
strong like bull

Senior Don Juan
Nov 5, 2002
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any substance, including booze and weed, should only be used as an enhancer. responsibly with moderation.

such as, drinking a cup a coffee in the morning (watch the cream and sugar!) can give you a good boost of energy. and the antioxidents in the coffee are great too.

but drinking a pot of coffee in the morning, with 7 packs a sugar in each cup (a lady i work with does this every day) can have adverse effects on your health.

if you go somewhere relaxing, maybe sitting out by a fire under the stars and smoke a joint... youll find yourself with an enhanced ability to relax, and reflect on whatever comes to mind.

if you have to smoke when you wake, before work, after work, before dinner, before bed... you have a crutch. you will lose focus and vision.

as the icing on the cake, they can be delicious. its when it becomes the whole cake, that you have a problem. nobody wants a cake made only of icing. :D

the point is that substances can be harnessed to enhance, uplift, broaden or intensify our experiences in life. anything into excess can be dangerous... but the dangers of substances lies not only in the drug itself, but in the responsibility, judgement, and willpower of the user himself.

and moving on from booze, weed mdma to hard drugs like crack, coke and heroin... as the intensity and power of the drug increases it becomes harder for people to remain in control. the reason we all have seen people lose their lives to it.

how close to the edge are you willing to walk?

its a very personal decision to make. i would encourage that all parents, older siblings and schools teach young adults the truths of substances. the good and the bad. instead of using scare tactics to "protect them" from drugs, we as a people need to be educated on the truths so that we can form our own intelligent thoughts and make our own decisions. at some point everyone, including our children and children to come, will be faced with or offered booze or drugs. teach them how to make the educated choice.



Master Don Juan
Feb 20, 2009
Reaction score
Duffdog said:
I don't know if I should feel bad about agreeing with this, but its true. My good friend, who is a dealer by the way, sometimes goes out with me to clubs. He is very good at reading people (knowing what type of drug they do) and often says stuff like: "I bet you 50 bucks that chic will go home with you if you tell her you have a vial of G at home" The bad part is...he is usually right. Also, I have found that some of the girls you would NEVER suspect as a drug user will totally be down to go home with you if you offer them their drug of choice.
But it's not a very bright idea to date or screw drug addicts.


Master Don Juan
Oct 3, 2008
Reaction score
Captain said:
But it's not a very bright idea to date or screw drug addicts.
How does one know if the girl you are talking to just does it once in a while or all the time? I bet you would have a hard time picking out the "addicts" from a group of drug users. Some could say that college girls who go out and drink all the time would be considered "addicts", simply because the definition of a drug and addiction is very broad.


Feb 12, 2009
Reaction score
Captain said:
Nobody has a reason to use an illegal drug. If you think otherwise, I'd be glad to hear what you have to say, so I can tell you how you are wrong.
Each to their own.

There is no wrong or right in this situation, just informed and misinformed. Unfortunately you are probably the latter. But if you are truly informed and don't want to drugs, it's up to you, but I just find that unlikely unless you're an unusual person that finds no value in having fun/enlightening experiences.


Master Don Juan
Feb 20, 2009
Reaction score
I get the feeling that there will never be any agreement in this thread.

Some people enjoy some drugs and not others, others will never even want to try them. Some people live in places where they are common, and others live in places where drugs are looked down on. Some people know nothing about them, others think they know about drugs, and they're both totally sure that they're right.

Ah well. :rolleyes:

I know a few people who have tried weed at a party or two, and turned out fine. Some of the people I know who do weed regulary are OK, but most aren't. Everybody I have known who has done coke or heroin is in a very bad situation now.

Smoking weed is less harmful than tobacco in any amount, and it's generally harder to damage your body with weed than it is with alcohol, since alcohol is often badly abused. I'm not saying it's harmless, because it's not. If you smoke it, you still coat your lungs with tar, and long term users end up with unbalanced neurochemistry in their brain, regardless of how it gets into their body.

Any drug or substance that interferes with the normal operation of the body will eventually start to cause it to deteriorate and become unbalanced.

Don't do drugs, especially ones like ecstasy, cocaine, and heroin. A drink once in a while and a little bit of weed won't kill you, but it's not good for you.

