It aint over yet


Master Don Juan
Apr 6, 2004
Reaction score

The issue has been resolved and it is done. It was over a long time ago. Please read post #17 before you post a reply.
WTF why am I still talking about this girl?

Late last night she changed her Facebook status to single. Her best-friend made a comment and then she replied confirming it. Said something like the boy couldn't keep up with her. I sent her a message saying I just loged into FB and the first thing on my page was the status change and her friends comment then said something "like you and your friend are crazy together" (their back and forth was something else) and if she was doing OK. She has not yet replied to my message.

As far as I know she was only with the dude for a week I don't know if they even met more then once but she liked him for a couple of months.

Frankly the iron can't be hotter. I do not want to see her rebound onto some other guy. She seemed ****y in her comment TO HER GIRLFRIEND, but I have no idea how she is really doing.

There has to be a way I can use this to my advantage. Ugh that sounds so sleazy.

Screwing this up is so easy but I can't be scared into inaction or going too far.

Edit: Hopefully clear up some confusion.
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Master Don Juan
Jan 24, 2009
Reaction score
man, I think you should really just drop it. I highly doubt that it'll work out in your favor. You got extreme oneitis for this chick, you'd feel so much better if you just get over it. But I know you won't let it go, so good luck.


Master Don Juan
Apr 6, 2004
Reaction score
LOL as if I'd drop her without a fight after everything I wrote about her.

Thanks I need all the luck I can get.


Master Don Juan
Jan 24, 2009
Reaction score
well, I know you won't drop it because I was in the same situation as you with one chick once. It took our friendship falling apart before I got over it, and we haven't spoken since. If you don't mind losing any friendship with her then go for it. But I wouldn't expect anything.


Jul 13, 2008
Reaction score
The United State of Texas

Maxtro.......MAXTRO! Are you serious? You seriously think you still have a chance with this girl? WOW. What the...?
What in the world is going on here at this forum? Didn't you see the thread by Goodfornothing called,"In love with my bestfriend"? He started that thread back in August of last year. LAST YEAR...and just a few days ago,he replied to it asking what his chances were of getting with this girl. Don't tell me you want to end up like this dude. Come on man. At the rate your going,you're going to make me think there's more hope for CapedCruaser08 than you.

What,do you enjoy pain and rejection? What exactly would this girl have to do to make you give up on her? You make it seem as if you and her are the only two people in your town and you don't have any other options but her.

Listen to what you said about how she responded to you when you asked her how she was doing. You said that she was "****y",ie;arrogant,ie:condescending. You know why? Because she doesn't respect you as a man. She sees you as a groveling worm. Hey man,I'm sorry to be so harsh,but it's the truth.

I already know that whatever I say and what the other posters tell you will be for nothing. It'll all be useless. Because we're telling you common sense while you're going by how you feel/emotions. The same way a woman does when she's in an abusive relationship and all her friends and family members keep telling her to get out of it,but she refuses because of how she feels.
She puts her feeling ahead of her mental/physical well-being.
I had thought that what you had already been through with this girl was painful enough to make you move on,but it looks like I was wrong.

I hate to see you do this to yourself,but reguardless of this foolish decision of yours,you're still a member here,still a part of Sosuave. So when (not if) this girl crushes your spirit again,we'll still have your back here man. I realize that not everyone can be taught through instruction and some people just insist on learning things the hard way through pain,even when it isn't necessary.

I would try to give you some advice on trying to win her over,but unfotunately,the friendzone is a one-way street to a dead-end.

Wow,dude. I'm still in shock by this. Well let me ask you this: Do you think the way you're acting and behaving towards this girl is DJ-ish? Can you give me a link or point out to me anywhere where this is taught her on the forum?
The fact that you originally started off with this girl by being friends instead of showing your interest SEVERLY damaged any chances you may have had with her. Then,when you had the "honest talk" with her about you liking her and her telling you that she didn't know you liked her,this completely killed any possible attraction on her end. It should be evident by the way she now speaks to you,with an air of being better than you.

Alright,alright,I'm done. I think this reply was more for me than for you.
I know you're still going to pursue this girl,so instead of my reply talking some sense into you,it helped to release my shock and disbelief at your plan.

Anyway,I don't know why I'm saying this,but good luck.


Master Don Juan
Apr 6, 2004
Reaction score
Ugh! Dude.

She hasn't even responded to my message yet. When I said she sounded ****y it was the comments between her and her girlfriend. I haven't had any communication with her since Friday.

Thanks for taking the time to write what you did, but it's 100% non-applicable.


Master Don Juan
Jan 24, 2009
Reaction score
ok, she's not responding to your message because she knows your interested in her, she's absolutely not interested in you and she knows the reason you messaged her is because you noticed that she changed her relationship status. She knows your gonna try to get with her, this is her way of telling you to back off without being a complete *****. So take a hint and leave her alone.


Master Don Juan
Jan 12, 2008
Reaction score
Like what I told you in the other thread, you wasted all these years stuffing your head with so-called DJ skills but you're not applying them at all. In fact, you're doing exactly what a stereotypical AFC would do. It's like you don't trust what you've learned.


Master Don Juan
Apr 6, 2004
Reaction score
ROFL. It's only 8:16 she's probably not awake yet or she hasn't checked her computer. If anything she just won't reply and I'll have lunch with her later today.

I can see that posting here is a waste of my time. I came here for encouragement and guidance. Instead of telling me that I'm an AFC how about telling me what I can do, besides "next" her.

Ugh: Damn 10 post rule!

Trying to remember what I posted.

