Nice work. It's for the best.V2Logger said:Weezy, her b-day was yesterday. Continuing NC, 72 days now. The mental challenge was a good one. I spent the day with friends and went out last night. I came close to sending something but with the help of friends and printed posts from this forum, I made it. I am not sure how to feel about it all, but at least I didn't break radio silence. It feels weird though, but oh well, it passed.Late.
I'm still fn struggling too. I'm wondering how long it's gonna take till I feel normal again. Is this feeling eventually gonna heal? Or do I need to get a new chick to make it.
I try and not talk about her with my buddies anymore, really just let my emotions out here.
I still wonder if I told her I want to marry her if that would make any difference, but if I'm 100% honest with myself, I never felt like she was the one.
I feel like I keep fn up with new chicks I meet. Just want to be able to feel good about **** in life.
As I approach my 60 days, I'm realizing that it's probably not gonna be a magical switch.