Ok now for my weekend approaches. As I said my results were nothing to brag about. I got 1 number out of 4 approaches. Here is how it went down......
On Friday I went to this bar that gets packed with girls basically between 21-30. I thought it was going to be good because I saw a lot of girls going in there when I first arrived. However it ended up being jam packed with people constantly bumping into you and my beer pretty much spilled all over my shirt because of it.... but ok whatever lets get to the approaches.
So I see this 2 set standing by themselves talking... I noticed they were both drinking Miller Lite..... I position myself so that this one HB 6 is directly at my side. I move in and talk in her ear
Me: How can you drink that stuff?
Her: (looking at me confused) huh... what are you talking about..
Me: Your beer.... what is it Miller Lite???
Her: Yeah it is... why what are you drinking?
Me: Stella Artois... its a real beer not like that water you have
Her: oh really.... well I like my beer, whats so great about Stella anyway
Me: Its a real beer not water I told you... where are you from... I need to know where people grow up to drink that piss
Her: xxxtown.. and you Let me try that beer and see whats so great about it
(I let her try my beer as she takes a sip out of my glass.. throughout most of this dialogue I have a big smile on my face and am playful)
Her: eeeew thats terrible I'll stick to my Miller
Me: xxxtown, whats your name, where do you work etc...
Her: HB 8, blah blah, how about you?
Me: xxxxjob you probably never heard of it
Her: Actually I have they are one of my biggest clients... I work in your town
Me: Really.... where abouts etc.. blah blah
Me: So let me guess you're Italian right?
Her: (smiling) no try again
Me: ummmm Spanish.... Portuguese.... Arabic
Her: you are close... ok just kidding yeah I am Italian
Ok now usually at this point I have the rapport going and I usually go for the number close. However as this place was packed I literally had nowhere to escape considering my friends were also hovering in the same visible area. I also starting thinking about some of your suggestions of building more rapport before closing. But honestly at this point I ended up pushing this conversation further than I wanted to because my friend was also chatting up her friend.
I also used a lot of DHV in my body position along with my tone of voice with the C&F...... but anyways I decided to go for it a little differently
Me: So what are the chances I can give you a call sometime
Her: (smirking then pulling back and looking at me) ok listen I have to be honest.....
Me: ohhhh boy.... let me hear this one lol.....
Her: This is the honest truth..... I just got out of an 8 year relationship... and I'm still hurt and really not looking to get into anything right now
Me: So that includes "talking" on the phone? lol.....????
Her: Yeah..... it just wouldnt' feel right I'm sorry.. I'm just being honest
Me: So who broke up with who?
Her: he dumped me actually
Me: so you're feeling sorry for yourself while he's out probably having a good time... nice
Her: I know I can't help it...
Me: that's tough blah blah
I basically ended up fading into the crowd as I totally was disenchanted with this girl at this point.
Started the night 0 for 1
Ok so the next approach happend the same night in the same place. I'm with one of my friends and we spot a 4 set... basically just hanging around and dancing. I decide to move in on an HB 8 I notice wearing all white
I go up and to her from the side and talk in her ear
Me: hey white is my favorite color
Her: (turns and looks at me... smiles sorta) ohhh thanks
Me: whats your name?
Her: HB 8 whats your name?
Me: Jayer.. where from?
Her: sometown etc...
I basically do my usual small talk on her... but then all of a sudden something bad happens...... a group of idiots come by and start bumping into me and my friend.... I guess they didn't see us as the place was crowded and were just pushing threw the crowd but it was very rude and my beer basically spilled all over me. I was about to say something to one of them.... but my friend calmed me down
The point is as I got distracted for about 10 seconds with this... some other guy moves in and basicalled AMOGS me by putting his arm around the girl I was talking too and obviously kicking game....
I am pretty pissed off at this point and am basically just sitting back watching this doosh bag talk to the girl I was building rapport with.. I decide to not waste my time... and just hang with my friends for a minute.
Well I looked back at the set 5 minutes later and noticed that guy was gone.... I don't know if he struck out or what... but I decided I would just take a shot and try and number close... I went back up to her....
Me: Hey I'm actually about to get out of here... let me get your number I'll give you a call sometime
Her: (looking at me again surprised) umm well I actually have a boyfriend
Me: you do.... where is he lol????
