L777 said:
I've tried to address the recent posts comprehensively here.
If what you are saying is true, and its all down to appearance and nothing you do can get around this fact, then what are you doing on this website? Obviously you didn't have it quite as easy as you claim or why would you have come here in the first place?
I did NOT say "its all down to appearance". That's your miss understanding. Read Potato's posts to get what he and I are trying to say to you.
I came here trying to get over someone, not trying to get all the HB10s and trying to get "game" that will improve me getting HB10s.
Looks are an essential part, and maybe a major part. Buts that's where things get clouded. If you aren't physically appealing to someone they don't want anything to do with you - regardless of "game".
L777 said:
BUT This isn't actually the case, I have actual concrete proof of this as I've already explained. I am maybe an 8 in appearance, yet have slept with several (as in, well into double figures) 9s and 10s.... straight away, your universal theory applicable to everyone on earth (or so you imply) crumbles into dust. For further proof see my 'hippy friend' example...the best natural I've ever seen.
I do not need to know how many females you've slept with. Nor do I actually care. That you need to mention it just tells me your insecurity.
I doubt your "hippy" friend is as he claims, reason being is that people talk and the reality is usually different. That's why me and Potato are laughing at you, because you don't have a clue and all you have is talk.
I serious doubt they are as attractive as you mention, because seriously attractive women are very picky and choosy over who they get with. The only exceptions would be, as Potato mentions, if they have drugs problems or mental problems. A devastatingly beautiful woman can literally bang anyone she wants - but will always go for a "quality" man and a certain "type" that she likes.
L777 said:
And the point about the other, equivelant female site is ludicrous and really made me consider if I should even bother replying to you - anyone with a triple figure IQ can see why: If you think women and men put same the importance on appearance then you are seriously, seriously deluded. Men are far more concerned with appearance than women, this is painfully obvious. AND even with this in mind, men will STILL sleep with a moderately attractive girl, as long as she passes his minimum standard...to be a CK model you probably do need a fantastic bone structure - but that ain't what we're concerned with now is it?
I never said they put the same importance on looks. There are women who will trade their looks for status and money in a man etc . . . What I'm trying to say is that, all things being equal, a better looking man will always stand a better chance of getting than someone who isn't. People don't want to hear that, because then we can't go and write courses and seminars to sell and con ignorant people out of their hard earned money. And then we can't brainwash fools who will believe in this crap as well to further perpetuate the view.
L777 said:
I think its really easy for everyone (who doesn't get laid as much as they want) to jump to the 'looks dictate everything' conclusion. If YOU were being completely honest, I am sure you would admit you don't get laid as much as you wanted....I know I don't (but I do better than most). And here's why - ugly/average guys can BLAME their lack of success on their appearance...when its really things such as lack of effort and commitment than hold them back. Good looking guys can COMFORT themselves that they are attractive to women, and everytime they get some attention of some sort based solely on their appearance (like the things you mentioned - I get them too sometimes

) they get a little ego boost and feel good about themselves for a while....but still only get laid rarely.
Men who go after quality don't need to get laid that much, but could if they wanted to. That's the difference. Sad deluded idiots like you put a major emphasis on getting laid as if it were some kind of trophy to show off to people - that's really, really sad. Potato gave a devastating retort to you in another thread, so I won't repeat it here.
L777 said:
Then there are ppl (like myself) who are ugly, average, good looking and everything in between, but they maximise their attractiveness, put the effort in, have the masculinity that girls can become addicted and too and obsessed with, and create the oppurtunities for sex, whilst not letting their ego harm them on the few times they do get rejected. These guys get laid the most and feel good about themselves.....ever wonder why the best PUAs aren't model-looking? Ever seen pics of Juggler, Gunwitch, Style, Mystery etc?
PUA are successful? Where? What they do is to market themselves and say they are successful. Where's the actual success, you tell me? Let's see if any of them can get Kate Bosworth off her present boyfriend, or get Angelina Jolie off Brad Pitt, or get Potato's girlfriend off him. Let's see that happen if they are so amazing and have amazing "game". The truth is that these PUA know total f*ck all, they are all nut jobs trying to capitalise on shoddy concepts to sell their wares to unsuspecting ignorant individuals who can't be bother to think for themselves for once in their lives. They do not really understand the nature of relationships, they just think they do. They are good marketeers, and the fact that you (someone who claims he has a degree in biology), never, ever, bothered to test or find ways to verify their claims independently and in a controlled impartial manners tells me very much about your intelligence.
And again, the emphasis on getting laid, where's it coming from. It's almost as if you guys see it as a race, who f*cks the most wins - sad, sad and SAD.
L777 said:
You won't convince me of your way of thinking because I know its wrong. For you and your reality, it may be the order of things....but if you were willing to try the things I suggest you really would have your eyes opened. The 'matrix' that the community often talks about - whilst being an utterly lame phrase and one which I hesitate to use - is most certainly real. You are attractive and have had success that way? - this just means you are at the top of the pile amongst the guys still 'plugged in' so to speak. I don't know what else to tell you...but the 'secret society' of guys that 'get it' is real and accessible to all.....its just that most won't take the steps to get to that stage. I know how I personally want to live - what you choose to believe is up to you, I don't really care.
There is no "seduction" community. There are just clueless individuals who can't get laid, or have trouble with women and think that there is a magic ticket to getting ANYONE they want. That's the core of this site and the reason why this thread is here. Because the essential logical dependence is on the statement that "looks don't matter" which leads to "I can get Cindy Crawford if I want to as long as I know what to do" that PUA wants to put into the heads of their followers. Same kind of ridiculous cult programming that we have all around the world.
There is no "me and my reality". As I said in another thread, there is only ONE reality, and that's the one we are ALL existing in right now. We all just have different ways of "interpreting" this reality. Some of us, sadly, doctor the data and put it forward as evidence for a view that is totally out of line with what's really going on.
L777 said:
Metaphysical I agree with you 100%. Thats why I advocate doing th best with what you have....i'e be at least ACCEPTABLY attractive.....just like you need a girl to be *not embarassingly unattractive* to sleep with her...so a woman will f.uck you if you pass the minimum standard.
PS. I have a degree in Biology believe me I know about Darwin.
You can't be a scientist because proper scientists are sceptical and they NEVER believe things at face value, a scientist would not have the stance that you have shown. There is no evidence that the PUAs are as successful as they claim, and on further examination you'll find out that they are nuts jobs. Also, isn't it funny that they are never really seen with really hot women, and the body language seems to suggest that the women were paid to be there as a stand in?
There's a need to perpetuate all the cr*p about a seduction community since it serves commercial purposes for those it benefits. It gives comfort to all those sad pathetic losers out there who just couldn't bother to think for themselves. If the seduction community is right in what it preaches (whatever that may be), then people like Potato would be worried and insecure about losing his girlfriend to one of these guys who's learnt all the latest techniques etc. . . and so would other men as well who have hot girlfriends. But they are not, they are all laughing at you because you're pathetic and sad and don't get the nature of how relationships are formed and sustained and maintained. . .