I have to disagree. I believe marriage is a terrible thing and would seriously ask any man of value to reconsider. A communal system (though they dont really exist currently) would be far superior imo.
Marriage is simply something invented to keep beta males happy and working, to strip power away from real alpha men, to give that power to leaders and hence the patriarchy. Marriage cannot and will not survive in the modern world, with all its freedoms and especially gender-mixing.
Marriage was likely invented in ancient Iran, it is associated with Jamshed (Yama) who is a mythical figure cognate with Ymir, Remus and his name is associated variously with Death, Hell and twins. In ancient Iranian myth Jamshed created a Vara (an enclosure) where he put people in twos. This most likely refers to early farming settlements in West Asia (most people were nomads then so the enclosure denotes both protection and also control) and Neolithic state formation. Later on this myth was borrowed by others and became the Ark and flood myth, but in most other parrallels its the Iranian which is closest to the original.
The oldest (or most archaic) literature we have is the Rigveda which was composed around the Pakistan, NW India and Afg region. In earlier parts of this
text there is this reference to "wives".
"What time our wives draw near to us, may he, left-handed Tvastar, give us hero sons"
Note the interesting words being used, OUR wives, meaning, wives and sons as a collective of the tribe, not individual man and wife, and secondly DRAW NEAR TO US, the concept of women initiating sex when they are ready to procreate (as is the case in nature), rather than a typical traditional marriage where the woman is expected to provide sex to the man for his own personal sacrifice and work, which is where the concept of paying for sex, as a transaction, exchange, or duty probably comes from.
If any guy wishes to advance in Game he has to move beyond the marriage system and monogamy. Game, in its purest form, simply leads to a guy becoming the leader of a communal system, as is the case in Nature, and Game is of the most natural things, which we discover, not invent.
Our generation now (its ok for you, as you are bit older) is in a difficult and transitionary period. The faster the transition can occur the better. I dont wanna be in a lost generation because I am sure a golden period of happiness and freedom is just a few generations away.