And girls? Doesn't matter if they like the occasional joint. If you like weed, and she does too, then go for it. On the other hand, any girl who does coke or heroin is trouble.
Last edited:


Don Juan
Feb 17, 2009
Reaction score
pot is def a gateway drug

after smoking for a long time u try ectasy and coke to get another type of high and then is no turning back....

one of best friends flipped out on drugs and will never be the same...

i have had a few nights that went way out of control and relised drugs def work against u having a healthy and satisfying life...

booze is also particularly bad.. shame it is sooooooooo much fun


Senior Don Juan
Apr 22, 2007
Reaction score
my takes on drugs is this, their are two types of "drugs".

1. The prescribed medical drugs which as the FDA states can only "cure, prevent or treat a disease"

2. the "Recreational" drugs. This is is currently my cup of tea for i do not touch the garbage and bullsh1t of prescription drugs. Funny thing is i have come to realize that prescription drugs are actually part of the cause of why you are sick. In that sense it's all about money.

Needless to say i have been smoking weed since the age of 15 and i am now 20. Weed is definitely my herbal queen and is a part of me. While i don't need it to free my mind, it is enjoyable to smoke, has healing attributes and i just plain ole love it, not to mention it allows me to manifest more in my musical awareness.

Now while i'm not a fan of Heroin, crack or any of those drugs, i do not have a problem with the occasional use of cocaine or ecstasy. Speakin of X i tried one a couple of weekends ago for the first time in about a year and it allowed me to have an epiphany of life. This in turn has awoken my "greater higher being" and i am now so much more aware of the world/universe around me, and i interact it with it so lovely.

I haven't tried acid or shrooms but in time i do intned to for i feel that once your mind has removed any negative cognation of something it can then truly experience the power bliss and the divinty in all of us.

The ones who don't like drugs are entitled to their opinion, however more times then not it's their own uncontrollable mind that makes them hate drugs for they can not control them. They are more concerned with the "negatives" rather then the positive or something more silly such as how they would be "perceived" by others.

I now know that words are simple barriers, such as with labels. Words which are arbitrary labels simply divide, corrupt and limit the power of "us" as divine beings. Many will disagree with me but this i am aware of because most people are simply average and i mean that in the most humbling way possible. Average people aren't able to see things in a different way because they a clouded by barriers in which they are unable to consciously grip.


Don Juan
Mar 23, 2004
Reaction score
Personally, I'm not a fan of drugs. Some are. Different strokes for different folks.

If that's what's working for you and your life and the girls you are after have that kind of lifestyle, go after it.


New Member
Feb 23, 2009
Reaction score
drugs, loll...

sounds like a lot of the people posting on this topic are ridiculously inexperienced with "drugs". Yeah, anyone can go to webmd or google or what have you and sum the first paragraph up in their own words...

The same people would probably have no idea what you were talking about if you asked them to smoke a blunt, burn down an L, etc...

Heres what I have learned over the years, through real life experiences...

I'll start off with bud, nug, pot, chron, weed, w.e. you want to call it. It's hands down, the safest, most harmless controlled substance I know of. Don't gotta worry about overdosing, decent prices for what you get, and despite all the little technical scientific bs reports, its not going to make you go insane, delve into depression, or rob old women to get more. The only time you'll ever really get jittery and want more is if you smoke all day, every day for weeks straight, and then stop one day. The "withdrawal" if you even want to call it that, may make you loose an hour or two of sleep that night tops, and that's it. Same feeling/effects as drinking some coffee basically. Unless you toke up every day for years straight you're not gonna have any health issues, and at the most its all respiratory. Lots of places drug test nowadays though, be aware that pot will show up on a piss test up to a month after you last toked up(coke and heroin, for example, only show up a week tops after you do it). I've had many many good experiences while smoking, quite a few of them with girls. You gotta be careful with your game tho, its not hard to get too in depth and in detail talking to a girl while your ripped. If you two just smoked though, its gonna be hard to fvck it up.

