ok time for a recap of my weekend approaches as well as some dates (or meet ups) with some of the plates I acquired.
Lets start with the dates and the I'll get to the approaches. Me and a friend went out with the HB 7 Portuguese girl and she brought a friend. We met up in a cafe in a book store. The weather was raining very hard and we were both late though I was later. I am surprised she even showed up to tell you the truth. Now I need to stop lying so much because I told this girl I was Portuguese as well but it made me feel uncomfortable as I didn't catch onto her sayings at times.
But anyway we arrived later than them and walked into the bookstore. They were walking around and not by the cafe area. I then saw them coming towards the area so I walked up to her said hello and kissed her twice on the cheek, I did the same to her friend and my friend did the same as well. We walked over by the seats but there was no table with 4 seats available. There was a 2 seat table in front, so being the gentleman that I am I let both girls sit down while me and my friend stood in front of them. I used a lot of HV in my conversation, and then went over to get coffee with my friend. I probably should have asked them if they wanted anything but I didn't..... When I got back to the table I said " you girls didn't want anything?" and they said no thats ok...
So my friend I made a little conversation about trvial things when the girls noticed a 4 table open up. We all walked over and maybe this was a mistake too but I ended up sitting diagonally from the girl I was talking to while my friend sat next to her. Her friend sat next to me. We basically chatted about places we hang out, where we are from and our jobs etc... Unfortunately my stomach was hurting so I wasn't feeling optimal....
But anyway I made eye contact when I talked to her... I held it for a bit too and I'd notice she'd look away when i did that. I also talked to her friend a lot who was next to me. After about an hour or so I basically said we had a party we needed to get to so we had to leave. I kissed both her and her friend on the cheek twice and left. Since they were going to hang out in the area afterwards they decided to stay.
Ok so the same night my and my friend hung out with the Swedish girl and her friend and went bowling. I ended up picking them both up at her friends house and driving to a bowling alley nearby. Well I talked and tried to do light kino where possible (playfull pushing or touching) I even touched her hair asking her about the highlights. But her friend kept her preoccupied for most of the time... and she had no interest in my friend which made it interesting. On top of that I bowled horrible each game (not even breaking 100) but after 2 games we decided it was time to go. I dropped them off to their house. I gave my girl a hug and she hugged me decently with 2 hands and I kissed her on the cheek. I said to call or
text me and she said she would. I then hugged and kissed her friend on the cheek (her friend gave me a 1 hand weak hug) and that was that. One thing I should add is that I found her myspace page and she makes several points on it to being attracted to guys with light eyes. I don't have light eyes lol.... so we'll see
Well on Sunday I got a random text from her saying "whats up" I responded saying I was getting ready for the super bowl. I then sent her a text later saying "you looked very pretty on Friday" She responded back farily quickly saying "well thank you"
I then texted everyone including the portuguese girl when the giants won. The swedish girl responded back saying it was a great game, but no word from the portuguese.... and she did respond to my text last week regarding football so I don't know if her IL is down....... I will try calling her later though to find out.
I also called the HB 6 girl that went back to school asking if she called me from a friends number since I got random calls and texts and she said she didn't. I ended up talking to her online later on and she said we should make plans for next week. I said I'd call her during the week.
Now for the weekend approaches.........
I went out to a trendy area as usual and started drinking with my friends. The place I was drinking didn't have a lot of potential... so feeling good we decided to walk down to another lounge.
As we are walking on the street I see a car with 2 girls inside passing through a side street stopped due to pedestrian traffic. I don't know what possesed me but I tap on the passenger window and she rolls it down
Me: hey can I get your number
HB 7 passenger: (surprised but responding in a calm tone) are you serious?
Me: Yeah you're like the only beautiful girl I've seen all night
Her: (stuttering) umm well I'm actually on the way to see my boyfriend
Me: ahh ok well have a good night (horns were beeping for the car to go)
When I got to the lounge I grabbed a beer at the bar and noticed a 2 set dancing (1 asian and 1 blonde) I move in from the side and open up the Asian girl
Me: Hey I like your shirt (pointing to her black shirt)
Her: (looking at me) ohh thank you
Me: no problem, whats your name?
Her: HB 6 and you?
Me: I'm Jayer nice to meet you... you from around here?
Her: Yeah I'm from blah blah blah my friend and I are just here blah blah
Me: (using this opportunity I engage her friend) So whats your name
HB 7 Blonde Friend: I'm blah blah and you?
Me: I'm Jayer nice to meet you... are you from blah blah too?
HB 7 Blonde Friend: no I'm from blah blah how about you?
Me: eh you probably never heard of my town trust me....
HB 7 Blonde Friend: ohhhh come on just tell me (looking perhaps drunk)
Meanwhile while this is happening one of my wings engages the asian friend. I continue talking to HB 7 blonde... this time iniaiting kino by putting my hand on her should while I talk in her ear
HB 7 Blonde Friend: I work in your town lol...
Me: really where?
HB 7 Blonde Friend: blah blah
Me: oh really.... I got offered a job there but I turned it down (kinoing)
HB 7 Blonde Friend: you did.... why blah blah
(a bunch of small talk then finally I make my move)
Me: listen I need to find my friend he like totally disappeared
Her: ohh ok it was nice meeting you
Me: let me get your number I'll give you a call
Her: okkk
I whip out my cell get her number kiss her on the cheek and am gone...
So as we are walking up the stairs to leave this place.. I see a 4 set against the wall talking. I see 1 girl wearing gray and I decide to move in.
Me: Hey thats my favorite color (pointing to her shirt)
Her: what gray?
Me: yeah... it looks nice on you
Her: well thanks so much

Me: so whats your name?
Her: I'm HB 6 you?
Me: I'm Jayer. Where from?
Her: blah blah and you?
Me: you probably never heard of my town lol
Her: come on try me
Me: xxxxxtown
Her: haha I work there
Me: really where at?
Her: blah blah bha
Me: haha I work for your competitor, very close t oyou
Her: haha really
Me: yeah.. this sucks I can't talk to you anymore lol
Her: haha whatever we are so much better
Me: anyway listen my firends are behind me and are ready to leave, let me give you a call sometime
Her: give me your number I'll call you
Me: hhaha you know you could just say you don't want to talk, thats so typical
Her: no give me your number I'll call you
Me: give me yours

Her: what's yours come on?
So I end up giving it to her and giving her a kiss on the cheek. I doubt she will call.... though its happend to me once (see earlier in this tread) you can't expect it. I can't this as a negative.
Ok so we left this place and went into another bar nearby. It was crowded... I made some small talk with a few girls but didn't see the buying signals or rapport to go for a number
Well when we got out of the bar I see a girl standing in front leaning on a wall texting someone. I decide to move in
Me: Hey you should send me a text message
Her: (looking up at me) umm no I don't know you...
Me: exactly thats why you should text me so we talk and get to know each other
Her: no I don't think so, sorry
Me: alright well have a good night
Bottom Line
Approaches: 49
Numbers: 30