adam225 said:
Day two for me and I'm starting to feel upset. I keep thinking maybe there's something I can say to her to make things better again.
You can't say anything to change their minds. It's your actions that will change their mind if they decide to take you back or vice versa. Go NO CONTACT now and try to heal yourself.
adam225 said:
I'm also having thoughts of emailing her mom to see if she still has feelings for me.
Don't you dare do this. Guys do dumb sh!t like this all the time. You'll come off looking a like pathetic little boy. This won't bring her will make you look like a psycho and she'll run from you even faster. DON'T DO IT.
adam225 said:
NC will hit her where it hurts.
It should. She is trying to leave shouldn't give a sh!t about her feelings. Don't let the door hit her on the way out. Don't chase her...she should chase you. You come to this board to be an start learning to be alpha...always remember that you are the prize.
adam225 said:
When we broke up she said that she'd like to be friends with me and that she still wants to know how I'm getting on time-to-time. Is she just saying this so she can ease her self off me gradually?
Yes...she's treating you like a chump...and she no longer sees you as desirable. Turn the tables on her when she asks to be friends again and laugh and say "Yeah, rrrrright!!!" and just walk away.
Look man, it's tough. I know. I've been there. I've cried, lost my appetite, listened to depressing music for months on end because - like you - I just got out of 5 years relationship but mine ended in a divorce that I initiated. Love dies hard. It sucks ass.
But here's the will look back at complete and utter embarrassment at all the dumb things you'll do to try to bring her back. Do not embarrass yourself! She'll look at you more fondly if you simply vanish and never contact her again....scarcity brings value.