

Feb 12, 2009
Reaction score
Darth said:
Lol, I don't have anything to add. Enjoy your drugs....
Again pointing out a fact and 'loling' at it with no reason.

Enjoy your sobriety.... haha.


Master Don Juan
May 26, 2006
Reaction score
Belle Vernon, PA
A few months ago I messed up my back in the gym pretty bad (Could barely walk without agonizing pain)

Doc prescribed me vicodins.

Anyway, so I took them for a few days, they did help with the pain, and made me extremely upbeat and happy about everything. I was walking around without a care in the world, and they didn't affect my mental capacity either. I could still think clearly and rationalize quite well. I stopped taking them after the pain went away, and still had about 30 left, and a refill.

My pain was gone, so a few weeks later I go to the bar and decide to take 2 pills before I go to loosen up. I know you can't drink on them, so I didn't. I ended up talking to EVERYONE that night, without a drop of alcohol. I was just a happy person, and not to mention you're curious about everything and interested in every little thing. I ended up meeting a great girl that night (who I'm still dating)

So I'd say they helped my game, I still have alot left and I just save them for when I go out and not in the mood to drink. They are addicting so this drug is to be used sparingly! I do care about my health so other than having a few of those every few weeks, I won't try anything else. (I don't even drink much)

I guess that counts as drug use even though I do have them legally...


Don Juan
Nov 5, 2008
Reaction score
while on this topic of intoxication i'd like to add that the two most beautiful women i've ever pulled in my life I met within 2 weeks, both times I was semi-blackout drunk. one of them ended up being my girlfriend of 1.5 years. the other one I still have sex with on a regular basis... both are HB8s

i haven't pulled anything new in over a year (save for internet game, which is ****ing lame)


Master Don Juan
Jul 12, 2008
Reaction score
My natural friend told me the secret to getting tons of girls last week. he said "Always have cocaine on you." The shyttiy part about this is , it works. And not with just cokehors, just girls in general. If you tell a chick you have coke at your house, she will go. I am not agreeing with this, or condoning it, I am just telling it how it is.

Something I'd like to add to this, is Ecstacy bores holes in your brain and makes you depressed in the long run. It is a REALLY bad drug. So is Meth. Weed, acid , shrooms, and even coke if you do it right, are ok to do in MODERATION.

I think its funny how 16 year olds are piping in on this, like they know the first thing about any of this. Please, educate us, kiddies! Just for the record, Idont smoke weed, do XTC, man made chemicals, or hallucinogens of any form any more, but I have tried all of them, so I can actually have a real opinion of them.


Senior Don Juan
Feb 12, 2009
Reaction score
Auckland, New Zeland
you said i havn't lol these are the years you do everything your telling me u did all those drugs when you were 25 no you did them when you were a teenager (well maybe not all but most) so don't speak if you don't know what you talking about i've tried them all minus heroin. can't believe im even immature enough to comment back to that but if a 32 yeah old is the same as me in immaturity i got no problem


Don Juan
Nov 5, 2008
Reaction score
Analyzeit said:
you said i havn't lol these are the years you do everything your telling me u did all those drugs when you were 25 no you did them when you were a teenager (well maybe not all but most) so don't speak if you don't know what you talking about i've tried them all minus heroin. can't believe im even immature enough to comment back to that but if a 32 yeah old is the same as me in immaturity i got no problem
i actually didn't get into any drugs until i was 20+. didn't start drinking til i was about 19. only smoked weed about 5 times before i turned 20.


Master Don Juan
Oct 8, 2008
Reaction score
If you are STRICTLY out to get laid and don't really care about the quality then ****ing around with drugs is probably a good idea. Actually, as a bonus, alot of really hot girls like coke and pills. I've been **** out of luck at least a couple times in my life because I wasn't holding at the time and didn't have solid connections to secure them in less than an hour.