Coke. Blow. Yak. Yayo. White, etc. This **** is straight up fvcking addictive. And unlike weed, it can easily be cut with random ****. The high varies with different batches, but for the most part its like drinking a gallon of coffee. It tends to make your gum's and the area surrounding them numb. You talk non-stop. Anyone around you that's not doing it will get pissed off and annoyed with you pretty quick. You'll get skinny, but only if you do it often. Its all muscle mostly that you lose though. If your drinking and then do some, you'll find it quite hard to become stupidly drunk, its as if it counter-acts alcohol. The high can last 20 min to 2 hours sometimes. The purer it is, the more clumpier it will be. I'm not gonna go too far into the health effects, because theres a lot of them. It dissolves the wall between your nostrils, makes you feel really ****ty/depressed when you come down, and if you blow some heavily cut **** it'll feel like you just sucked a flame up your nose. If you're gonna fvck with coke, you best have some serious willpower.

Psychedelics. They can make you or break you. I don't recommend acid, or lsd, or any of the newer synthesis's of it unless you are experienced with full on complete sensory hallucination. I've never tried lsd, probably never will. Thats putting too much trust in some shade tree chemist. 2-CE I have tried, and heard was similar to lsd, and i would not recommend it either. My friend overdosed on it and almost died, and the trip was rather harsh and uneventful. Shrooms always have and always will be my favorite hallucinogenic substance. First time i took them I ate about 1.5 grams. A small amount, but somewhat safe for a first timer. Turned into an epic story, one of the most amazing nights of my life. Not any serious ****, just the typical tracers every now and then and buggin out wonderin whats goin on. Once you start eating 3.5 grams and up, you being to understand the potential they possess. Anything and everything going on in your mind comes out. Eat more than 3.5 and you'll start seeing some insane ****. More than 4.5 and you better be prepared for things you never thought possible. It's common to be left in amazement, or "shrock" as some call it, for a few days after a heavy dose. Anyone with any sort of mental disorder should not even consider psychadelics. Nor should anyone who is depressed, etc. You have to create the right set and setting, a good environment, and must be in the right frame of mind. This isn't something you do on the way to the mall, at a party(large doses), or before bed on a weeknight. As far as health effects, I've never heard of anyone overdosing on shrooms. I've only heard myths of people getting ptsd from completely apesh1t trips. They are the safest, most user-friendly psychadelic. Just make sure you get them from a trusted source, as with anything else. Some kid could sell you mushrooms from his backyard and you could die from them.

Opiates. This includes heroin, Oxycontin, percocet, codeine, etc. Please, please, be careful with the painkillers. Most of them have acetaminophen in them, and can destroy your liver/other organs. Smoke a joint instead, seriously. Heroin just dont do period. The first time you do it its gonna be hard to stop. Quite a few people i know started out with opiod painkillers, then they built a tolerance to them and all of them eventually ended up sniffing heroin. Then eventually shooting up with it. Its cheap, easy to get in most places, and probably the most addictive drug i know of. All of the people i know that do heroin, do it habitually. All day, every day. I dont know any "occasional" users. None of them get girls, and it ruined all of their lives. Its cut with disgusting sh1t, tastes like ass, and seriously messes up serotonin levels and all kinds of other sh1t in your head and body. Unfortunately I've witnessed the effects of withdrawal from dope, and its ugly to say the least. Some people have died from withdrawal. Seriously, don't mess with this stuff.

Thats all I feel like typing for now. All of that should be taken with a grain of salt, none of it is set in stone, just what i have seen and experienced. Drugs can help or destroy game really easily, same as anything else. All depends on the situation. A heroin addict does not come across as sexy to most ppl, but he could be the man of some female addicts dreams, and vice versah.


New Member
Feb 23, 2009
Reaction score
drugs, loll...

sounds like a lot of the people posting on this topic are ridiculously inexperienced with "drugs". Yeah, anyone can go to webmd or google or what have you and sum the first paragraph up in their own words...

The same people would probably have no idea what you were talking about if you asked them to smoke a blunt, burn down an L, etc...

Heres what I have learned over the years, through real life experiences...

