Ok its been a while since I posted a recap. Thats what happens with so many plates are in motion.... well let me not get ahead of myself cause it seems like a lot are flakes....
Ok so the ones I nexted are pretty much nexted. I get a text from the fast close girl every once in a while. I called her for the heck of it last wedneday she answered and said she is going to be a shot girl at a popular bar. She then texted me the next day to come to a club she is going to. I didn't go... and as I said b4 she is nexted.. too much of a flake partier...
Ok so the girl that lives out of state........ I suggested we meet for coffee on Monday... she agreed but for some reason she didn't want to meet in her town and suggest we meet closer to me which I guess was cool. We ended up meeting a diner and got coffee.... I was confident basically looking her in the eye and takling... and she looked me in the eye as well and talked a lot.... I teased her about being rich... but after a while since I had to work early I told her I had to go... but during the date I suggested we meet for a movie or something.. and she said that would be fine. She was leaving back to school Saturday.
So the following day I didn't call her, nor did she call me. So on Wednesday I called her when I got out of work and she picked up. We talked for literally 2 minutes and her voice was very straight forward without much emotion. Then again though thats kind of how it was prior I suppose. Well I asked how her day was etc.. and then there was silence... so I'm like... "are you still up for going out" she was like "yea but today im meeting some friends for coffee" but I should have time the rest of the week" Well I told her that I had a poker tournament with friends over the next 2 days but asked her she was doing on Friday. She said Friday I think is good.... and then she's like oh wait Im so sorry I have a family dinner thing... I can't Friday.
I was like aw. but then she's like unless maybe later on... I'll let you know. I said cool let me know.
So Friday rolls around and at 3pm I text her "hey whats up"
She responds back pretty quick "not much you"
I respond back "are we going out later"
No response..........
So around 7 I text her back "all you had to say was no lol"
She responds back pretty fast "im sorry. im out to dinner with my father. ill call u when I get done"
So she calls about a half hour later.. I dont answer.... I call back a few minutes later. She tells me she is sorry she didnt respond to my text but that she has been busy getting ready for school and running errands she forgot. Then she's like unforuntately I cant make it to a movie tonight I have packing and things to finish up. So I'm like are you leaving early tomorrow? She's like actually Im not.. I have a 8pm flight but I need to spend time with my mom she gets really emotional when I leave. She's like I'm sorry but I'll be back before you know it. I chuckled and said I understand.... well keep in touch... send me a text once in a while and add me to facebook lol... she's like ohh you have a facebook I love that thing.... but anyway that was that.
So today I texted her "have a good flight" She responded back pretty quick "thanks Jayer keep in touch"
That was that..... Ok So lets go to the HB 7.5 chick . On Monday I decided to call her and she actually answered. She was off from work but doing errands.... we talked for a little bit.... and I think my confidence on the phone got her interest up. So I asked her when she wanted to go out and get hot chololate. She said she might get out of work on Thursday early.. but she would let me know.... ok Fine whatever.... So on Wednesday I texted her and she ended up calling me later... but since I was out I could only talk for a little bit. I asked her if we were still on for tomorrow and she said she'd let me know tomorrow cause she didn't know what time she could get out until she got there.
Ok so Thursday rolls around... I text her around 3:30pm and say "so what's it looking like"
No response..... I then text her a few hours later "Im going to head to the gym but I just want to see if we are still on for tonight"
She rsponds back quick this time "the other girl hasn't gotten here yet"
So a few hours later I call her.. no answer.... by this time its already late and I decide to make other plans.......
So around 9pm I got a text from her "hey i didnt know I was going to get out this late and im tired i just want to go to sleep. dont hate me"
So I respond back "i dont hate you but u could just have said u were getting out late"
She responds back "it was so busy i didnt get a chance until now sorry"
So I respond "well next time you will have to buy the hot chocolate then
She responds "i will but i didnt know u were so cheap
Well I respond the next day "who r u calling cheap, its the principle
She responds back later on in the day "i was just kidding"
Well I just tried calling her a few hours ago and no answer.....