But for you or anyone, don't **** around with drugs. Seriously. Alcohol and weed are drugs too, I know that whole argument. But there is SOMETHING different about the hard **** and the soft ****. I've known so many casual drinkers and casual smokers. I've never known a casual heroin addict, a casual speed addict, or a casual crack addict. As for party drugs like X or coke or pills I have known some casual users but the ratio is entirely different. I'm no drug expert but my own lying eyes tell me there IS a difference between these drugs and weed/alcohol.

strong like bull

Senior Don Juan
Nov 5, 2002
Reaction score
reports that have been cited as "proof" by the DEA for how harmful and dangerous weed is, have later been disproved by independent scientists and researchers.

one study even showed that CAFFIENE is more dangerous and addictive than weed.

and in the comparison of the DANGERS of alcohol, cigarettes and weed - alcohol kills nearly 100,000 people every year, tobacco kills 400,000 and weed kills 0. no one in HISTORY has EVER overdosed on marijuana.

part of the miseducation is due to the fact that right now, there is a war on marijuana by the DEA. many agents SALARIES are being paid, with the intention of them cracking down on people using weed. if it was legalized, by realization of how harmless it really is, in relative comparison to alcohol and tobacco, many of those agents would be out of a job.

it is most definitely in their best interest to promote negative thoughts about marijuana, even if theyre not necessarily true. and even though that war on drugs is failing, for the same reasons the prohibition did.

also, ecstacy in PURE form and in reasonable moderation, is not dangerous. it was originally actually used medicinally to treat people with various mental problems, including depression.

the facts about marijuana and ecstacy are out there. and i think everybody should be encouraged to educate themselves on the truth before making any decisions (or using it themselves). anyone who sees the facts about marijuana would see that it really doesnt belong in the same schedule1 classification next to cocaine and heroin.

but to get back on point, as far as drugs/booze and talking to girls...
its a personal choice that everybody deserves to make for themselves, and should experience responsibly...

i personally have had more fun if i had a drink or two, or smoked a bit, before going out. the weed moreso, for me at least really expands my thought process. also the lowered inhibitions and increased "feel-good" feelings makes everything even more enjoyable than it already is. and im down with that :up:



Master Don Juan
Oct 20, 2005
Reaction score
worship said:
Again pointing out a fact and 'loling' at it with no reason.

Enjoy your sobriety.... haha.
I'm sorry, but if you take cocaine or heroine, you're a freaking idiot ....


Master Don Juan
Jun 20, 2007
Reaction score
Having fallen victim to drug addiction I wouldn't recommend it unless you have the right mindset and will power to keep it a strictly "recreational" thing. I've partied on ecstasy quite a few times. I used to hit up raves and they were the funnest thing ever. You DO become a social god, it makes you want to go up to strangers and start a conversation with them or dance with them. If everyone is on it then it's a great thing, everyone is friends. There's no drama. I've had guys come up to me and ASK me to dance with their girls. I could see how it's very plausible to get a girl in the sack while rolling on E.

I've also partied on coke. By far my favorite drug. It just makes you so happy and alert. It's true that it does make you an ******* though. That's why I stopped doing it because people were seeing changes in my behavior. But seriously, it's the best party drug. Drinking + cocaine is the best. It's pretty expensive, and very easy to get addicted to though. :/

I've also been to parties tripping on shrooms. Not recommended for game, but fun none the less. Pills just kind of make you numb to everything, or at least that's how I feel. The only advantage I can see to this is that you wouldn't give a f_ck if you got rejected.

Pretty much everything I've done was in combination with drinking and/or smoking weed. Some people can handle it and others can't. If you're going to use drugs for game then I would just simply go with coke if you can afford it. Ecstasy is not something you want to do all the time. Even if it's like every other weekend it will **** up your serotonin levels. Although I am by no means promoting the use of drugs, everyone should just stick with alcohol honestly. =] If you want a quick confidence boost then take a shot or slam a beer or two.


Don Juan
Sep 4, 2008
Reaction score
Reppin' that 860 in Hartford, CT!
I don't do drugs because it has no inherent value for me. Sure, I'll have a beer or two at a party just to be sociable, but that's where I draw the line. Also, I don't smoke weed because the Military has a zero-tolerance policy towards drugs.


Master Don Juan
Mar 29, 2006
Reaction score
New York City
Anyone who uses drugs to boost their game is f*cking loser. Period.

Secondly, anyone who criticizes certain drugs without ever having tried them/having seen their effects is a f*cking hypocrite. Yes, I know there's always that guy who says "oh well my friend did this and that and got addicted." Save the tears home boy, we've all had friends who have had bad run-ins with drugs. You're not the only one.

