Weezy said:
So your saying that you *think* she wants you to email her a response based on generic emails, for real?. But you're talking about how not breaking NC makes you *think* about them?
Be honest, when you first saw that email come through, you thought *maybe* she's had a change of heart didn't ya? Then you saw some cool street paintings and were let down a bit.
The longer I go NC the more I'm thinking...
If I stay NC till the die I motherfvckin die. I will get stronger every mother fvckin day. Get my game tighter every mother fvckin day. I don't have to worry about ever losing my pride and her laughing about how in the end I wasn't the strong guy she thought I was, and if I bump into her, we are on equal ground. If she calls, she'll have to wonder if I give a sh1t about her.
I won't waste any time thinking about her and what some generic email means and if she sent it while sitting on her BF's d1ck.
Boy,I'm glad you and V2Logger have enough pride and common sense to move on and stop re-hashing the past.
Breakups are painful. They hurt...but the hurt's not supposed to last forever.
If a woman tells you she no longer wants you to be a part of her life,then move on and find someone who'll treat you with dignity and respect.
There's no way in the "HAIL" I'd continue bugging a woman if she told me to leave her alone. All you're doing by continuing to hound her is lowering yourself and degrading yourself in
her eyes.
She might want to see you or have
some sort of interest towards you if you have enough RESPECT for yourself to just move on,but to continue to fawn over her and to say you'll settle for being her "friend" when both you AND HER
already know that in reality,you want her back,all that does is make her LOATHE YOU....sexually speaking.
If after all the time that's passed,you still appear as hung up as you were on the day the breakup happened,all you accomplish by contacting her is making her look down on you even more.
You just turn her off even more. She's probably thinking,"Sheesh,dude,get a life". You may even scare her. She might start thinking you're nuts,or some kind of stalker.
I like that spirit Weezy. You said...
Weezy said:
If I stay NC till the die I motherfvckin die.
I LIKE that dude. I know that if I broke up with a girl,I wouldn't want her calling me or
texting me or telling me she wants to be my friend.
I want her to go her way and live her life in peace,and I want to do the same for myself.
What I don't understand about Jean's last post is when he said for you guys to "MAN UP and take the blows". In other words,break the NC,call the girl,and if she says anything painful,then take the blows.
Here's my question....
Why? Why continue to take hurtful "blows"?
What for? The relationship is over,isn't it. When the girl says she didn't want to be with you anymore,THAT should be the LAST BLOW.
It's one thing to get hurt in a relationship,and it's another to get hurt when the relationship ends,both of which are understandable,but to continue getting hurt and taking "blows" AFTER it's over with?
Just how long is the pain supposed to last?
What,the breakup itself wasn't painful enough,you want to drag this thing on out?
Why should we continue "taking blows" two or three months AFTER the relationship has ended,WHILE the girl has MOVED ON and is HAPPY dating someone else?
Flat out ridiculous,but to each his own.
I like your style Weezy.
+1 rep.