Everything is moving so fast.... thats its not hard to keep up with the posting.... I'm going to my best... I actually had a date with the HB 8 girl (really turned out to be more like an HB 7) but we will just call here out of state HB. Before we get to that let me recap my approaches from the weekend.
So me and some friends went to this popular block in town where there are bars in clubs. We started out in this one which I have frequented the past couple of weeks and which is where I have pulled some numbers I've reported on.
After drinking for a while with some friends at the bar, I noticed a set of 4 HB 7-8 girls walking out the bar... now something instinctively made me follow them and my friends tagged along... When we go outside I approached the HB 8 of the group from the side asked if she was leaving... then went into multiple threading... she said she was going to the bar next door and I asked if it was good. We basically ended up following them there, but we played it cool to not seem like we were stalking them. Before long some other guys got on them while we were playing it cool....
Ok well that prelude leads into my first approach of the night. Being sort of upset that I didn't go for it sooner I noticed a 2 HB 5's standing on the side drinking. For sport i decide to move in
Me: Hey is there supposed to be a band here?
HB 5: yeah.... they are behind the curtain
Me: Are you sure... I don't see anyone playing
HB 5: Yeah they are coming on in a few
Me: so what's your name
HB 5: I'm HB 5, you?
Me: Jayer nice to meet you. I notice you have an accent where from
HB 5: what country or where do I live?
Me: Both
Her: I'm from sweden and i live in xxxx
Me: ohh right near me
HB 5: really....
Me: What do you do etc...
HB: 5 I'm a nanny and I go to school
Me: thats cool.... but listen I'm about to leave you have a cell phone?
Her: yea I do
Me: let me give you a call sometime
Her: ok sure
I pulled out my phone and got the digits.... then I bailed... and went back to the first bar I was in.
Ok so now back at first bar there is this 4 set at a table drinking and talking. They have pretty much been there the whole night but nobody appears to have approached. I talked to my friends and they said they were ready to move in. As usual they suggested I open it up.... Well I looked at all the girls and I noticed of them head a hair band of sorts in her hair. I move in from the side and approach
Me: thats a nice bandana you got....
Her: its not a bandada its a head band see (takes it off her head and puts it on mine)
Me: are you sure.. lol it looked like a bandana from over there
Her: lol no
Me: So whats your name
Her: I'm HB 6
Me: where from what do you do etc...
Her: blah blah blah
Me: do you live far
Her: blah blah blah
Me: well listen my other friend is getting kind of lonely back there I feel bad
Her: yeah you should go keep him company
(meanwhile I am establsing Kino where possible by leaning in touching her shoulder when I talk to her etc...)
Me: It would be cool to talk sometime
Her: I can give you my screen name
Me: your screen name?? don't you have a cell phone
Her: Yeah I do.... but my friend gave hers out to some guy and he never stops bothering her with
Me: wow... well don't worry I won't ever text you
Her: no you can..... its ok....
Me: lol ok well what is it
I pulled out my phone and she gave it to me....
Ok so now that I just went 2 for 2... I'm obviously feeling pretty confident. I noticed this cute bartender from whom my friend was about to order a drink from. I told my friend watch this.... I motioned for the bartender to come over and she did
Me: Excuse me can I ask you a question
Her: whats up?
Me: Are you single
Her: (shaking her head and smiling like she's heard it 1000 times) nope..
Me: I know you're just saying that, but it's all good
She made a funny face at me and went on to serve the next customer
2/3 so far....
Ok so next approach... I am basically hanging out on the side when I see an HB 6 walk by me.... she has a pair of glasses on. I tap her as she walks by and she turns around. I walk up to her...
Me: Hey I like those glasses
Her: (looking surprised I approached and a little shocked) ohh thanks
Me: No problem... So whats your name
Her: HB 6 and yours
Me: I'm Jayer, you come here a lot?
Her: not really.... I rarely go out
(start my normal kino routine of talking close and touching)
Me: Thats cool so where you from yada yada yada
Well this girl's buying signals were very high... she started sying I was cute and kinoing me etc...
Well I did my typical routine of saying I had to go find my friends but this after a lot of close talking. She was a very Italian girl so I played the same card..... I asked her for her number and she gave it to me with joy.
Ok well after this... I decided to head over to the bar I picked up the swedish girl from which was next door.
Well when we walked in there was 5 set standing around talking. Well I decide to pick 1 and approach. I move in and basically say I like her shirt... she ends up telling me she's from brazil and so are all her friends... my other friends move in and start talking to the others.... now the girl really didn't seem to have high IL in me.... not showing IOI... So I kind of backed away from the set while my friends kept chatting up the others...
Well I was getting kind of bored standing alone I decided to go back to the set and try another target... I saw a girl in the group somewhat not engaged in the conversation so I went in.
Me: So you're from brazil too?
Her: Yes
Me: (tried to say something in portuguese)
Her: (smile)
Me: so whats your name
Her: (some name I have no clue)
Me: oh I'm Jayer nice to meet you
Her: likewise
Me: Are you from around here
Her: (some town I honestly don't remember)
Me: Thats cool. Well listen I'm going to get going, you should give me your number
Her: Give me yours I'll call you
Me: umm well give me your phone I'll put it in..
Well she gave me her phone and I put my number in.... then I hit the send button to call my phone but she quickly grabbed it from me and closed it.... She clearly wasn't interested.... what a $#*(#
So anyway I'm 2/4 now....
Well my other friends still kept talking to her friends in the set which I later found out that they # closed.....
Ok so in the meantime I'm a little flustered but I see a blonde HB 7... walking alone towards her friend.... I immediately move in.....
Me: Hey isn't there supposed to be a band here tonight.....
Her: yeah... they were playing before I think they are just taking a break
Me: ohh that would explain it.... whats your name by the way?
Her: I'm HB 7, and you?
Me: I'm Jayer nice to meet you...
Her: you too
Me: where you from?
Her: (some place in the city)
Me: Thats cool.... well listen I was actually about to head out of here, can I get your number I'll give you a call sometime
Her: ok sure... (she pulls out her phone and I pull out mine) here I'll call you now
She ends up calling me there so we exchanged numbers...
I leave immediately and head back to the original bar...