, I dont think every one is going to have the same opinion on this one. It's a two parter.

OK... lets say you are in a group of friends or associates, like a club, or team, or some sort of social group. You are cool with the guys on a one on one basis, but it seems like some guys do a dr jekyll and hide thing when they are around their girlfriend.

Some are still cool and ****y everything (the cool ones), some are kind of withdrawn but still friendly (maybe a little uptight), some act like pissy b*tches (I know this one guy I had some cool conversations with who turned around and became an uptight little pr*ck, like literally grimacing if you you take a look at their chick). How do you deal with the third category, without having to give them a b*tchslap and telling them to wake the f*ck the up.

The funny part is that some (not all) of the guys who act like the third category are not the type you would think of desperate (meaning well-built and muscular, in other aspects showing alpha behaviour).

I know that ideal world no one would feel insecure about this ****. But paradoxical part is this seems like a protection motive initiated by guy's psyche.

So the the second part of my question, if you start feeling insecure or possessive feeling for a female, how do you deal with it? I guess some sort of caveman this is my b*tch attitude is good to have, but when do you know that your desire for one female is or is about to go over the threshold. Also how do you define that threshold, when you know that your feeling are starting to control you.


Master Don Juan
Nov 23, 2005
Reaction score
Miami, FL
snackwitch said:
hey guys,

I want to pose a question to the community over here, I dont think every one is going to have the same opinion on this one. It's a two parter.

OK... lets say you are in a group of friends or associates, like a club, or team, or some sort of social group. You are cool with the guys on a one on one basis, but it seems like some guys do a dr jekyll and hide thing when they are around their girlfriend.

Some are still cool and ****y everything (the cool ones), some are kind of withdrawn but still friendly (maybe a little uptight), some act like pissy b*tches (I know this one guy I had some cool conversations with who turned around and became an uptight little pr*ck, like literally grimacing if you you take a look at their chick). How do you deal with the third category, without having to give them a b*tchslap and telling them to wake the f*ck the up.

The funny part is that some (not all) of the guys who act like the third category are not the type you would think of desperate (meaning well-built and muscular, in other aspects showing alpha behaviour).

I know that ideal world no one would feel insecure about this ****. But paradoxical part is this seems like a protection motive initiated by guy's psyche.

So the the second part of my question, if you start feeling insecure or possessive feeling for a female, how do you deal with it? I guess some sort of caveman this is my b*tch attitude is good to have, but when do you know that your desire for one female is or is about to go over the threshold. Also how do you define that threshold, when you know that your feeling are starting to control you.
yes they are insecure and desperate. this happens to a lot of guys when women around. i even had to dump some 'friends' because they'd pull this **** whenever a woman was around and would make jokes at my expense.

anyway you can simply ignore it. what i do is ask them what their behavior is all about? if they make an issue or continue doing it i simply call them out on their ***** whipped, mangina behavior. if they get upset, oh well, don't need to put up with people likethat anyway. they sure as hell aren't your friends (if you consider them such). these are the types of guys who will back stab in a heart beat.

that was for in general though. if he's the boyfriend then naturally you should respect them but i thnk i would do the same and tell bluto to ease up. i can understand being protective but when you are literally doing the talking for her that's just retarded.


Don Juan
Jun 30, 2009
Reaction score
Bay Area, California
IKO69 said:
yes they are insecure and desperate. this happens to a lot of guys when women around. i even had to dump some 'friends' because they'd pull this **** whenever a woman was around and would make jokes at my expense.

anyway you can simply ignore it. what i do is ask them what their behavior is all about? if they make an issue or continue doing it i simply call them out on their ***** whipped, mangina behavior. if they get upset, oh well, don't need to put up with people likethat anyway. they sure as hell aren't your friends (if you consider them such). these are the types of guys who will back stab in a heart beat.

that was for in general though. if he's the boyfriend then naturally you should respect them but i thnk i would do the same and tell bluto to ease up. i can understand being protective but when you are literally doing the talking for her that's just retarded.
I can understand guys being protective, and I can understand them being reserved or a little withdrawn. Everyone's human and has feelings, I would be a dipsh*t if I just step on another guy's toes deliberately (and get bad karma anyways). What I mean is guys who have something to prove, who start making snide comments and try to show you up like you are in a f*cking beauty pageant. It pisses me off because I was never competing with the guy in the first place!


Master Don Juan
Nov 23, 2005
Reaction score
Miami, FL
snackwitch said:
I can understand guys being protective, and I can understand them being reserved or a little withdrawn. Everyone's human and has feelings, I would be a dipsh*t if I just step on another guy's toes deliberately (and get bad karma anyways). What I mean is guys who have something to prove, who start making snide comments and try to show you up like you are in a f*cking beauty pageant. It pisses me off because I was never competing with the guy in the first place!
yes it's not your problem (if you ever thought it was). these guys are lucky and know they will struggle if they ever lose princess...that' why they are threatened and do what they do. in a sense they are telling you they are not as strong as they look. not surprising, you'll find out someday (i'm assuming you're young) most guys are really full of it and the macho front is just that, a front.

edit: sorry got to watch out for that 3 post daily limit and so have to respond to you this way
yes i just saw your age now. i assumed you were younger, most on here are younger than us.

anyway i am a natural take no **** kind of person and so i usually lay the ground work early on. you have to be semi strict in a way because they constantly push the envelope to see what they can get away with and they respect a dominant man deep down anyway. so don't be afraid to put your foot down sometimes, it's also necessary. this doesn't mean you have to be an insecure prick however. i usaually let them talk to guys esp. if they know them and only really get involved if the guy is being disrespectful and trying to put the moves on. there's really no other appropriate time to do so. so do keep an eye out for your lady but don't suffocate her. you shouldn't be behind her when she's in line to order a friggin pepsi for god's sake.

you'll be alright. be firm but fair, that's all.
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Don Juan
Jun 30, 2009
Reaction score
Bay Area, California
IKO69 said:
yes it's not your problem (if you ever thought it was). these guys are lucky and know they will struggle if they ever lose princess...that' why they are threatened and do what they do. in a sense they are telling you they are not as strong as they look. not surprising, you'll find out someday (i'm assuming you're young) most guys are really full of it and the macho front is just that, a front.

damn dude you are a year older than me talking to me like I'm your nephew...

no worries, appreciate your input, my question for you is when do you recognize this forming in your own relations with a female and how do you prevent that from happening? I'm afraid of becoming like one of these guys because I met some girl that I like.