Cocaine makes you run your mouth like you're everyone's goddamn best friend. Very cool if you're on the drug yourself, yet very annoying when you've got some cokehead railing off sentences at 100 miles a minute, screaming in your face. Blow is probably my favorite drug. For that reason I don't do it anymore. It does a number on your heart, killing heart cells on contact. Oh and don't do a lot of blow if you're trying to get laid; depending on your body, sometimes you won't be able to get it up.

Marijuana effects everyone differently. Some people claim that it 'balances' them out. I could go on for hours talking about buds, but I don't really care that much. A lot of people love it. For me however, I feel as if it just handicaps me. It makes me slow, paranoid, and gets my heart all riled up. I've very rarely seen a stoner successfully game a girl. My favorite place to smoke is a J in bed before I pass out after a long night out.

Ecstasy is the most amazing drug out there with the exceptions of acid and heroin; the latter which I would never do. Warning - sex after ecstasy is never the same as it was before.

Perks/Xanax/Any of those f*cking pills are what scares me the most. I've seen a sh!t ton of my friends from my hometown get addicted to perks, railing those things throughout the day. They don't do anything for you. I prefer to take them in 3 instances - Falling asleep on a plane/Great pain/After a fight with your gf.

Lastly, the most dangerous drug, Alcohol. Damaging to almost every aspect of the body, it may not f*ck you up in the first 10 years of use, but it's easily the most addictive and the most easy to obtain. But f*ck it, how can I talk badly about it when I consume it half the week?

Life's short, make sure you at least attempt to live it. F*ck the hypocrites who have never really lived and tell you to 'stay out of that stuff man!' They're just insecure pvssies who are afraid to step out of their little secure circle for 10 seconds and they love to make everyone else feel like their 'so knowledgeable' about something they've never experienced.

With that said, listen to your elders who HAVE tried all these drugs and know that while the times were great, you can't get yourself caught up in any one of these drugs for an extended amount of time. Know your boundaries and listen to those who know what the boundaries are.

thats all.


Don Juan
Nov 6, 2007
Reaction score
Denver, CO
Some drugs can be beneficial.

For example: caffeine to boost energy after a long night or pro-hormones to help with bodybuilding....its the drugs that are conscious altering (like alcohol and acid) that are more dangerous (addiction and overdosing) that imo should be avoided


Don Juan
Oct 23, 2008
Reaction score
Haha there is a lot of ignorance in this thread, both pro and agaisnt drugs.

I always find any debate on drugs amusing, because the ignorance spreads across both sides evenly. People who are so ridiculously pro drugs and people who don't even have the first clue about drugs yet damn them to hell.

I do not recommend that anyone uses drugs. I am only only young yet if I could go back I would erase any drug use from my life. I have learnt many things but also suffered.

Weed, MDMA, Ketamine, LSD, 2ct7, 2cb, amphetamine, Oxycodone, codeine. Too many substances to have been used on my young fragile mind. Out of all these, the most I lost too was weed. I love weed, but the last 2 years of my life is a huge blurr of smoking. Fun times, but also wasted times.

Mis education about drugs is what damages the most, this includes completley wrong and misguided education about the evils of drugs and how they are going to destroy your lives, and people shamelessly promoting how good drugs are and how the government has lied and they do no harm whatsoever. Both sides of the same coin. If I had been given the straight out facts, perhaps things would be slightly differen't (Not that I didn't thoroughly research every substance I ingested, but I still think the whole aspect that we are lied to affects so many people into taking drugs, not preventing. It is a backwards system).

The illegality of drugs means NOTHING. Some of the drugs the government and health system give out are much worse and more damaging than any illegal drugs. Do not blindly trust the laws, question everything (Eg, Don't be an ignorant fvck). (Seriously, amphetamines given to kids because they can't concentrate? What the FVCK. I am so against that. Not enough is known about SSRI's and yet they are given out like candy. its all about MONEY MONEY MONEY).

Taking any sort of substance goes agaisn't what this site and being a don juan about. It is developing yourself and your life which will help you achieve success with woman, not promising highs and cheap fvcks with dirty wh0res. Some of the people in the coke scene do look like they know whats goin on, but really they are addicts and the woman WILL have sex with you to get some. Why would you want a woman like that? No meaningful relationship is ever going to arise from this scenario.

