Hi everybody,
this thread has been a very interesting read for me so far.
Was having a long distance relation with this girl for almost a year who apparently met someone local just a few days ago.
We were introduced to each other by a mutual female friend from her city.
We had some holidays in Europe together and a lot of calls, sms and facebook stuff.
Was planning to visit her next week, planning to sort of officially intensify the relationship, as I discovered things turned bad for me just a week before that.
The stuff you fear when you choose this kind of relations, I know.
She often feels lonely and couldn't handle that anymore, to some extend also understandable.
Just shows you love needs to be close and not far away, either she came here or I moved there (didn't even get to discuss that yet).
I was hoping to solve that by visiting a lot this year and have a fine holiday together this summer, she decided differently.
Got me a
message which suggested this other guy, so I called back. Being "dumped" is one thing, but not through a message.
She stayed polite, explaining her decision and saying it's not that bad and you'll find someone else...but I completely lost control during the talk.
Anger and disbelief on my side turned into crying.
She kept telling me she didn't expect this reaction at all, and to be honest neither did I. She asked me if I would like to call her back another day if I felt better, well...no.
I was really shocked at my own reaction to be honest; yes, I know I live in the north of Europe and she in the south of Europe so what happened now was a lurking 'possibility'. But that it would hit me this hard?
The day after I was at work but I discovered I was just staring at the screen doing nothing, workmates even started to notice so I left for home.
Didn't know what to do really, write her a letter?...not write...
Wrote her a letter yesterday thanking her for the nice time we had and describing some other hits and misses, and that she was a love interest from the very start so her "lets stay friends"? I don't know yet, I need time and time will tell. Finished it off wishing her well and that's it for now. If it splits at least with grace.
And so you fall asleep very badly, wake up in the middle of the night because your thoughts are blocking sleep. Waking up you discover you are wall staring for a few hours.
I feel cheated and disappointed despite the fact I also kept in mind what happened just now, but in the end is she who quit and you that is alone.
All my friends in the mean time have moved out of my sight here in some sort of way, leaving me with some friends in other countries.
I have no clue what to do now, again on my way to the dating circus?
So that will be challenge for the near future.
I have no idea why I wrote this here, but it does loosens things up a bit
day 1 it is