Ok time for my update on these plates I'm spinning. But in addition I did 6 approaches over the weekend!
I'll post the results of that after the plate recap..... I honestly can't believe how far I've come.... the biggest thing I can say is that I'm really starting to lose my approach anxiety when in a social setting.... I don't think it will ever be gone completely as I've heard even the greatest and notorious PUAS still get nervous. The key is using that energy in a positive manner. Now I still have a lot of approaches to go.. so I don't want to pat myself on the back too much but really say Thank You to everyone who has read and commented on this thread. That goes for both positive and negative comments.... This journal has been more effective than I thought in my transformation. A transformation which still has a ways to go... but I have to say I'm feeling good right now.....
So lets start with the super fast record close girl... the one who never responded to me on Friday. Well Saturday for the heck of it I texted her "Hey I'm going to be near you with my cousin, you should bring a friend out and we could all grab coffee"
She responds a little later "Thats a possibility, but now I'm going to take a nap lol"
Well she never responded...... so a little later I was out I decided to ring her phone... but no answer....
Interestingly enough she
texts me a few minutes later saying "Hey I'm eating out, what's up"
Well I responded "I'm on my way out clubbing with my cousin, what are you doing tomorrow"
No response.....
So that night I went out sarging as I mentioned... I had some drinks as usual.... and I decided to text the girl the same thing i have texted the others when they start to flake
"just because you're beautiful... doesn't mean you can't respond to my question lol"
She responds pretty fast....
"what... what do u mean what question, I didnt get anything"
I text back "I asked what u were doing tomorrow lol"
She responds back "its sunday so just watching football game lol"
I respond back "are you going to the game lol" No response.....
but the next morning she responded "no way I'm just watching it on tv lol"
I texted back a little later "good games eh"
No response
I tried calling her.... but no answer as usual....
At this point I decided this girl was nexted.....
But what's funny is today I get a random text from her "Hey what's up"
I respond back "I'm at work.... did you like that football game

she responds back "of course... what kind of question is that lol"
I haven't responded and don't intend to...
Ok now for the HB 8 that lives out of state.... Well Saturday we were supposed to go out...... I call in the afternoon and I can tell she was on the other line and she didn't pick up.....
She does however call me back like 10 minutes later
She said she was on the phone with someone else and that she woke up today really sick. Maybe it was an excuse.... but I actually believe her cause her voice sounded pretty bad.... I told her don't worry.... we can hang out another time. She said she feels bad we have to keep posponing and offered up tomorrow. She said she'd call me.... and we hung up shortly after. I texted her saying to just get rest this weekend and we could hang out during the week. She said that was cool.
I texted her yesterday to see how she's feeling and she responded back "a little btter thanks, did you have have fun last night" I texted her back saying I did and she asked where I went.....
I haven't reached out to her today... I think she is going back to school soon though so I don't know....
Ok so the HB 7.5 that works a lot...... I called her on saturday... no answer as usual.... I texted her saying we should get coffee or in her case tea... She responded back
"you are going to think im nuts but i dont like tea either...."
Then she responded back a few minutes later "hot chocolate lol..."
I respond back a little later "that works....."
Well believe it or not.... she actually ends up calling me later that night.... we talk for a few minutes.... but since I'm on my way out sarging... I tell her I'll call her tomorrow. I say we should get hot chocolate and she says thats cool.
Well the next day which was yesterday... I call around the afternoon and she picks up.... now honestly I'm very tired from the night before and I really didn't feel liek going out. We talk for a few minutes and when I'm about to ask her about meeting up she says "hey can I call you back" I can tell she was getting another call but I told her thats fine.....
Well she calls me back like an hour later saying "hey I'm at the gym with my friend.... I just wanted to call u back since I said I would... I'll be out in a few hours" I tell her to just call me when she gets out...
I then send a text a little later "hey ask your friend if she wants to come out and get hot chocolate too...."
She responds "she can't.... she's going into work and since she drove me I have to go with her"
I respond "you're going to your friends job?? what are you going to do there"
She responds "she works at her boyfriend's restaurant.. I'll just eat and hang out..."
I respond a while later "oh ok.. well it would be nice to see you in person soon"
She responds "I'm in xxxxtown.. you can always come here if you want"
I respond "I'm actually pretty tired, I wish you told me earlier... lets definitely plan something for this week"
She responds back "k will do"
That was that....