Bathsheba was innocent. She was basically raped by King David. You can't say a woman is beautiful, a man plots to sleep with her and murder her husband, and then blame the woman for that.
Samson's married an enemy woman/ Philistine, and he disobeyed God's laws rather than marry another Israelite. The
message is not about Delilah being treacherous, but about Sampson putting himself in a bad situation that wasn't necessary. It's not a general issue about women.
By the way, I personally would not be rooting for either David or Sampson. Both of them have no issues finding any woman. David had many different wives and didn't have to go with Bathsheba like that. God spared His life because He was genuinely repentant for what he did and sorry for what he did. Sampson also had limitless physical strength and could get with any woman he wanted to. He didn't settle for Delilah because of a lack of options. He had plenty of options but chose to be stupid by dealing with that woman and then sharing his secrets to her.
However, go on...what other examples do you have? Remember, in the Bible context, you didn't have feminism or matriarchy, so the man is more responsible for the choices that he is making and the outcomes that flow from that.