I'm not going to wait for her to call me. I need to take initiative and be persistent. Anyways I'm not afraid to show that I like her anymore. If I sense a chance to kiss her I'll take it. This experience has changed me. My goal is to try and change how she sees me.
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Master Don Juan
Jan 12, 2008
Reaction score
What you can do is to get yourself busy with other women. You've spent enough time with this one. She already knows that you like her. The ball is in her court. Take the hint and leave her alone. If she wants you, she'll find a way to communicate that to you. I wouldn't call it "nexting" but it's just placing a lower priority on this chick while you spend your valuable time on other potentials.

You already know all the above, right? You've been here long enough to see that same advice being given over and over and over again.

I bet you can predict what you yourself would do next though. You would keep bugging this chick and trying to ask her to hang out and failing to escalate sexually. It's up to you to do something different this time and defeat that AFC version of yourself.
Mar 2, 2009
Reaction score
Maxtro, if you were her, would you be interested in dating Maxtro?

if not, then its time to do what I said in the virgin photo thread, and only start gaming girls when you look the role of the seducer, and not the role of the creepy fake friend with no game


Senior Don Juan
Sep 12, 2007
Reaction score
maxtro why don't you **** her friends instead?

you're pissing me off man :(
May 23, 2006
Reaction score
Sounds like something that happened to me a few years ago. However, I didn't see hope, I saw that she rejected me and went with another guy. I saw blackness - devoid of hope. No matter what happens Maxtro, she rejected you and choose another guy over you. She ignored you. You were the nice guy. Hope in this case is subscribing to fantasy. Fantasy sometimes is nice and beautiful -- but it's not reality. People on this board are trying to help you learn to adjust to reality and not be delusional.

You have to draw the line between chasing a fantasy and getting a grip on your life and becoming the type of man that will attract a woman you want, and listen to all available advice and take advantage of all your resources you have access to do move to that goal.

That Black girl is a fantasy. She is your fantasy girlfriend. Keep her in your mind. That's where she belongs. Move on and use that to motivate you to become the type of guy you need to be to attract the type of girl that you want.


Master Don Juan
Jan 24, 2009
Reaction score
muhuwahaha said:
maxtro why don't you **** her friends instead?

you're pissing me off man :(
this is actually a good idea, bet she'd hook you up with one of her not so good friends just to get you off her back. I've used girls who've rejected me to get other girls, but this only works if you didn't destroy your friendship with the girl and she thinks your a cool guy (and finds you attractive).
Mar 2, 2009
Reaction score
Luke Skywalker said:
Sounds like something that happened to me a few years ago. However, I didn't see hope, I saw that she rejected me and went with another guy. I saw blackness - devoid of hope. No matter what happens Maxtro, she rejected you and choose another guy over you. She ignored you. You were the nice guy. Hope in this case is subscribing to fantasy. Fantasy sometimes is nice and beautiful -- but it's not reality. People on this board are trying to help you learn to adjust to reality and not be delusional.

You have to draw the line between chasing a fantasy and getting a grip on your life and becoming the type of man that will attract a woman you want, and listen to all available advice and take advantage of all your resources you have access to do move to that goal.

That Black girl is a fantasy. She is your fantasy girlfriend. Keep her in your mind. That's where she belongs. Move on and use that to motivate you to become the type of guy you need to be to attract the type of girl that you want.

shut up and stop posting advice


Master Don Juan
Apr 6, 2004
Reaction score
And now it's 100% over. I'm angry but glad it's done. There is no point in being friends with a woman who sees you as some genderless being that she could never dream of hooking up with. That's the first time I have ever purposefully terminated a friendship.

For as long as I am single I will no longer have female friends. I'm not mature enough to have them. I will no longer spend more than 3 times hanging out with a girl without actually making a move on her.


Don Juan
Mar 11, 2008
Reaction score
dude there is a point in being friends with a girl, get access to her friends!


Mar 10, 2009
Reaction score
Maxtro said:
And now it's 100% over. I'm angry but glad it's done. There is no point in being friends with a woman who sees you as some genderless being that she could never dream of hooking up with.

And just so we're 1000% clear - Whos fault was that?

Good. Close this chapter and start anew tomorrow morning.


Jul 13, 2008
Reaction score
The United State of Texas
What happened Maxtro. You went from this post...
Maxtro said:
I can see that posting here is a waste of my time. I came here for encouragement and guidance. Instead of telling me that I'm an AFC how about telling me what I can do, besides "next" her.

...I'm not going to wait for her to call me. I need to take initiative and be persistent. Anyways I'm not afraid to show that I like her anymore. If I sense a chance to kiss her I'll take it. This experience has changed me. My goal is to try and change how she sees me.
to this one:
Maxtro said:
And now it's 100% over. I'm angry,but glad it's done. There is no point in friends with a woman who sees you as some genderless being that she could never dream of hooking up with. That's the first time I have ever purposefully terminated a friendship.

For as long as I am single I will no longer have female friends. I'm not mature enough to have them. I will no longer spend more than three times hanging out with a girl without actually making a move on her.
Something happened here. I also noticed that the first post was made during the morning time,but the second one where you did a complete 180 and changed you mind about this girl was made over 12 hours later.

So what happened man....and be honest. Obviously you had some sort of contact/conversation with the girl,and it didn't go as you had hoped it would.
I believe that something like this must have happened because all of our replies to you were met with deaf ears. All the collective experiences,knowledge and wisdom of this board is nothing to a man infected with oneitis....and dude,you had oneitis.

I hope that maybe a newbie or another member who is currently going through what you just experienced can learn from this thread.