Ok going to try and post a quick update here. This numbers game isn't easy let me tell you. The girl from Saturday is another flake.... at least I know this from the get go
Just to recap..... I was kinoing her a lot but she was pretty drunk... I ended up number closing and texting her that night saying it was nice meeting her (AFC move but its worked on others well if you've been keeping up with my approaches)
Anyway yesterday I call her around 5pm no answer. I decide I will call back at night 1 more time and leave a message. To my surprise she answered
Me: Hey its Jayer we met on Saturday night...
Her: (kinda low key while surprised) oh hey...
Me: You surprised I called lol..
Her: yeah kinda
Me: that's cool.... so what are you doing?
Her: I'm watching a movie can I call you back
Me: sure no problem
No call back...........
I texted her today "I thought you were a nice girl
No response.
I then sent her some stupid text message forwards of cartoon characters screwing each other and a man sucking his own scholong that I got sent from my friends.
lol whatever wrong move but BB if they are going to flake they are going to flake..... especially from the get go like this....
Ok but anyways back to the girl I went out with on Sunday and watched football. I texted her yesterday saying "hope you are having a good day at school"
A few hours later she responded "aww thank you
Then she sent another text a few minutes later "i hope you are having a good day at work
thats about it
I sent the same thing to the 7.5 arab plate that works all the time as she just started school.
She responded pretty quick
"I was late for my 1st class lol"
I responded "not a good start lol"
That was it...
The big city girl..... well I texted her yesterday saying something sarcastic... she responded back saying "markets are busy today ill call u later"
Well no phone call........
Today I texted her "I forgive you..."
She responded back pretty fast "thanks i need it..... today is rough"
We exchanged a few texts back and forth.. and I suggested we should go see cloverfield and she said it sounded cool
I called her before no answer so I left a message....
A few hours later she texts me back "yo"
I didn't respond so far....
These girls are so weird and so is this game....
still I play on....