I've thought about this as well and by applying theory and real life stuff I've come up with this.
Recently I was number closed from a HB8 when doing day game. I
text her and she responded the next day saying "Hey, no offense, but I kinda know enough guys in my hall and that, but it was cool meeting you

So basically, she thought I was cool/attractive etc. and infact closed me, but because there's a plethora of guys chasing her one way or another, she prefers to stick with the stuff that's just there. Infact, she may well end up dating a guy who's a bit worse than me but he's just there gaming her day in, day out etc. (or not, lol).
If every guy became good with women, I believe it could go one of two ways:
1.) All guys are great with women, so competition becomes really fierce. Lots of confident, alpha guys hitting on women with great game left, right, centre. Sooo to get a decent girl you're gonna need fantastic game as default and probably the discriminating factor will be looks/body/height since 'game' is the expected norm.
2.) All guys are great with women, thus are higher value, thus it becomes easier to get a girl because women won't have the power to be so picky since their relative value is less. They know they aren't the shiit anymore and can't get away with murder since there aren't AFC's to validate them and kiss their ass everyday. They have to respect and look up to men, etc.
Now, which way does it go? I personally believe if guys chilled out about chasing women and made it clear to women they weren't prepared to take crap anymore, it would lead to option 2. Scarcity results in more value. But if these DJs just decided to game the ass off every HB5 upwards, it would result in women being more picky. The new AFC would be the good DJ and the new DJ would become the super hot DJ. e.g.) Really hot guy with fab game.
Lol, just my thoughts.