Her: he didn't want to come tonight
Me: ahh ok whatever well I feel sorry for him....
Her: (obviously not getting the neg) ohh yeah me too
Me: well it was nice meeting you (kiss her on the cheek hard and walk away)
I later found out that she was full of crap....... I saw her giving some other guy her number an hour or so later in a different room. blah........ whatever...
It sooned turned into a meat market.... and we decided to leave.
Friday resulted in 2 approaches and 0 numbers for me....
Now onto Saturday....
Well I ended up going back to the bar/club that I'm starting to become a regular at. Unfortunately for most of the night I wasn't feeling too well so I basically was being very low key watching my friends sarge. Well anyway my 2 friends that approached the set come back and tell me this 1 HB 5 (sorta fat) girl totally blocked them with their targets and was being a *****.. I saw this.. and basically took it as a personal challenge to see if I could close this girl..... I figured since she was being stupid I had nothing to lose. This inspired me to go in. I noticed she had a hair band in her hair. She was waiting at the bar..... I go up next to her and approach her from the side
Me: (smiling) That's a nice bandana you have in your hair (touching it)
Her: (looking at me kinda surprised) ohhh thanks (then looked back at the bar)
Me: That's not really a bandana is it
Her: (looking back at me kinda surprised I still talked to her) uhh no its a head band
Me: ahh ok... I never know what they call those things etc..
Her: yeah thats what it is.....
Me: So whats your name
Her: Layla, yours
Me: I'm Jayer, nice to meet you
Her: Yeah you too
Me: do you come here a lot?
Her: sometimes.... where are you from?
Me: sometown you never heard of.....
Her: come on just try me
Me: xxxxtown
Her: haha thats right near me.. I'm in xxxxtown
Me: wow very cool... how old are you?
Her: 23, you?
Me: Guess
Her: stop I don't play those games just tell me
Me: come on guess me teling you wouldn't be as fun
Her: (her voice getting sterner) I'm not going to guess just tell me
Me: 26....
Her: ahh ok thats not that bad
Me: What do you do
Her: blah blah nursery school teacher blah you?
Me: blah blah blah
Me: Anyway listen my friend is getting lonely over there I better go back, can I get your number, I'll give you call
Her: (pausing for a minute) you know I'm sorry I really don't give out my number at clubs....
Me: ummmm why.. I'm not going to stalk you or anything.
Her: well I had some bad experiences and I just don't do it. You can give me yours though
Me: are you going to call it? lol
Her: maybe I will... you never know
Me: I don't liike those odds how about you send me a
Her: (thinking for a second) No... I told you I'm not giving you my number
Me: blah ok it was nice meeting you....
Unreal some of this girls man! But ok whatever... So most of the time I continued just relaxing watching sports center on tv there.... Finally towards the end of the night I was getting ready to leave and was leaned up against the wall talking to my friends. I notice on my right a 3 set of HB 7-8s appeared. I noticed 2 of them were wearing the same color. I decided to move in.
As one was right on my side I said to her
Me: Hey are you both twins???
HB 7: (looking at me with a coy smile) good one....
Me: I'm serious.... are you... you both look alike
HB 7: nooo we are just friends... I'm HB 7 and this is Other HB 7
Me: (talking now to her friend) so where are from
Other HB 7: xxxxtown... you? (tipsy)
Me: nowhere you ever heard of...
Other HB 7: come on just tell me
Me: xxxxtown...
Other HB 7: ohh I heard of it... I am from this state you know
At this point my friends rush and start talking to the other members of the set. I am doing good establishing kino as I am very close to this girl and she is whispering in my ear. I eventually put my arm around her. At times she pulls back but she eventually starts coming in towards me.
I make a little more small talk basically asking where she went to schol and her age. I told her mine and she doesn't think its too old. She is 23 and I said 26. Anyway at this time I notice her friends are trying to get her away....
Other HB 7: I have to go find my friends now (tipsy)
Me: I hear ya.... let me get your number before you go.. (pull out my cell)
Her: xxx-xxx-xxxx
Me: nice... I'll give you a call soon (kiss her on the cheek and hug her)
She pauses a second and looks at me smiling before leaving....
This girl was obviously very drunk. I ended up texting her that night saying it was nice meeting her but no response.
Bottom Line:
Numbers: 29
I may head to the mall later and try some day approaches..... we'll see.