Funny, I have actually wrote four letters and just deleted them a day later. I did not write them in email, but instead in word so the send button would not be right there asking to be pressed. Yeah, I know that nobody can just forget three years and I'm pretty confident that I cross her mind more than once a day. I don't know that I want revenge, more just an acknowledgement that I wasn't disposed of without looking back. I have attempted the impossible by trying to figure out her mind set and have come up with a few things since I can now step back and see things as they are, or should I say were. I have come to the conclusion that the new guy is just a crutch that would allow her to break free of me. Yeah, she still wanted out, but our bond was too strong to just walk away. I almost never called her. I'm just not a phone person and I would rather save things up for when I am face to face with someone. During one of out last text conversations (I actually prefer email since you can express a complete thought), she took a while to reply: "Sorry, I was on the phone... AGAIN!" It seemed odd at the time, but now seems to fit in since she changed her mind about coming to see me later in the conversation. I have to guess that the new guy calls her all of the time. If that's what she needs, we were doomed anyway. I have struck up text conversation with a girl that seems pretty cool. Am I ready for that? probably not, but it at least distracts me for a bit. I'm trying not to let these thoughts become a habit. Thanks for the warning.