V2Logger said:
I have been going through the same thing Weezy. Instead it was 5 years. 5 years down the toilet. I have officially been no contact since Aug.19. That was the last
text and no phone calls before or in between. Broke it off two weeks before she dumped me. But as we can figure, I have strong evidence there was another in the mix. It was also a relationship that eventually ended up in arguements from things which were so small, I did not instigate these arguements, I figure she wanted drama. But like Jean said up above,"the fact that she does not reach out to you sends a strong message that she is over you and does not want you to bother her ... actions speak loudly brother so just keep NC". That is what I have to hear. I am also stuck with wondering whether to text her happy birthday coming up. My mind is somehow telling me to do so. But my logic tells me no, because she was so negative in the end. So fellas we are all here with similiar issues. Thanks for all the posts before this one, they have all helped me.
Your logic is right here. I would follow it. Texting is only going to set you back, especially if there is another guy.
I'm assuming there had to be another guy in the mix for mine too, although I don't know for sure and don't wanna know. I started to feel her pull away for a couple of weeks toward the end.
Then we had a 3 day weekend planned with my parents at our lake cabin and I was a perfect gentleman. We had an awesome time, road jetski's mad sex, awesome. When we got back she told me she didn't wanna sleep in her bed without me and that she loved, this was on a Monday.
me. So I thought, okay, I need to step it up now and ride this wave
As the week progressed she started asking me why I was being so sweet lately, I had been holding her more and trying to hang out more. Then I call her up on Friday and ask if I can come over and spend the night and she was hesitant, which was a shock. I asked if she had plans and she said she didn't but that we normally don't hang out on Fridays(?)
I ended up going over there and everything seemed fine. Then she calls on Saturday night on her way home from work and I told her I was staying at my place but that I would see her tomorrow.
Then Sunday she calls up and asks if I was sober? I was like uhhh, sober enough, why? She said, just curious. I asked if she was coming over and she said well maybe we can just hang out tomorrow, I was like that's cool, and she said, well, I guess I can come over. That night she says why did it take you 3 years to start being this sweet to me? I'm like uhh, I'm always sweet and she just laughs.
I ask her the next day if she wants to make dinner and I'll come over, she's like sure, what do you want. I go over for dinner, we eat, I start to do some work and she's like, we need to talk... Stunned me cause I was so not expecting it, why the f$$k cook me dinner first, give me a last meal? Make me realize what I'd lost? She also had made my bed like a French Maid would that morning.
My hunch is that she had been planning her exit for a few weeks and that me going over on Friday F'd up her plans with the dude? I was guilty of calling her and trying to hang out more than normal that week, but I doubt that would be enough to cause her to loose interest. She always was calling me and asking to hang out.
She had been hinting marriage for a while too and I just shrugged it off. I'm guessing she had our 3 year mark as a cut off date for me to take some action. Which I never did, and as a girl will do, she started to line her ducks up for a breakup.