

Don Juan
Oct 23, 2008
Reaction score

What you are sold in Australia is not Cocaine. It is a bunch of adulterants, with speed and if you are lucky maybe a bit of benzoylmethyl ecgonine :).

By buying this ridiculously expensive powder of assorted chemicals you are supporting a lot of suffering. The black market funds a lot of criminal shyt that goes down in the world. Horrible horrble things.

if you choose to buy this shyt then it is your loss of money. At least learn how to perform an extraction to get all the nasty shyt out, and see what you are left with. Which will of course be, next to nothing of real cocaine.


Feb 12, 2009
Reaction score
Jaggs said:
By buying this ridiculously expensive powder of assorted chemicals you are supporting a lot of suffering. The black market funds a lot of criminal **** that goes down in the world.
Well thanks to this ****ed up world I have to make a choice:
1. Never do drugs.
2. Risk my ass to steal drugs.
3. Pay (usually) over-the-top prices for drugs that are usually cut with bull**** and are therefore more harmful than the pure drug.

Thanks drug war!


Master Don Juan
Feb 20, 2009
Reaction score
horaholic said:
My natural friend told me the secret to getting tons of girls last week. he said "Always have cocaine on you." The shyttiy part about this is , it works. And not with just cokehors, just girls in general. If you tell a chick you have coke at your house, she will go. I am not agreeing with this, or condoning it, I am just telling it how it is.
If she's a coke addict, then yeah. And I don't need to spell out what coke addicts are like.


Master Don Juan
Jul 12, 2008
Reaction score
Captain said:
If she's a coke addict, then yeah. And I don't need to spell out what coke addicts are like.
Not necessarily. Some people (like me, for example) dont give a fvck about coke, but if someone offers, sometimes I will do a bump. There are plenty of chicks like that, too. She might be like "oh, I havent done that in a year, I'll do a bump." Im not saying tell a chick "I'll give some blow, if you get naked with me." What I'm saying, is its just an excuse (and a pretty good one) to get a girl over to your house, where you can game her from there. I've never done this, but I know how it works.

I went on a date with this chick once, and towards the end, she said, "too bad you dont smoke pot, or you could come over to my house, and take bong hits with me."
TRANSLATION: "Im not gonna look like a slvt and invite you to my house to fvck me, so I'll use weed an excuse."
So I replied "well I just happen to have a couple of leftover vicodens at my house, if you want to eat one, and watch a movie..." she said "Vicodens huh? that sounds good, lets go." TRANSLATION "Pills are a good excuse to come to you house, so I dont feel/look like a slvt, even though I totally want you to fvck me silly right now. Thank you for sparing my dignity like that." I dated that girl for a year, and she was definately NOT a pill popper.


Master Don Juan
Feb 24, 2008
Reaction score
I cant stand the people that are like soooo against drugs or weed when they have no idea what the fuk theyre talking about. They spit "facts" out of their asses trying to sound all smart like they know what they're talking about. I especially hate this when you get all those fuking retards who are like "ohh weed is so bad for you it ruins your life thats why its fukin illegal! It kills you and gives you cancer!" Yet at the same time they've never tried weed and havent realized that weed has caused ZERO deaths and has NOT and will NEVER be addicting or be able to cause lung cancer.

And has anyone ever smoked salvia? That sh*t is funnnnnnn


Don Juan
May 4, 2007
Reaction score
About drugs..

My opinion on drugs is based on what my body needs. My body needs food and water. Nothing else.

If I'm sick though, I'll gladly take some drugs for the pain but once I feel better I'd go back to normal ^^.


Master Don Juan
Oct 11, 2006
Reaction score
South Carolina, USA
Doing nothing never felt so amazing.

No, maybe caffeine, green tea, healthy drugs, but not pot, booze, pills, lsd, etc. A little little may help to calm nerves. Too much may make you more outgoing and funny and that may work to a point, but mostly what drugs do is make you act dumb while you think you're so awesome. Everyone else is creeped the hell out at you. Drugs are just a way out from facing reality. Don't do so much that you lose your sense of control in life. Some drugs just stay the fuk away from. They make you stoopid and worse.


Master Don Juan
Oct 11, 2006
Reaction score
South Carolina, USA
is so bad for you it ruins your life thats why its fukin illegal!
It should NOT be illegal everywhere, but it can still fuk your life up if you are a stoopid fuk who can't tell the difference. It's too expensive unless you can safely grow it and you get ripped off my dealers. It's not worth it 9/10 times. When it becomes legal, it's like drinking. Be prepared be a worthless fuk while you are on it. It's the same as watching tv or being lazy. It's not going to do anything except maybe relax you or take some pain away, but it doesn't make you smart either.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 13, 2008
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I'm still looking
eaglez1177 said:
Yet at the same time they've never tried weed and havent realized that weed has caused ZERO deaths and has NOT and will NEVER be addicting or be able to cause lung cancer.

