the blame doesnt lie on either side of the fence fully. if you ask me.
you can't blame it all on men. the reality is that if the majority of women have a messed up view of reality (sex in the city / desperate house wives view) then male female relationships on the whole are going to suck.
it takes two to make a relationship work and if the woman has unrealistic expectations, or is not evolved as a human being, then its going to fall apart.
just as well, men have to have their poop in a pile also.
the reality is that most men and most women are NOT mature enough, rational enough, experienced enough to develop an healthy relationship while on autopilot.
the ONLY reason most relationships 'work' is because
1) sexual attraction
2) the fear of being alone / lack of options
3) necessity (financial, children, etc.)
this is why cheating is so rampant and why divorce is so rampant. because when the factors above are no longer enough to keep one part 'holding on', things fall apart.
as men however, we have to simply accept that we can do very little about trend that has developed within the female population. yes, we as DJs can influence it, but we can't do anything about the other 99% of men who play right in to the dysfunctional mental state of (most) women today.
its basically the same as the injustices that occur around the world every day. rich people steal from poor people, children starve, etc.
and just like you have to accept that these unjust realities exist and still find a way to live your life, as a man you have to accept that most men and women are plugged in to the matrix and will remain plugged in until the day they die.
but as men what we need to focus on is becoming BETTER men. NOT, i emphasize NOT NOT NOT for women, but for ourselves.
and yes, women will go on and on about how men need to be better, but take it for what it is, most often its katty propoganda of women plugged in to the matrix.
because what women would realize if they had the insight is that
1) men are probably better today than ever before in history. men treat women better than at any other point in history (on the whole that is). but its like the old saying, give an inch and they'll take a mile - and thats what many women are doing today. ironically the better they are treated the even more better they demand to be treated until things have swung the other way and its actually THEM treating men horribly.
2) when men DO become BETTER men, women are goign to be in for a shock. becuase what they will find is NOT men who suddenly cater to their every whim. what they will find are men who will not put up with their bullsh*t. when men, en mass, evolve, women will be held to a higher standard and what is endurered today, will not be endured in the future.
so yes, men have a lot of work ahead of them. and its not an easy journey, because as they strive to become better men they will always have hords of women nagging in their ear about how they aren't good enough.
which is why women are not part of the solution. they simply arent.
men are goign to have to grow strong and healthy and happy on their own first.
and the first step in doing that is not getting caught up in the battle of the sexes. not letting what women think bother you. not putting them up on a pedestal.
and trust me, for all the talk men give of how easy women have it, i dont think they do. i see TONS of women trashing other women all the time. most women are still shallow, superficial, out of emotional control people - and those traits DO NOT lead to happiness.
moreover, the whole battle of the sexes thing is stupid if you ask me. i know lots of women who i consider much more trust worthy and honorable than a lot of men. some of the people closest to me in life, who i trust the most, who would do ANYTHING for me are women.
i LOVE women.
i love men also (not sexually)
basically i LOVE good kind caring people, whether man, woman or hermaphrodite. i dont like selfish, superficial, egotistical people - whether they be man, woman or hermaphrodite.
we need to start focusing on what makes a person good, happy and successful - instead of blaming 'genders' and mass media for hte problems. yes, lots of women and lots of men are contributing to the problem, so is the media, etc. but we can't do anything about those things.
its not easy to build a paradise while the world is burning - but that is exactly what each of us has to do. and if enough people did do that, the world would be a better place.
and we could begin to believe in love again and believe in each other again.
but like all disasters (and i would call male female relations disasterous now a days), all appears lost until out of the chaos emerges examples of how to rebuild. and over time there will be men and women who evolve and are happy. and only when enough of those relationships ahve occured will other men and women stop, look and ask 'how did they do it?"
and then the masses will start to shift and start to evolve.
unfortunately though that process might take longer than our life times. its definitely more than a decade off - which for most of us is where our immediate concerns lay