@CornbreadFed hates fresh and fit but regurgitates the same $hit that women say 'I want a man that makes 1 quadrillion dollars of he were to date me" **** the fvck up with all $hit about women and money.
Women will respect a man who is masculine, a man who has other options, a man who's not afraid of walking away. Women make their own money, they don't need yours and don't want it anyways, a man who leads with his wallet doesn't have anything else to offer.
If a woman says you gonna make more money or I leave you, a simp will say okay queen, a man will ok you're obviously not happy with me, go find yourself a guy you're looking for, and then you walk away, you'll see how quickly she forgets about that $hit snd never again.
If you're in a date and she asks how much money you make she's looking for someone to take care of her, you don't want that women anyways. If its a test you don't have to answer, or you can answer "depends how good you fvck" you'll see how she never asks you that again, and she will tell her friends "the nerves on this a$$hole asked me how good I fvck when I asked him how much money he makes" good you're the a$$hole that every women complain but can't get enough of.
But men are scare to rock the boat for fear of not seeing that "cute" girl again after one date, and submitting to her request becomes a self fulfilling prophecy of not seeing her again.
You should make good money for you and always striving to get more for you, not for impress some woman. Looks and charisma are more important.