The *No Contact* Challenge! ( Read this if you just got dumped)


Don Juan
Feb 1, 2011
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I feel bad, I still think about her before I go to sleep... currently on the 55th day now... and Im still waiting for her to make a move and make things better


Don Juan
Apr 2, 2012
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Day 26 (I think)

getting serious waves of panic and tension.
Somebody said earlier something about not so much missing the ex but feeling empty inside. That's it. That's what it is.

Finding it hard to fill the time. I'm 49 and would look like somebodies dad in clubs.



Don Juan
Feb 21, 2012
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Day 40: Hookup up with a chick last night. Was fun, but i know its not the answer.

BUT!, I'm sitting in class right now, just saw her walking in the hall and you know what. Ya i do miss her physically, but I deserve much better and will find someone much better.

I will now count down the days until I leave for my trip. D
Day 24: time to look different.


Master Don Juan
Dec 19, 2010
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How are you guys supposed to get over these girls if your actually counting the days?? You guys need to worry about other productive things.


Master Don Juan
Dec 13, 2010
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PrettyBoyAJ said:
How are you guys supposed to get over these girls if your actually counting the days?? You guys need to worry about other productive things.
Vouch... This is Why I have stopped the updates, unless I have something important to post.

Counting the days really keeps reminding you of her, and you will never forget her, If you keep reminding yourself of her :)


Don Juan
Feb 21, 2012
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Pretty boy is right. I'm not posting anymore. I'm going to work on my confidence and just go have some fun working on my pick up game.

I'll post if some really awesome thing happens.


Don Juan
Nov 21, 2011
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Ok here goes....
Day 1.
I've been an massive AFC with this girl. The last time I was out I texted her to ask her if she was out, she was, at a place I knew, so I told her that I'd pop down to see her.
She basically said two words to me upon seeing me, and I left feeling like the complete and utter mug that I was.

We've kissed many times, been on "dates", had sex. But she's really just not interested in initiating contact with me & barely seems bothered by whether I am alive or dead. I deserve better than this.
This is massively overdue. So as of now I will refuse to initiate contact with her. There is a possibility I will see her at work/at social events in the future, so total "no contact" seems a bit unrealistic. So the rest I will have to play by ear.
But still, here goes nothing.....


Don Juan
Apr 10, 2012
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boyfriend has left me

im so thankful i found this forum, my boyfriend finished with me today after 2 and half years, our relationship has been up and down, mainly due to my lack of trust and low self esteem, i suffered too with jealousy and slight controlling so you could say my boyfriend hasnt had it easy! but he is no angel and has a temper and really hurt me with terrible words! I want you to understand that how i am, i despise! and even asked seeked help and waited to see a counsellor but the process was taking to long so i tried hypnosis to try and change my behaviour as i didnt want to lose my partner, it did work to a degree but i think it was more deep routed than just curing the jealousy, i am good some days and back to square one other days,
We have really began to bicker constantly lately and now the final blow came today.. he collected his things from my house, took my phone and deleted his number from the contacts and stated he wished he had never met me and hated me =( that hurt!!!
I am the most loyal and trust worthy person and maybe thats what he loved about me but i guess the bad outweighed the good things about me =( i love him and dont know how im going to carry on my life, we had plans for the future and settle down to have a baby and get married and now thats all gone. i do have his number somewhere jotted down but i feel so degraded if i was to text when he has clearly wanted any trace of me wiped out! we both have a twitter account but bickered before and had took each other off one anothers but he can still view my account... i havent been on and he knows im always updating it every hour usually but i want to shock him! make him wonder why im not writing on there expressing my bleeding heart! i feel like i want to crawl under a rock and die! the things he said ripped me to pieces! but i dont want to lose him =( DAY 1


Don Juan
Apr 10, 2012
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boyfriend left me

Day 2 No Contact-
im starting to worry that he is going to realise his life is so much better without me =(
hurts so much that he has just erased me from his life so easily,
i dont know what i will do if he doesnt come back, his the one! so how could i ever move on?
i havent had a job for a while and i know he began to resent this about me! i had a phone call today for an interview on fri for a job.. im so desperate for this job now but im piling so much pressure on myself and will be devastated if i dont get it.
keep looking at my phone... no calls.. no texts.. not thinking of me at all =(
starting to feel anger alittle, asking myself could i trust him ever again to not cause me so much pain if we did get back together?!
cant begin to express how worthless i feel inside.
it hurts so bad, i dont want to breath anymore.


Don Juan
Nov 21, 2011
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Day 4.
I've tried to do this whilst still being suscribed to her updates on FB. Probably a bad idea, but the thinking was, that I'm a man, I can handle it.
Yesterday she commented on how she pulled last night....*unsubscribes from updates*
Out at a gig tonight and so is she, I know where she'll be after, but I need to work on me so I think I'll give that joint a miss.


Don Juan
Apr 2, 2012
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Day 11

I recall reading another post by a SoSuave member about spinning plates and plates not just being women.

Since the break up, a lot of those plates of mine have been job interviews and a variety of other little goals I've set for myself over the last two weeks. It really does work. Especially when you see results. (Recently scored an amazing job at a top tier firm)

I don't really think about my ex, or feel any distress anymore. I guess when you've had women cheat on you then try to commit suicide, or have your best mate (not anymore) wreck your relationship and take your partner, moving on seems pretty easy.


Don Juan
Apr 10, 2012
Reaction score
boyfriend left me

only the start of day 4 and i know this is going to be a long day and night ahead, im starting to think he has actually fell out of love with me all together, i just keep imagining him smiling and laughing with others without a care in the world and that cuts me deep visioning that.

i still havent updated anything on my twitter account so he has no idea what ive been up to since he last seen me, but he knows me well enough to know that i will be dying without him but normally i make that known through texts or twitter so to see nothing from me i hope.. well i... pray.. that it triggers off something inside of him.
That video i made i just watch over and over but in a way it keeps me strong and makes me think look how much i love this guy! he needs to equally love me as much back else whats the point of any of this?
Think im going to have to come on here more than once today just to be able to cope. who ever made this thread THANK YOU