I'll start off with bud, nug, pot, chron, weed, w.e. you want to call it. It's hands down, the safest, most harmless controlled substance I know of. Don't gotta worry about overdosing, decent prices for what you get, and despite all the little technical scientific bs reports, its not going to make you go insane, delve into depression, or rob old women to get more. The only time you'll ever really get jittery and want more is if you smoke all day, every day for weeks straight, and then stop one day. The "withdrawal" if you even want to call it that, may make you loose an hour or two of sleep that night tops, and that's it. Same feeling/effects as drinking some coffee basically. Unless you toke up every day for years straight you're not gonna have any health issues, and at the most its all respiratory. Lots of places drug test nowadays though, be aware that pot will show up on a piss test up to a month after you last toked up(coke and heroin, for example, only show up a week tops after you do it). I've had many many good experiences while smoking, quite a few of them with girls. You gotta be careful with your game tho, its not hard to get too in depth and in detail talking to a girl while your ripped. If you two just smoked though, its gonna be hard to fvck it up.

Coke. Blow. Yak. Yayo. White, etc. This **** is straight up fvcking addictive. And unlike weed, it can easily be cut with random ****. The high varies with different batches, but for the most part its like drinking a gallon of coffee. It tends to make your gum's and the area surrounding them numb. You talk non-stop. Anyone around you that's not doing it will get pissed off and annoyed with you pretty quick. You'll get skinny, but only if you do it often. Its all muscle mostly that you lose though. If your drinking and then do some, you'll find it quite hard to become stupidly drunk, its as if it counter-acts alcohol. The high can last 20 min to 2 hours sometimes. The purer it is, the more clumpier it will be. I'm not gonna go too far into the health effects, because theres a lot of them. It dissolves the wall between your nostrils, makes you feel really ****ty/depressed when you come down, and if you blow some heavily cut **** it'll feel like you just sucked a flame up your nose. If you're gonna fvck with coke, you best have some serious willpower.

Psychedelics. They can make you or break you. I don't recommend acid, or lsd, or any of the newer synthesis's of it unless you are experienced with full on complete sensory hallucination. I've never tried lsd, probably never will. Thats putting too much trust in some shade tree chemist. 2-CE I have tried, and heard was similar to lsd, and i would not recommend it either. My friend overdosed on it and almost died, and the trip was rather harsh and uneventful. Shrooms always have and always will be my favorite hallucinogenic substance. First time i took them I ate about 1.5 grams. A small amount, but somewhat safe for a first timer. Turned into an epic story, one of the most amazing nights of my life. Not any serious ****, just the typical tracers every now and then and buggin out wonderin whats goin on. Once you start eating 3.5 grams and up, you being to understand the potential they possess. Anything and everything going on in your mind comes out. Eat more than 3.5 and you'll start seeing some insane ****. More than 4.5 and you better be prepared for things you never thought possible. It's common to be left in amazement, or "shrock" as some call it, for a few days after a heavy dose. Anyone with any sort of mental disorder should not even consider psychadelics. Nor should anyone who is depressed, etc. You have to create the right set and setting, a good environment, and must be in the right frame of mind. This isn't something you do on the way to the mall, at a party(large doses), or before bed on a weeknight. As far as health effects, I've never heard of anyone overdosing on shrooms. I've only heard myths of people getting ptsd from completely apesh1t trips. They are the safest, most user-friendly psychadelic. Just make sure you get them from a trusted source, as with anything else. Some kid could sell you mushrooms from his backyard and you could die from them.

Opiates. This includes heroin, Oxycontin, percocet, codeine, etc. Please, please, be careful with the painkillers. Most of them have acetaminophen in them, and can destroy your liver/other organs. Smoke a joint instead, seriously. Heroin just dont do period. The first time you do it its gonna be hard to stop. Quite a few people i know started out with opiod painkillers, then they built a tolerance to them and all of them eventually ended up sniffing heroin. Then eventually shooting up with it. Its cheap, easy to get in most places, and probably the most addictive drug i know of. All of the people i know that do heroin, do it habitually. All day, every day. I dont know any "occasional" users. None of them get girls, and it ruined all of their lives. Its cut with disgusting sh1t, tastes like ass, and seriously messes up serotonin levels and all kinds of other sh1t in your head and body. Unfortunately I've witnessed the effects of withdrawal from dope, and its ugly to say the least. Some people have died from withdrawal. Seriously, don't mess with this stuff.

