Search results

  1. R

    26, lonely, confused

    LP, Your unwillingness to expand your comfort zone is what is holding you back. How can you expect to meet new people and develop a social circle at work and home? Really? Start here
  2. R

    Just Broke-Up With My Girlfriend of Two Years (Depressed)

    Don't be an idiot. Find a new chick, stop this nonsense and grow up. An F-buddy relationship is an attempt at a quasi-relationship. How are you going to react when you find out shes getting it from other dudes? Grow a pair kid. Meet new chicks. Where are you going after high school?
  3. R

    overcoming a problem..

    Read a wide variety of material. Classical Shakespeare -> Dostoyevsky -> Wall Street Journal -> Brave New World-> The Economist Et cetera.
  4. R

    My Girlfriend was raped by her Ex...

    A "man" would realize that she has more baggage than he really wants to deal with. Be nice, tell her to go to therapy. Don't be a chump and stay - girls with sexual issues are bad for you.
  5. R

    Bruce Lee like workout

    Actually, they're not. Try doing some finger tip push ups. They're not difficult. Or at least, try to become as masterful as Bruce Lee, then talk about feats and their merit.
  6. R

    How do non DJs get girls?

    So a 1 in 2 chance to lose half your sh1t and pay some chick for sleeping with her? And just because some one is married, doesn't mean they're happy.
  7. R

    Teeth Whitening

    Seeking best product, method, most cost-effective, best results - etc. Please share your experience. Too much coffee
  8. R

    How do non DJs get girls?

    They settle for whatever chick they can get. Have you considered, oh I don't know - becoming an attractive man? Or are you a troll?
  9. R

    The girl i have fallen for who has a Boyfriend.

    When she didn't have sex with you dude. OPEN YOUR EYES. Get some self-respect and find other women, last I checked we weren't running out.
  10. R

    I noticed DJs hardly give a straight answer.

    Be real on the first encounter. Playful bs-ing should be a character quality you posses. If you have to be FAKE then a chick will usually see through it. But if you're genuine in your silliness then she won't really care until its time to be serious. There are a billion ways to answer -...
  11. R

    Wife beaters, the ultimate AFCs? [merged]

    Learn to kino with jujitsu. :whistle:
  12. R

    My quest and field report for turning my ex gf into a fvck buddy!

    Ok, meet new women and stop trying to repair an old relationship. Its unhealthy and self-disrespectful.
  13. R

    Its OK everyone knows your an A55H0l3... you really care?
  14. R

    Reasons why men should NOT ever have a "girlfriend"

    Really though, do you need anything else? It may not be the "right" thing to do, but if you like some one, why not keep them in your life in a meaningful manner? If you're leasing a car, and over time you build a relationship with this car - memories, emotions, a sense of thrill when you see...
  15. R


    Don't. WoW is a waste of time. This is coming from a Season 4 Brutal Gladiator - Title, gear, 310% Drake. If you know what that means, you understand how deep I was into the game. Don't.
  16. R

    So how do I fully unplug???

  17. R

    Wife beaters, the ultimate AFCs? [merged]

    Not saying that I believe there is any justifiable reason to strike a woman, except in fear of one's life - she apparently gave him genital herpes, after lying about it. I don't know about you, I'd be irked.
  18. R


    heh. In order of importance Porsche CGT 997 Turbo Skyline R35 VSpec E63 AMG RS5 IS-F And a personal touch - A 1986 Toyota Corolla AWD Dominance. FR Grace. **** I love cars.
  19. R

    It aint over yet

    And just so we're 1000% clear - Whos fault was that? Good. Close this chapter and start anew tomorrow morning.
  20. R

    The Warrior's Scroll

    Bump for inspiring post. Really exceptional man, really really good.