Although marijuana's share of fatal crashes is much lower than those attributed to alcohol, researchers say the results show that marijuana use, even in low doses, significantly increases the risk of fatal car accidents.
So don't tell me that smoking weed hasn't killed anyone. If I were to ask you if smoking weed was GOOD for you or BAD for you what would your answer be. Cigarettes are worse for your health but there is no way that smoking weed is like breathing mountain air. I don't care what people do just don't push it on others. For the record I have never smoked anything in my life. I have no desire to. I don't even take over the counter medicines. Too many side effects that can mess you up.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 16, 2007
Reaction score
1. They are Illegeal
2. There is nothing productive that can come from doing them
3. They do cause damage
4. They cost money
5. Some point in life you will grow up and want a job and ....
6. They are immature

With the exception of Steroids, drugs are for losers...


Master Don Juan
Jul 12, 2008
Reaction score
Upside said:

So don't tell me that smoking weed hasn't killed anyone. If I were to ask you if smoking weed was GOOD for you or BAD for you what would your answer be. Cigarettes are worse for your health but there is no way that smoking weed is like breathing mountain air. I don't care what people do just don't push it on others. For the record I have never smoked anything in my life. I have no desire to. I don't even take over the counter medicines. Too many side effects that can mess you up.
Actually its the car crashes that killed people, not the weed. You are also twice as likely to be involved in a fatal car accident if you are eating, or talking on your cell phone while driving. Irresponsibility is irresponsibility. TV makes you stupid, internet makes you lazy, and fast food is detrimental to your health. MSG makes you depressed. Air fresheners have poisons that we breath in also. Weed does nothing more than make you lazy and stupid. SOBER stupid people cause plenty of fatal accidents, also.

None here is saying drugs are good, and noone is pushing them on anyone, even though I think everyone should do acid once in their life.

And, steroids are just as much, if not more, for losers than other drugs. Also, most of the best music, art, movies and tv shows were drug induced, so you cant say nothing good comes from them.


Master Don Juan
Oct 20, 2005
Reaction score
vitor said:
drugs are for losers...
Captain said:
Don't do coke. It's dangerous and stupid. Same goes for heroin, and ecstasy.

Weed isn't that bad, but it's still messed up everybody I've ever known who has smoked it regularly.
^^What they said.


Don Juan
Jul 30, 2008
Reaction score
So here's my two cents

I think San Jose is a liar when he said he smoked weed, as demonstrated by what he says, also supported when he said that out of four times he could have hooked up, only twice sober, the four times he hooked up were sober. What?

Weed is harmless. Psychadelics are virtually harmless but people can change for the worse if they take them a lot (eg every week or something). Alcohol can harm you but I don't see what's wrong with getting drunk as long as you don't have responsabilities when you do it, rely on it emotionally, or go overboard. Those are actually true for all drugs. E is also virtually harmless, it does not put holes in your brain, but some people get a serotonin loss the next day after taking it. Be wary of E laced with meth, in many cases it is on the street.

Don't do coke, esp. if you are someone without too much willpower. Don't smoke cigarettes/don't smoke often. DON'T **** WITH HEROINE OR METH! Not once.

Also weed has no link to cancer or brain cell damage, respond if you want the proof. Watch the documentary "The Union" if you want to have propaganda about weed identified (you can skip the dealing stuff if it doesn't interest you). Weed has never killed anyone. That car crash statistic shows this: in 250 fatal crashes out of over ten thousand someone involved (driver or passenger) had smoked or eaten marijuana in the last month.

It's fine imo to try to hook up on drugs, even occasionally get drunk to get a chica, but you really need to be able to pull without drugs. Straight up you're a loser if you need them.

Even though many drugs are safe though, they are illegal and cost money, so be careful.

Also, I think vitor is a troll.


Master Don Juan
Feb 24, 2008
Reaction score
Upside said:

So don't tell me that smoking weed hasn't killed anyone. If I were to ask you if smoking weed was GOOD for you or BAD for you what would your answer be. Cigarettes are worse for your health but there is no way that smoking weed is like breathing mountain air. I don't care what people do just don't push it on others. For the record I have never smoked anything in my life. I have no desire to. I don't even take over the counter medicines. Too many side effects that can mess you up.
Hahaha your link proves absolutely nothing.

Heres why: That study ran drug tests for people involved with fatal car crashes. BUT, the only thing the study states is just the number of people who TESTED POSITIVE for marijuana, the study DOES NOT show that the people who the people who tested positive for marijuana were actually UNDER THE INFLUENCE while driving!!!