Thats all I feel like typing for now. All of that should be taken with a grain of salt, none of it is set in stone, just what i have seen and experienced. Drugs can help or destroy game really easily, same as anything else. All depends on the situation. A heroin addict does not come across as sexy to most ppl, but he could be the man of some female addicts dreams, and vice versah.

Captain Harlock

Senior Don Juan
Jan 13, 2009
Reaction score
The Netherlands
nothing wrong with some drugs, just don't use them with the intention to improve your game but to have fun.

Hooligan Harry

Senior Don Juan
Jun 6, 2008
Reaction score
vitor said:
1. They are Illegeal
2. There is nothing productive that can come from doing them
3. They do cause damage
4. They cost money
5. Some point in life you will grow up and want a job and ....
6. They are immature

With the exception of Steroids, drugs are for losers...
1. They are illegal because they are easy to manufacture and they cant be taxed. While a lot of it has to do with the harmful side effects, the majority of those harmful side effects could be avoided if the drugs on the streets were not cut to pieces. Legalise and regulate. Prohibition does not work.

2. Drugs are fun. I had some of the best times on them. I never took them to meet people. I did them because they were a hoot. Saying that, I never liked the come downs and that is the reason why I rarely partake. It was fun to go out and get smashed with my mates though.

3. Ill agree with that. X causes long term brain damage and memory loss for example. In moderation, they wont kill you. Taking drugs daily or every weekend is going to be a problem. Every now and then is not going to destroy you though.

4. Everything costs money. Walking out your front door costs money. Be it the sports you play or the social gatherings you attend. Everything costs money. The trick is to make enough of it so that its not a factor. Life experience always comes at a price. Either the sacrifice of time or cold hard cash.

5. Want a job? Im a 31 year old man who is already successful career wise. I make more in 3 months then top executives make in a year. Im on the way to self employment within then next 18-24 months and I am flying. I have done drugs. I drank too much. I have had hangovers so bad I could not go to work the next day. One of the best sales people I have ever worked with, in fact learned more from then anyone else, was a habitual weed smoker.

6. Why?

Steriods are no for losers? WAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. What a a contradiction. I take it you have dabbled or you are considering? Im not anto roids by any means. Im also just not anti drugs to the extent that most conservative folks are.

Everything in moderation. Excess is bad for you. Too much food and you get fat. Too much exercise and your body shuts down. Too many loose women and you may catch an STD. Too many drugs and your brain evaporates.


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
Reaction score
monrovia, CA
When I was 21 I started out drinking. got hooked up with the right girl a ocuple of years later and she got me onto cocaine. I can honestly sayI never had a problem with cocaine. I could use a little when I wanted and be done with it. then she brings a friend over my house one day and introduced me to crack cocaine and it was game over. And I'm pretty well off fincncially and socially. it's not a poor people drug. It is jsut that poor people grow up around it and are more exposed to it.

i spent 10 months using, I ran though almost 100k smoking crack. I'd use for 3-4 days straight, pass out, wake up and tell myself I would never use again, and honestly mean it, then something would happen 1-2 days later and we were off to the races again.

The one good thing my oneitis ever did for me is basically break in my house knowing I was using, flushed all my **** down the toliet and drove me to rehab, and I've been clean since. that was December 4th, 2006. I still have to go to meetings, I can't let myself go though that again.

there is no moderation of certain drugs by certain people. I never had a problem drinking but I know pepole that they get a drink in them and it's off to the races. I knwo people who literarly cannot smoking weed. I know people who picked up a crack pipe and didn't necessarily like it. For me it hit like a fraight train.

Drug addction is not fun. oh at first it's fun. It's not fun when you start to have consequences and you realize that against everything you know, everything in your power, you cannot stop. that is the worst feeling on earth, crusing yourself out on the way to the dope house.

I dont' know people who use drugs. there will always people that will use drugs. I just know I can't.