All in all, this is just one big unorganized rant. Smoke still clouds my brain and it is hard to always write perfectly coherently but it is becoming slowly becoming easier, (But then again I am appaled at how a lot of non drug users are 20x worse than what I am haha). I am in no way saying weed will make you stupid but I absolutely abused the hell out of it. If I had done the same with alcohol I would no doubt be dead.

Either way, the message is. Don't mess with drugs unless you know what you are doing, and if you are on this site...You probably do not. (This doesn't go for everyone for example, because I know there are a few wise people who know what they are talking about :) )

Having this kind of message on a board that usually attracts weak and insecure people is dangerous. Drugs are not the solution.

The end.

Ps first week of weed sobriety has ended :rockon:

By the way I am only 17. Age really does not dictate maturity. Experience perhaps, but not maturity. Just because someone is younger does not mean you cannot learn from them.


Master Don Juan
Jul 12, 2008
Reaction score
I dont promote drug use, but If people are gonna do them, they should do them responsibly. I honestly dont regret doing drugs when I was a kid, except cigarettes, anyway. I wouldnt believe in God if it weren't for acid! lol I think everyone should do acid ONCE, (when they are younger) and I think everyone should get stoned at least once in their lives. I also think that noone should ever try meth, crack or xtc. Not even once.

I grew up around drugs. I have no idea what it is like to be around straight society. I learned how to be somewhat responsible about them, and got all my experimentation out of the way in high school and college. I can do coke any time, and not want more of it. I refuse it all the time. Sometimes I will do a tiny bit when I want to party, if a friend offers it. Most people cant do coke like that, though, and that is why it's bad. Drugs are only bad when you ABUSE them, but it's easy to get to that point before you even realize it.


Don Juan
Oct 23, 2008
Reaction score

Adderall is an amphetamine (or rather, a collection of 4 differen't salts of amphetamine). Which means basically it is "Speed", and a cousin to methamphetamine (Ice, meth, whatever).

It can definitely be incredibly harmful if used incorrectly. Used moderately and spaced out it is not that damaging, but it definitely is not %100 safe.

You will feel:

Energetic, alert, physical pleasentness and a strong urge to talk to everyone around you and socialize. This is what makes it so attractive to people, they pop a few and feel on top of the world.

But really it isn't a solution, if you take too much you will get severely burnt out and be unable to sleep properly for a while. If abused severe paranoia and delusions set in (this aint pretty).

Basically you will TWEAK THE FVCK OUT.


Edit- This **** is given out to kids with "ADHD" like candy. It is whacked out. There is so much shyt in America about the usage of methamphetamine and campaigns to stop it, when doctors are handing amphetamines to KIDS. They are related, both from the same family of drugs. Obviously meth is a lot more powerful but they are still both amphetamines. WHAT THE?!


Feb 12, 2009
Reaction score
horaholic said:
My natural friend told me the secret to getting tons of girls last week. he said "Always have cocaine on you." The shyttiy part about this is , it works. And not with just cokehors, just girls in general. If you tell a chick you have coke at your house, she will go. I am not agreeing with this, or condoning it, I am just telling it how it is.
I've heard this too. Sounds crazy, I reckon I will try it some day when I have more game and more money. Coke is ridiculously expensive here (Australia), like $350-400 a gram... lol

horaholic said:
Something I'd like to add to this, is Ecstacy bores holes in your brain
MYTH. You might wanna read http://www.bluelight.ru/vb/showthread.php?t=309463

Jaggs said:
Edit- This **** is given out to kids with "ADHD" like candy. It is whacked out. There is so much shyt in America about the usage of methamphetamine and campaigns to stop it, when doctors are handing amphetamines to KIDS. They are related, both from the same family of drugs. Obviously meth is a lot more powerful but they are still both amphetamines. WHAT THE?!
Welcome to the world of ****ed up, nonsensical drug laws and pharmaceutical companies that have way too much power and money.


Master Don Juan
Jul 12, 2008
Reaction score
worship said:
I've heard this too. Sounds crazy, I reckon I will try it some day when I have more game and more money. Coke is ridiculously expensive here (Australia), like $350-400 a gram... lol
HOLY CHRIST!!!! Its $50 a gram where Im at. I dont ever buy it, though. I dont need it. I refuse to use it to game chicks either.