Example: I could've smoked pot a few days ago and then gotten into a fatal car crash tomorrow. Then, lets just say I got involved with this study regarding marijuana and fatal car crashes. I would test positive for marijuana. Okay. So what? THE STUDY ASSUMES THAT SINCE YOU TESTED POSITIVE FOR MARIJUANA, YOU TESTED POSITIVE BECAUSE YOU WERE HIGH WHILE YOU GOT INTO THE FATAL CAR CRASH.

Its all false information.


Master Don Juan
Oct 20, 2005
Reaction score

We had this argument in another thread...the defenders said that:

"Except for effects on the lungs, scientific studies consistently demonstrate all and any cognitive deficiencies are gone within six weeks."

Oh good, cognitive deficiencies go away after six weeks. So if you smoke weed once every month, you're still basically living your life at reduced brainpower. Cool. What could possibly be wrong with that.

Weed is not harmless. Maybe long-term physically it is, but it was harmful enough to send kids I knew in high school completely down the tubes after starting to smoke it to be cool.


Don Juan
Jul 30, 2008
Reaction score
Darth said:

We had this argument in another thread...the defenders said that:

"Except for effects on the lungs, scientific studies consistently demonstrate all and any cognitive deficiencies are gone within six weeks."

Oh good, cognitive deficiencies go away after six weeks. So if you smoke weed once every month, you're still basically living your life at reduced brainpower. Cool. What could possibly be wrong with that.

Weed is not harmless. Maybe long-term physically it is, but it was harmful enough to send kids I knew in high school completely down the tubes after starting to smoke it to be cool.
First of all whoever said that was dumb.

Second that study is inconclusive except for suggesting that those who smoke 4 joints a day or to a lesser extent 4+ times a week are worse with memorization. Duh?

And who the **** smokes weed to be cool? Don't be friends with tools man.


Feb 12, 2009
Reaction score
vitor said:
1. They are Illegeal
So...? I don't understand why you mentioned this when drug laws clearly make no sense.
2. There is nothing productive that can come from doing them
To have fun? To have enlightening experiences? Just because you have no reason to use them you think no one else has? Each to their own.
3. They do cause damage
So does pretty much everything else in life if you abuse it.
4. They cost money
So does pretty much everything else in life.
5. Some point in life you will grow up and want a job and ....
What kind of reason is that?
6. They are immature
...how so?


Senior Don Juan
Oct 19, 2003
Reaction score
Over Yonder
Yea crack, cocaine, meth, etc. Will probably mess up your life, your game, your financial intake, and any of them will eventually kill you.

Weed, barely...it falls somewhere around coffee on the drug scale. (I don't know what the crap you were smoking to get addicted...ever, and even go through withdrawls, but whatever everyone's body and mindset is different)

Alcohol and cigarettes can be a little rough.

If you feel something you are doing is affecting your game negatively, then cut it out of the formula. Take a second look at that. If you feel something you are doing is affecting your game negatively, then cut it out of the formula.

If you've determined going to class half drunk and completly stoned yields bad grades, but the desired outcome was to make good grades, then you should wait to light up and down that beer untill you get home tonight.

Of course some things can make you (or atleast make you think) your doing better at whatever. Like how amazing of a dancer some people magically become after a few drinks.

Don't drink and drive kids. -Warped


Master Don Juan
Oct 3, 2008
Reaction score
horaholic said:
Not necessarily. Some people (like me, for example) dont give a fvck about coke, but if someone offers, sometimes I will do a bump. There are plenty of chicks like that, too. She might be like "oh, I havent done that in a year, I'll do a bump." Im not saying tell a chick "I'll give some blow, if you get naked with me." What I'm saying, is its just an excuse (and a pretty good one) to get a girl over to your house, where you can game her from there. I've never done this, but I know how it works.

I went on a date with this chick once, and towards the end, she said, "too bad you dont smoke pot, or you could come over to my house, and take bong hits with me."
TRANSLATION: "Im not gonna look like a slvt and invite you to my house to fvck me, so I'll use weed an excuse."
So I replied "well I just happen to have a couple of leftover vicodens at my house, if you want to eat one, and watch a movie..." she said "Vicodens huh? that sounds good, lets go." TRANSLATION "Pills are a good excuse to come to you house, so I dont feel/look like a slvt, even though I totally want you to fvck me silly right now. Thank you for sparing my dignity like that." I dated that girl for a year, and she was definately NOT a pill popper.


I don't know if I should feel bad about agreeing with this, but its true. My good friend, who is a dealer by the way, sometimes goes out with me to clubs. He is very good at reading people (knowing what type of drug they do) and often says stuff like: "I bet you 50 bucks that chic will go home with you if you tell her you have a vial of G at home" The bad part is...he is usually right. Also, I have found that some of the girls you would NEVER suspect as a drug user will totally be down to go home with you if you offer them their drug of choice.

Just don't go down this road too far, I know many guys who use this as their only method of getting females. Eventually, the drug ends up doing you, not the other way around.