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  1. S

    The Book Recommendation thread

    Man's Search for Meaning by Viktor Frankl I hate to be one of those "this changed my life" people but it did. I thought about things that I never had when I read it. Frankl was a psychiatrist who was put into the Nazi concentration camp at Auschwitz. He watched what made people continue...
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    Egg White Vs. Egg Yolk: Which Is Better?

    Eat whole eggs. The cholesterol helps produce testosterone. And eating raw eggs? Thanks, but no thanks. When I eat, I want it to taste good and not end up sick.
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    Questions for six-pack guys......

    It doesn't do you any good to whine about genetics. You play the cards you get dealt. For some that means a shiat ton of work. For others, nothing. Keep in mind though, a nice muscular look is more than having visible abs. I wouldn't trade my chest, back shoulder and arm size for them.
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    Need Help With 30 Lb Reduction

    What about weightlifting? You do pushups, dips and ab exercises. What about some back and leg lifting?
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    Need Help With 30 Lb Reduction

    Why do you assume that all these things are good? Juice is sugar without the fiber of fruit. Apples aren't terrible but they have sugar in them. Any green vegetable is fine with me. There's no point to eating corn. You know how you make a cow gain weight? You stop it from grazing and you start...
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    Should I bulk or cut first?

    This bulk and cut stuff is complete BS. If you've got weight on you like that then you are probably an endomorph--a person who puts on muscle and fat pretty easily. So if I were you I would start a full body lifting routine with lots of compound exercises. Cut out all sugar, alcohol, and eat...
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    Need Help With 30 Lb Reduction

    Cut the corn and the juice out. Every meal now has protein and a green vegetable. Drop as many carbs as you can. Switch to whole wheat tortillas for your sandwiches. Get as much as you can from natural food sources rather than the protein shakes. Start doing a full body routine three times...
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    What next?

    I read the DJ Bible and enjoyed it. More than anything else, I have a generally better attitude about things. Anyway, what's next? What should I read now?
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    how to flirt in library and bookstore

    I'd probably ask her to help you find a book. Make up something ridiculous. For example, You: "Can you help me find a book in the *whatever* section?" Her: Sure You: It's about how to make every girl swoon just by talking to her. I sent it in to the publisher but I didn't know if they had...
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    Personally, I'm not a fan of drugs. Some are. Different strokes for different folks. If that's what's working for you and your life and the girls you are after have that kind of lifestyle, go after it.
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    Don't worry, prepare

    I used to be so worried and pissed off all the time. Every day I woke up hating everything and everyone. I can't believe I allowed myself to get that bitter. So what's different today? I realized things sucked sometimes. "everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the...
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    just need to vent!!!

    You've really lost control of your life. Get it back. Iron out the issues with your wife as time goes on. You can't possibly get that right until you get financially and mentally where you need to be.
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    Thanks guys

    I spent a long time in a relationship. About 4 years. The last six months really went downhill and I wasn't doing what I should have been. To make a long story short, we broke up and I was devastated. It sucked. I got on this forum (much like I did before I got this girl) and just spent some...
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    Girl With Boyfriend

    Update: I asked her to go with me tomorrow and she said she would if her boyfriend didn't get mad. I think I'm still going but it's probably a better idea to hold off on her for now. She knows I'm interested and if she is so can make the next move.
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    Girl With Boyfriend

    I've got a problem with a pretty good girl. I like this chick and she likes me but we're not really in a great situation. She's been seeing a guy for about a year and a half. She's got a pretty good guy for a boyfriend. I like him and actually we're friends. We talk everyday. Lately she's been...
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    Big Chance

    I'd like another chance at a relationship. I don't want just sex. I can get that if I want it. I think she wants one too in a way. She got into something she doesn't enjoy nearly as much as she thought with this other guy.
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    Big Chance

    My ex gf and I broke up about 2 months ago. I know now why. I was your standard AFC. I've got on here and learned a lot. The truth is I like my ex and she still has interest in me. Several times since then we've gotten together and had some fun times(making out, going further). She spents time...
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    A Girl, A Friend, Me, and a lot of problems

    Here's the point I was trying to make. She still has feelings for me and I her. But she's developing feelings for him. What do I do stop that and get myself looking better?
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    A Girl, A Friend, Me, and a lot of problems

    Let me start out saying that I love this girl with everything I have. She means the world to me. I've messed up thousands of times. Here's the problem: Me and Sherry started going out a year ago. We were happy and then this summer she wanted to break up. She wants to be free. she doesn't want to...