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  1. R

    Wht happens when this DJ stuff becomes main stream

    MTV can blow me, if they come anywhere near my town i will blow up their van. What a fu(kin pathetic medium they are.
  2. R


    I hope you crash and burn in your conquest. There are loads of single females around but you feel the need to steal one in order to make yourself feel more masculine. Ricard
  3. R

    Sending Weird Drunken Text Messages

    "WARNING" "WARNING" Never send sexual text messages while drunk "WARNING" "WARNING" I did it last week for the first time in a year, i told some girl she was hot and should come over thankfully she didnt i would not have wanted to have to chew my other arm off .
  4. R

    Read the DJ Bible but...

    The Game by Neil Strauss although he sold out, i could really side with where he was comming fram with the choices he made.
  5. R

    kiss close situation

    Read her body language, if you can buy a book or read the bible, you know when she is ready, as soon as you see it move in. Ricard
  6. R


    Come on ruckus the guy is 18 thats the only way people dance at that age. I think ive managed to bang every woman i have grinded so yeah they are sluts :crackup:
  7. R

    I got her what?

    Email her :crackup: Come on man. Tell her a little about yourself, dont go into detail, but also talk about how good it was to meet her. Cover some of the convo you had again commenting on it, this will give her some familiarality in the email. Then you can do one of two things await her...
  8. R

    Non AFC way of telling your girl not to do something?

    Jababa trying to change people can work out bad. I understand you have good intentions but drug taking is a part of culture these days, i personally despise it but i drink alcohol so who am i to judge. As Playboy says you should never try to change someone, if the drung taking is a problem for...
  9. R

    I moved her out of the friend zone, in one night

    I know who you are. We still going out tonight?, im in a party mood. :D p.s she did ask me round hers tonight, i told her i was on a date :D
  10. R

    What would you do if a girl just completely cuts off sex from you?

    I would move on, unless you did something wrong. The only thing i withold from women is me when they are bad
  11. R

    I moved her out of the friend zone, in one night

    Peter i dont remember where i read Naughty Girl, i thought it might have been the bible, but it could so easily be Mystery or The Game. The basic premise of it is if she shows another guy intrest or she shows a little intrest in you you turn your full attention and even body language towards...
  12. R

    Pet names -is that good or bad?

    It could simply be a dilect thing. Dont hang on it, i call all women Babe, Sexy, Good Lookin, Sweetheart, Darling. Its all done in a friendly was unless i want to move it up a level then i let my body languge do the majority of the work. Pet Names are not bad at all, i have noticed that some...
  13. R


    Check mate, that bag can make the diffrence between a HB 4 & 7 LOL Ricard
  14. R


    You can do a mix of what Juanito say and have one hand on her hip one hand on her tummy. pull her body into yours, its not just a d!ck thing its about two hot bodies together. Ricard
  15. R

    I moved her out of the friend zone, in one night

    Thanks guys Ad Deadly Assassin has pointed out i can emphersise how good Naughty Girl and Showing that you can move on works. Ricard
  16. R

    weight and sex

    Size aint anything, you think a species such as women dont see weight and badly dressed people from a mile away. Of course they do, if you have them around you they like you. Dont be afraid of your body, its yours and no one elses. Appart from the very lucky ones
  17. R

    Is it bad to be over-dressed?

    Always look your best. Guys under estimate how good a shirt can make you look. Women are attracted to guys who dress well, think about home much time they spend on themselves. Ricard
  18. R

    I moved her out of the friend zone, in one night

    Hi All I just got back from a club and want to say i have moved a woman who i have liked for 18months out of the friend zone and into the lover zone. I cannot begin to explain how elated i feel. This girl is due to leave my area in a few months and over the last few weeks i have felt time...
  19. R

    Staying out of the friend zone?

    Its not difficult to move from the friend zone into a sexual relationship, you just need to show the target woman that you find her sexy in a non aggressive way. So u dont need to worry if it ever does go in that direction because you can always pull it back. Read the Friend 2 Fu(k Buddy post
  20. R

    Help With Dancing :(

    Try to take up a salsa or samba class these two things help you work on your hips, if you dont have any classes close to you start watching mtv and try to immitate dances that you like on there. Im a great dancer and my houemate i alway asking me how i do it. All i can say is the beat is the...