I also know that the reason that weed is so dangerous is not weed for weed's sake, is becuase of the people who sell and use weed, usually sell and use different drugs.

you don't know how many times, at least 15 times I've been at the dope house getting my **** and I will see a girl bring in a guy to get a QP of weed or to buy some lean or something like that and she will get a 20 dollar rock, and because the girl was smoking hot, he would do it thinking he is going to get laid and the next thing you know he's at the ATM empting out his bank account. that's the oldest and most effective trick in the book. Dope dealers love the there is nothign wrong with weed crowd.

sometimes they will even switch it up on you and give you a tempo instead of a joint and you smoke it and realize the weed is laced with dope, and just how much better it is (a joint has nothing on a premo, it's about 20x more potent) and "there off".

some people are able to use drugs in moderation. my dad smokes weed from time to time. never been a problem for him. but at the same time, he's wasn't or isn't nieve about drugs and drug dealers either.

when i first started smoking crack, I would always get the same girl or girls around me, and we'd make a night of it. get an ounce or so, and stay up blowing our life away. then I became more isolated and more so where I didn't want to do anything other than smoke crack. I didn't realize it at the time of course, this is all hindsight information.

anyway, my point is, do your thing, but be careful and know what the **** you are doing. I go to NA meetings 3 times a week still and I sponser 3 people in NA. I can take you to a meeting that has 100 people in it and probably 90% of them started out with a little drink here or there smoking a little pot here or there, got around someone who had something harder, tried it out, off to the races.


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
Reaction score
monrovia, CA
When I was 21 I started out drinking. got hooked up with the right girl a ocuple of years later and she got me onto cocaine. I can honestly sayI never had a problem with cocaine. I could use a little when I wanted and be done with it. then she brings a friend over my house one day and introduced me to crack cocaine and it was game over. And I'm pretty well off fincncially and socially. it's not a poor people drug. It is jsut that poor people grow up around it and are more exposed to it.

i spent 10 months using, I ran though almost 100k smoking crack. I'd use for 3-4 days straight, pass out, wake up and tell myself I would never use again, and honestly mean it, then something would happen 1-2 days later and we were off to the races again.

The one good thing my oneitis ever did for me is basically break in my house knowing I was using, flushed all my **** down the toliet and drove me to rehab, and I've been clean since. that was December 4th, 2006. I still have to go to meetings, I can't let myself go though that again.

there is no moderation of certain drugs by certain people. I never had a problem drinking but I know pepole that they get a drink in them and it's off to the races. I knwo people who literarly cannot smoking weed. I know people who picked up a crack pipe and didn't necessarily like it. For me it hit like a fraight train.

Drug addction is not fun. oh at first it's fun. It's not fun when you start to have consequences and you realize that against everything you know, everything in your power, you cannot stop. that is the worst feeling on earth, crusing yourself out on the way to the dope house.

I dont' know people who use drugs. there will always people that will use drugs. I just know I can't.

I also know that the reason that weed is so dangerous is not weed for weed's sake, is becuase of the people who sell and use weed, usually sell and use different drugs.

you don't know how many times, at least 15 times I've been at the dope house getting my **** and I will see a girl bring in a guy to get a QP of weed or to buy some lean or something like that and she will get a 20 dollar rock, and because the girl was smoking hot, he would do it thinking he is going to get laid and the next thing you know he's at the ATM empting out his bank account. that's the oldest and most effective trick in the book. Dope dealers love the there is nothign wrong with weed crowd.

sometimes they will even switch it up on you and give you a tempo instead of a joint and you smoke it and realize the weed is laced with dope, and just how much better it is (a joint has nothing on a premo, it's about 20x more potent) and "there off".

some people are able to use drugs in moderation. my dad smokes weed from time to time. never been a problem for him. but at the same time, he's wasn't or isn't nieve about drugs and drug dealers either.

when i first started smoking crack, I would always get the same girl or girls around me, and we'd make a night of it. get an ounce or so, and stay up blowing our life away. then I became more isolated and more so where I didn't want to do anything other than smoke crack. I didn't realize it at the time of course, this is all hindsight information.

anyway, my point is, do your thing, but be careful and know what the **** you are doing. I go to NA meetings 3 times a week still and I sponser 3 people in NA. I can take you to a meeting that has 100 people in it and probably 90% of them started out with a little drink here or there smoking a little pot here or there, got around someone who had something harder, tried it out, off to the races.


Don Juan
Oct 23, 2008
Reaction score
^ Thanks for sharing man.

Good luck in the future and staying sober :up: